Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Sabre Rattling - Iran


9 July 2004
Iraq and Afghanistan was one thing. Iran is quite another.

I find the current sabre rattling over Iran disturbing in the extreme. The results of tangling with them will have far wider ramifications than just the price of oil. A wider conflict would be almost certain...and dare I say possibility of escalation into a nuclear conflagration? It's a risk not worth taking IMO.

I'm worried about this one folks.

The rumor is that Iran will carry out a nuclear experiment in March...
Published: 1/29/2006

Teheran is getting ready to counter a “preemptive strike” by USA and Israel. The Air Force Command of the Revolutionary Guard has ordered its Shahap-3 Missile Units to keep their mobile missile ramps in motion in preparation for such an attack. Responding to this order, in darkness of the night the primary missile ramps have been moved to Kirmanshah and Hamedan, and the reserve ramps to Isfahan and Fars regions.

The above actions are the basis for the efforts of the USA to attract Russia and China, as well as Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Egypt to its side, and for commenting that a military intervention is always on the table. These actions are also the basis for Israel’s overt preparation for a possible offensive action and for making authoritative announcements that it “will not permit Iran” to proceed with its nuclear plans. Suddenly, all these activities have created a renewed global atmosphere of war. They are spreading anxiety and paranoia.

Israel is the only nuclear power in the Middle East. It has never accepted any international agreement on nuclear weapons, and has never allowed inspections of its nuclear facilities. Yet, it is aggressively beating the war drums as if Iran is the country involved in nuclear development in the area. What kind of innocence is this?

Attacks to selected centers in Iran are foreseen to take place sometime in March-June................................
Yep this is going to happen , Why the U.S. & Isreal & most of Europe will not let the mad dopes in iran get this power .
Feel sorry for the younger generation in Iran that would just love the freedom we enjoy.
Religion is the hope & poison of the masses !.
Good night
The conditioning process is underway folks.,10117,17992758-23109,00.html

Iran nukes answer 'not good enough'
From: Agence France-Presse
From correspondents in London

January 31, 2006

IRAN'S response to diplomatic efforts to reach a compromise over its nuclear program is not good enough, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said today ahead of a crunch meeting of key powers here.
Threatened with referral to the UN Security Council, Iran is calling for more time for negotiation, but Ms Rice said Tehran had shown its true face since already being given extra time in September.

She said the Iranians "responded by breaking their moratorium (on uranium enrichment), ending negotiations and breaking the seals on the equipment so that they could enrich and reprocess".
maybe the scenario is being orchestrated by a country whose currency will collapse when the iranian oil bourse commences in march 06
I really don't think nuclear war will happen. Iran is smarter then that. They know if they did the US would consider them a threat and would level the country without hesitation.
US prepares military blitz against Iran's nuclear sites
By Philip Sherwell in Washington
(Filed: 12/02/2006)

Strategists at the Pentagon are drawing up plans for devastating bombing raids backed by submarine-launched ballistic missile attacks against Iran's nuclear sites as a "last resort" to block Teheran's efforts to develop an atomic bomb.

Central Command and Strategic Command planners are identifying targets, assessing weapon-loads and working on logistics for an operation, the Sunday Telegraph has learnt.

They are reporting to the office of Donald Rumsfeld, the defence secretary, as America updates plans for action if the diplomatic offensive fails to thwart the Islamic republic's nuclear bomb ambitions. Teheran claims

Usual crock media build up.

the only one waging this war.. yet again is the media to livin up the headlines.

Iran probably has a fire cracker to it's name. the US can probably deploy a penny farning. lol

wackoo. who gives a rats as long as gold and oil keep climbing.
crackaton said:
Usual crock media build up.

the only one waging this war.. yet again is the media to livin up the headlines.

Iran probably has a fire cracker to it's name. the US can probably deploy a penny farning. lol

wackoo. who gives a rats as long as gold and oil keep climbing.

Obviously not you, which leave me wondering why you responded. Perhaps you are one of those head in the sand types who prefer denial to conciousness, hmmm?

Whats a penny farning?

I've heard of a penny farthing, but thats a bike. LOL
This is a huge worry.
Israel must also be drawing up plans to stop the dopes who have controlled Iran through the manipulation of religion. :sheep:

Tehrans so called leaders may well destroy Iran.
Lets hope there are those strong enough to topple the crapheads now in control.

wayneL said:
Strategists at the Pentagon are drawing up plans for devastating bombing raids backed by submarine-launched ballistic missile attacks against Iran's nuclear sites as a "last resort" to block Teheran's efforts to develop an atomic bomb.

The Americans love telling the world what to do don't they? As a great defense Iran should paint large messages on these sites (i.e. "you don't own the world America") as the Americans love showing footage of the sites they blow up. Usually this consists of an average building being blown to bits by a x.x million dollar missile when 2 bobcats could of done the same thing.

This would help highlight their message in a inexpensive way on a global scale.

When I last looked at an atlas I thought the lines highlighting the USA border meant they could control what's on the inside, not the outside.

Guess I must have read it wrong :eek:
Dan_ said:
The Americans love telling the world what to do don't they? As a great defense Iran should paint large messages on these sites (i.e. "you don't own the world America") as the Americans love showing footage of the sites they blow up. Usually this consists of an average building being blown to bits by a x.x million dollar missile when 2 bobcats could of done the same thing.

This would help highlight their message in a inexpensive way on a global scale.

When I last looked at an atlas I thought the lines highlighting the USA border meant they could control what's on the inside, not the outside.

Guess I must have read it wrong :eek:
Gee dan,
This is deep stuff, tell us more of whats happening ?? :confused:
bobcats & tomcats ? What about the new stuff slippercats! .
yep them slippercats are cool, there got more skins for penetration!.
At least 4 skins!.

Have fun Bob.

The Americans love telling the world what to do don't they? As a great defense Iran should paint large messages on these sites (i.e. "you don't own the world America") as the Americans love showing footage of the sites they blow up. Usually this consists of an average building being blown to bits by a x.x million dollar missile when 2 bobcats could of done the same thing.

You`ve got me here. Is that 2 bobcats as in wild cats that live in America or bobcats that are used for earth removal?

Tomcats are fighter aircraft. So maybe a b2 stealth bomber would be more effective.

Actually, I hear Iran and North Korea telling everyone what to do.
I meant is an in the earth moving kind, however my rant got slightly off topic.

I guess I just don't understand why America threatens Korea over their nuclear program when the USA has then own?

All that funding could be used for such better purposes :2twocents
Dan_ said:
I meant is an in the earth moving kind, however my rant got slightly off topic.

I guess I just don't understand why America threatens Korea over their nuclear program when the USA has then own?

All that funding could be used for such better purposes :2twocents

Research the nuclear black market and then ponder why America is doing what it is doing.
I heard a so called expert on ABC this morning saying that nothing has changed and that Iran is keeping to the deal, and Trump is grandstanding.

Who knows ?
I heard a so called expert on ABC this morning saying that nothing has changed and that Iran is keeping to the deal, and Trump is grandstanding.

Who knows ?

Hmmm, but maybe they've just mothballed all the nuclear weapon advancements. One of my uncles kept all his old clothes from when he was in his 20s. Then 50 years later he contracted cancer, lost a lot of weight, and yes, his clothes fitted him again. Quite pleased with that he was...