The only thing on offer is "buy them, they're so cheap", but I guess Joe will give me a ramping ticket if I don't back up my analysis...
Sorry dude, it's a taste thing I have, something to do with quality. Having seen manufactured product so many times over the years, it has become very tiresome and predictable. Possibly one day after all the energy expended in turning them into pop stars, they might even clone and cultivate some originality and artistic endeavour themselves. (IE Short skirts do not equal great music for me...)
Amazing isn't it that what could be done in a studio years ago is so easy to do live now.
Furthermore, this 'band' just goes to show how true the saying is "It's not what you do, it's how you look when you are doing it."
As for "All the Australian Idol contestants should take notes. Thats how it is done." Maybe if you want to become a former pop star like Messers Holden and Hine, trying to vicariously resurrect a career in celebrity by appearing on a show about what they were an "expert" on a number of years ago, when Australia had a population of 14 million, and we were still removing the last vestiges of a class ruled system while trying to create a home grown music industry...
In other words, thank goodness they're not playing near my house because I can turn them off.
Yes, I am not a rougue traders fan...