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Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

  • Yes

    Votes: 77 55.8%
  • No

    Votes: 61 44.2%

  • Total voters
I'm surprised by how many women are No voters.

You might also be surprised to know that a lot of people will do or say things to avoid any hint of interpersonal conflict. 5 minutes later, someone wearing a rainbow scarf is asking them the same question and they find themselves saying 'yes'. What's worse, they will then backwards rationalize some ridiculous reason for the change in mind. The avoidance of disapproval drives almost all human behaviour (invisibly).
Staff were around a BBQ with lots of discussion!
The rest were Phone or one on one.
I don't think anyone cares if they offend me.
They aren't surprised at my no vote.
Although my P/A who is a real girly girl and a tree
hugger couldn't fathom ANYONE saying no.

Personally I think its more polarized than we think.

I agree there are a lot of spineless people existing out there.
Going with the flow of (In their mind) least resistance.
They aren't surprised at my no vote.

Thats my point, if they already feel like you are a No, they may be just saying they also think No, for some other reason, e.g. you employ them, they don't want an argument, they don't want to go against the group etc etc
ABC has everything else on twatter except Tony Abbott attack.
The ABC are giving the attack a lot of airtime yet I heard nothing from them when Kevin Rudds godson was punched in the face by a no voter, heard nothing about AFL headquarters having to evacuate their officers after receiving threats less than 24 hours after installing a Yes logo.
Human's have a tendency to conform to group think, thats why I don't think your chat around the BBQ was a valid assessment, check out this short video experiment, and it doesn't have to be just "going with the group" it also happens via "going with the dominant person in the group".

You may be surrounded by yes men tech.

Marriage is a religious thing by nature. Don't know why certain groups want to hijack the idea.
Marriage is a religious thing.

Nope, it predates pretty much any religion you can think of, and is across pretty much all cultures.

I think you will find it was religions that hijacked marriage, marriage is an important Human thing, that religions hijack to try and control the humans.
not so. J C was the one to firmly establish the idea - one man, one woman only. which revolutionized the world. and that is the marriage which aus has been built on
not so. J C was the one to firmly establish the idea - one man, one woman only. which revolutionized the world. and that is the marriage which aus has been built on

two points,

Marriage existed before "JC", hence why there is marriage in the bible part 1, when the "JC" character didn't enter until part 2.

Secondly, "Religious marriage" isn't what we are talking about, we are talking about legal recognition under Australian Law, you can do what ever silly religious marriage you want, and it doesn't mean anything legally until the government recognises it.

There is no difference between having a priest do the service or an Elvis impersonator, So yeah, its not about religion at all.
A phirric victory for the yes campaign. they may win but they will have caused immense damage to Australians goodwill towards gay marriage.
I've gone from yes, to not putting my vote in.
Knobby, you must act in accordance with your own conscience!

Who do I feel most sorry for? It's the genuine LBTQIA community out there - I little doubt that they are respected in their local communities. But their quest for acceptance is actively being undermined by a few inner-city based thuggish idiots.
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Because they took the 'Yes' logo down

Hope so I pay a lot for Yes's
But most are No men!

So the Gay community wont be marrying in churches then.
If so why not just have a commitment ceremony?
Possible but unlikely given it wasn't exactly news that it was changed back. More likely one of the many angry individuals from the no camp has called the threat in.
Nice try. But no, the more likely cause is the observed pattern of left-wing thuggery from the 'Yes' [or else] campaign.

The term 'angry' defines these people. They have no respect for the democratic process.
So the Gay community wont be marrying in churches then.
If so why not just have a commitment ceremony?

I grew up and reside in inner suburban Melbourne. I'm mid-30s, most of my friends have been married in the past 6-7 years (maybe 20 weddings which I attended), more than 90% were not in a church and had no religion involved at all. Most of these people were from Anglican background & attended Anglican private schools, and had no interest in being married by a priest in a church. Some were of Jewish or Catholic background, again, no church for >90%.
So the Gay community wont be marrying in churches then.

Its up to them, whether they choose a minister in church, an Elvis impersonator or some other wedding type at the park or the beach, but none of them will be legal without the government paper work being filed.

If so why not just have a commitment ceremony?

Why do religious people file paper work with the government, why isn't their religious wedding enough? Why no just be happy with the church service?

The truth of the matter is even the religious people still want their marriage recognised by the government, and probably wouldn't actually feel married without the government recognition, so its not a religious thing.
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