Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Sanity, Rationality, Reality, Possibility

30 June 2008
Yes a very obtuse thread title. I just wanted to explore some of the questions around ideas that seem to taking hold of peoples minds and which sometimes become part of our wider belief systems.

I just emerged from an Alice in Wonderland Journey through a few of the themes and memes that are part of You tube/the internet. In no particular order these included

1) Michele Obama is in fact a man or transgender.
2) We definitely have a flat earth
3) Black Goo is a live demonic phenomenon threatening to take over the world
4) The Illluminati are everywhere

What does it do to our heads when these ideas are constructed and promoted Michelle Obama Is A MAN!!(PROOF) PT.2/2 Black Goo: Most Mysterious Substance is a DEMONIC, Living, Integillent Liquid Crystal. Illuminati's Black Goo Gold Project-Programmable Matter DISNEY FROZEN ILLUMINATI SEXUAL SUBLIMINAL PERVERTED PROGRAMMING ILLUMINATI PLANS 2016 - To Kill Billion People ( NEW WORLD ORDER ) Flat Earth Answers - Proofs and Truths (Full Documentary)
The interwebz offers everyone a soap box, regardless of their mental state.
The owners of e.g. youtube don't care where their money comes from, as long as people click on links.
Furthermore, once a moron's ideas gather enough hits to make it into mainstream media, their popularity goes through the roof and they find enough fellow morons that sign up.
How else can you explain Donald Trump or the $100 Million Kentucky Ark.

When only Speakers' Corner in Hyde Park had soap boxes, it was much harder for a crackpot to find a world-wide audience. You either had to be a politician with control over the national media, or find a rich sponsor that backed you for the heck of it.
What's yours Sifu?

It varies, at the moment, after a Damascus Road epiphany, it is the efficacy of the self adjusting palmar angle shoe for a number of equine pathologies. (Its on yoootooob too)
One of the conversations at the moment is the development of super computers that can learn and apply new information with minimal human direction. It's part of the discussion around the development of machine intelligence that quickly outstrips human capacity to control its direction.

So I was wondering... If for arguments sake such a computer was let lose on you tube and internet as a whole and essentially hoovered up the wild and wacky on line world what would it "think " ? How would it structure it's world ?

Have a look at what super computer "Watson" is doing.

And something completely different. This is exceptionally hairy stuff on the development of the self development of neural networks in computers ...
One of the conversations at the moment is the development of super computers that can learn and apply new information with minimal human direction. It's part of the discussion around the development of machine intelligence that quickly outstrips human capacity to control its direction.

So I was wondering... If for arguments sake such a computer was let lose on you tube and internet as a whole and essentially hoovered up the wild and wacky on line world what would it "think " ? How would it structure it's world ?

Have a look at what super computer "Watson" is doing.

And something completely different. This is exceptionally hairy stuff on the development of the self development of neural networks in computers ...

Computers only act according to their programming and so far humans have to do that.

When they start programming themselves do they start thinking ? Not if the instructions to reprogram themselves was a part of their original program.
It varies, at the moment, after a Damascus Road epiphany, it is the efficacy of the self adjusting palmar angle shoe for a number of equine pathologies. (Its on yoootooob too)

Saw a youtube... wow. That's a lot of skills at work shoeing a horse Sifu. Amazing how easy it looks when a pro does it.

I think it might not be the horse that have any pathologies.. maybe they don't walk right because there's a bunch of nails stuck to their feet :D

So how does the self adjusting shoe work? Air/gel cushion between the toes and steel?
One of the conversations at the moment is the development of super computers that can learn and apply new information with minimal human direction. It's part of the discussion around the development of machine intelligence that quickly outstrips human capacity to control its direction.

So I was wondering... If for arguments sake such a computer was let lose on you tube and internet as a whole and essentially hoovered up the wild and wacky on line world what would it "think " ? How would it structure it's world ?

Have a look at what super computer "Watson" is doing.

And something completely different. This is exceptionally hairy stuff on the development of the self development of neural networks in computers ...

Google's computer is already doing some freaky stuff with our privacy.

I've had these ads following me and one of them is a free grammar checker. I thought it's just coincidental at first but maybe they've been scanning my posts :D
Saw a youtube... wow. That's a lot of skills at work shoeing a horse Sifu. Amazing how easy it looks when a pro does it.

I think it might not be the horse that have any pathologies.. maybe they don't walk right because there's a bunch of nails stuck to their feet :D

So how does the self adjusting shoe work? Air/gel cushion between the toes and steel?

Interesting you mention nails in this particular thread Grasshopper, as there is a sizeable ferrophobic community which assigns a number of impossible physiological phenomena to horseshoes/nails, including the diminution of perfusion, sensation and proprioception via the promulgation of pseudoscience. Plenty of yootoobs on that too.

It is not fully understood why SAPAR works, what is understood is complicated. I have a hypothesis which needs some funding to test, it might fill some of the gaps... You up for a few million? ;)
Interesting you mention nails in this particular thread Grasshopper, as there is a sizeable ferrophobic community which assigns a number of impossible physiological phenomena to horseshoes/nails, including the diminution of perfusion, sensation and proprioception via the promulgation of pseudoscience. Plenty of yootoobs on that too.

It is not fully understood why SAPAR works, what is understood is complicated. I have a hypothesis which needs some funding to test, it might fill some of the gaps... You up for a few million? ;)

You really got to dumb things down Sifu. One or two syllables only, maximum three - and that's only intermittently between a seas of ones and twos :D

Yea, I wish I have a couple millions. Knocking on wrong tin shed Sifu. But Gerry is next door and Gail is down the lane - those two seem to like horses a fair bit.

It's good to know that entrepreneurship is alive and only two million short in the country.
Computers only act according to their programming and so far humans have to do that.

When they start programming themselves do they start thinking ? Not if the instructions to reprogram themselves was a part of their original program.

The Terminator Cyberdyne Systems Model 101 Series 800 The Skynet Funding Bill is passed. The system goes on-line August 4th, 1997. Human decisions are removed from strategic defense. Skynet begins to learn at a geometric rate. It becomes self-aware at 2:14 a.m. Eastern time, August 29th. In a panic, they try to pull the plug.

Sarah Connor: Skynet fights back.

You are too late ... your profile internet life is in a databank in Mark Zuckerberg's algorithms selling to the highest bidder or ASIO and Echelon has recorded you since 1999 in Australia.
Artificial Intelligence: Computers become exponentially better in understanding the world. This year, a computer beat the best Go player in the world, 10 years earlier than expected. In the US, young lawyers already don't get jobs. Because of IBM Watson, you can get legal advice (so far for more or less basic stuff) within seconds, with 90% accuracy compared with 70% accuracy when done by humans. So if you study law, stop immediately. There will be 90% fewer lawyers in the future, only specialists will remain. Watson already helps nurses diagnosing cancer, 4 time more accurate than human nurses.

Facebook now has a pattern recognition software that can recognize faces better than humans. Facebook is also tracking what you do in a way that will surprise you. Worse, they're taking information you may not even be aware of, then using it to sell targeted ads to various companies. Before you shrug it off, here's what's going on with what the online ad industry calls, "behavioural advertising tracking and targeting."

By 2030, computers will become more intelligent than humans.
By 2030, computers will become more intelligent than humans.

It may be just semantics but computers have to be programmed by humans, so computers cannot be more intelligent than the humans who program them.

Faster at analysis, yes. Devoid of emotion, yes. Capable of original thought, no.

Unless a computer comes up with a modern equivalent of E=mc^2, they will just be automatons.
It may be just semantics but computers have to be programmed by humans, so computers cannot be more intelligent than the humans who program them.

Faster at analysis, yes. Devoid of emotion, yes. Capable of original thought, no.

Unless a computer comes up with a modern equivalent of E=mc^2, they will just be automatons.

Only the beginning ...

The technology behind Lai’s new machine is a neural network. This is a way of processing information inspired by the human brain. It consists of several layers of nodes that are connected in a way that change as the system is trained. This training process uses lots of examples to fine-tune the connections so that the network produces a specific output given a certain input, to recognize the presence of face in a picture, for example.
In the last few years, neural networks have become hugely powerful thanks to two advances. The first is a better understanding of how to fine-tune these networks as they learn, thanks in part to much faster computers. The second is the availability of massive annotated datasets to train the networks.
That has allowed computer scientists to train much bigger networks organized into many layers. These so-called deep neural networks have become hugely powerful and now routinely outperform humans in pattern recognition tasks such as face recognition and handwriting recognition.
It may be just semantics but computers have to be programmed by humans, so computers cannot be more intelligent than the humans who program them.

Faster at analysis, yes. Devoid of emotion, yes. Capable of original thought, no.

Unless a computer comes up with a modern equivalent of E=mc^2, they will just be automatons.

Emotions are created by thoughts. Thoughts (imagery, words, meaning etc) are the output of electrical firing in collections of nerve cells. So I think emotions will be relatively easy for programmers to accomplish. But spontaneity/originality... could be much harder, because that implies some sort of direct connection with life itself.

We evolved from single cell organisms. Consider that, and it's not a stretch at all to think that robots could take over once they reach a critical intelligence.