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Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

  • Yes

    Votes: 77 55.8%
  • No

    Votes: 61 44.2%

  • Total voters
Nice try. But no, the more likely cause is the observed pattern of left-wing thuggery from the 'Yes' [or else] campaign.

The term 'angry' defines these people. They have no respect for the democratic process.

There was no outrage by the yes side when the AFL took the yes sign down, but we saw countless levels of anger from the no side when the sign went up. This is quite a ridiculous notion to suggest the yes side were behind the threats.
There was no outrage by the yes side when the AFL took the yes sign down, but we saw countless levels of anger from the no side when the sign went up. This is quite a ridiculous notion to suggest the yes side were behind the threats.
Has the 'No' side sacked anyone. Has the 'No' side head-butted anyone? Has the 'No' side intimidated anyone at a public rally?

The 'Yes' side activists are behind the attempted intimidation, and more. To the detriment of the genuine LGBTIA community.. Who the ringleaders are just using.

Gays & lesbians - you're just dates for the Prom.

The country is divided in two on this issue. There is violence and anti-social behaviour on both sides of the debate. It is ridiculous to say 'a NO voter wouldn't do that'. You are vouching for somewhere around half the population of the country.

No Junior,
I'm telling it like it is. The violent and anti-social behaviour and intimidation - is coming from one side only, the 'Yes' campaign thugs.

Vote for same sex marriage - or else! That's their idea of democracy!

A Victorian church refused to marry a young couple and cancelled their wedding plans because the bride-to-be expressed support for same-sex marriage on Facebook.
Of course churches get a free pass to discriminate so this all above board.....

Former prime minister Kevin Rudd's godson has allegedly been attacked and verbally abused after attempting to stop a man removing banners supporting the "yes" vote in the same-sex marriage survey.

Stop trying to take the moral high ground, there are shitty humans on both sides of the spectrum.
Has the 'No' side sacked anyone. Has the 'No' side head-butted anyone? Has the 'No' side intimidated anyone at a public rally?

Well yes I think so, because gays and lesbians have faced sackings, violence, rejection and all sorts of things for years, and they still happen, Now I don't think the people who have done this have all of a sudden decided to be part of the Yes camp, they would be No voters.

Of course its not all no voters that do it, but neither is it all yes voters, as overhang said, shitty people on both sides.

I am ignoring that, and focusing on the question. Its not right for me to deny gays the right to marriage.
you supply no links to your spurious claims, no surprise. At least the grub who head-butted Tony Abbott has been taken into custody. Head-butting people, that's the way to win an argument. Let's see you refute this Underhang
you supply no links to your spurious claims, no surprise. At least the grub who head-butted Tony Abbott has been taken into custody. Head-butting people, that's the way to win an argument. Let's see you refute this Underhang
Here are your links

My intention isn't to refute the story or defended the thugs actions but just to point out that your No side doesn't have clean hands in this debate either. A bit more respect by both sides would go a long way.
Duly noted Overhang and Junior.
Like most in here, I know plenty of gays & lesbians, and I would never want them to feel second-best. As I'm sure many of the the LGBTIA community do feel, sadly.

I say this only to the SSM lobby, don't let yourselves be infiltrated by left-wing opportunists, whose agenda is wider than yours.
My annoyance is with the whole process. Parliament overall has abnegated responsibility. It's there to govern and pass legislation for the public good but, nup, a rubbish survey will suffice.
Ding ding.

That's the problem, and why my intrinsic yes is a no... the wider agenda.

If people were actually aware of it this would go down in a landslide.

Like you mate, it grieves me that real people are affected.
Well......the headbutt guy has spoken. Nothing to do with SSM he says:

"It was nothing really remotely to do with that. It's just about Tony Abbott – the f---ing worm that he is," Mr Labe told the Hobart Mercury.

"All it was is I saw Tony Abbott and I'd had half a skinful and I wanted to nut the c---."
You can do better than that Junior.

Huh? I haven't done anything. I copied and pasted from a news article.

This was nothing to do with the Yes campaign, I'm not a campaigner, I'm a lone anarchist that felt the need to headbutt Tony Abbott because I didn't think it was an opportunity I'd get again.
So d'head funknukl (name tells a lot) was upset at Mr. Rabbit because of his NO to homosexual marriage stance. Now d'head funknukl wants to distance the incident from SSM debate. D'head funknukl should be incarcerated and bullied by some young tough inmates. Gutless prick.
That might give hate-fornication, a greater depth of meaning! One can but hope!
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