Re: SLT - Select Vaccines
This information posted by Treasure hunter on hc..
but is a good run down of the players involved...
Macliver, Ian Mr. Ian Alexander Macliver is Non-Executive Independent Chairman of the Board of Select Vaccines Limited. Ian Macliver is Managing Director of corporate advisory firm Grange Consulting Group Pty Ltd and is also the Executive Chairman of Max Capital, the securities arm of Grange. Prior to establishing Grange, Ian held general manager or executive director positions over nine years for various listed and corporate advisory companies. His experience covers all areas of corporate activity including capital raisings, acquisitions, divestments, takeovers, business and strategic planning, debt and equity reconstructions, operating projects and financial reviews and valuations. Ian is currently a director and/or chairman of a number of ASX listed companies including Mount Gibson Iron Ltd, Stratatel Ltd, Port Bouvard Ltd, Otto Energy Ltd and Empire Beer Group Ltd
Titchener, Mark Mr. Mark Titchener is Non-Executive Independent Director of Select Vaccines Ltd. Mark Titchener is a sophisticated investor specialising in investment strategies for early stage resource projects. Over the past 10 years he has participated in and advised on a number of listed and unlisted corporate transactions including capital raisings, reverse takeovers, restructures, seed investments and IPOs. Mark sits on a number of unlisted resource project boards as both a director and shareholder.
Warren, Philip Mr. Phil Warren is Non-Executive Independent Director of Select Vaccines Ltd. Phil Warren is a chartered accountant and a senior executive of corporate advisory firm Grange Consulting Group, and has over 15 years of experience in finance, accounting and corporate roles in Australia and Europe. Phil has specialised in due diligence, company valuations, acquisitions, capital raisings, debt financing and the financial management for a number of public and private companies. He has been responsible for a number of private and seed capital raisings as well as ASX listings and has acted as a director and company secretary of a number of ASX listed companies including as Executive Director of Uranio Limited (now Manhattan Corporation Ltd).