Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Road Safety Remuneration Tribunal

Tisma, are you a former labor party member, unionist or former member or a union? You seem to always take the labor party side in every single argument, really pushing your views you're doing this fulltime or something. Maybe you and Sir.R are actually little labor party moles sent to chat rooms to persuade people to think the labor way? Maybe Rudd picked this idea up from the Chinese?:rolleyes:

How dare you sir to make such an insinuation. It's typical of those on the Right to make ad hominem allegations when their arguments run dry.

There is plenty of evidence around that show a link between poor pay for truck drivers and poor standards of road safety. Maybe you would like to read it sometime.

I don't know enough of the RSRT to say whether that type of system is the best solution to the problem. But it irks me that people try and justify a race to the bottom in standards as somehow being noble or a great advertisement for free enterprise.

People getting into debt buying rigs and then being thrown to the sharks who will pay them the least they can get away with knowing that if they won't do it then someone else will is not the way to run any sort of business that involves operating lethal weapons on the roads.
Tisma, are you a former labor party member, unionist or former member or a union? You seem to always take the labor party side in every single argument, really pushing your views you're doing this fulltime or something. Maybe you and Sir.R are actually little labor party moles sent to chat rooms to persuade people to think the labor way? Maybe Rudd picked this idea up from the Chinese?:rolleyes:

I don't think so CanOz, but I'm flattered you are baffled as to my political and social allegiances. This is a common misconception of observers who have a binary addiction to polar comforts.

In the old days when people had an analogue mind there was notions of civic responsibility, social cohesion, charity, generosity, common decency, etc. ; a quaint idea of a civilisation, of synergy, of common purpose and people actually fought for those ideals as selfish as that may sound.

Back in the day smartarses like HG Well could see where we were headed and thus the foretelling of the "Eloi" who are fed and kept as healthy livestock, blissfully unaware they were grist for the mill as it were. Today those Eloi are those that confuse social civics with some kind of evil political branding and are happy to suckle at the teat that gives their social dogma comfort : ergo Labor for the those not inclined to social standing and wealth creation and Liberal for those who like the the idea being better in their own mind's eye than the Labor wretches.:D

For the last time I am not a Labor, Liberal, Green or Union mole. I think for myself....I recommend it to those who have the balls.
I don't think so CanOz, but I'm flattered you are baffled as to my political and social allegiances. This is a common misconception of observers who have a binary addiction to polar comforts.

In the old days when people had an analogue mind there was notions of civic responsibility, social cohesion, charity, generosity, common decency, etc. ; a quaint idea of a civilisation, of synergy, of common purpose and people actually fought for those ideals as selfish as that may sound.

Back in the day smartarses like HG Well could see where we were headed and thus the foretelling of the "Eloi" who are fed and kept as healthy livestock, blissfully unaware they were grist for the mill as it were. Today those Eloi are those that confuse social civics with some kind of evil political branding and are happy to suckle at the teat that gives their social dogma comfort : ergo Labor for the those not inclined to social standing and wealth creation and Liberal for those who like the the idea being better in their own mind's eye than the Labor wretches.:D

For the last time I am not a Labor, Liberal, Green or Union mole. I think for myself....I recommend it to those who have the balls.

Two in a row! Mr Hyde still off? :D
Two in a row! Mr Hyde still off? :D

Yeah I figured if I ever write a book of my extraordinary life, I should have some gravitas posts to make me seem less shallow than I really am. :D

Like I really give a flying f4ck what people think of me and I think of them.:cool: