Oppose Dwarkins, you are pro molestation. Overplay your hand much? And Ruby, you claim atheism is not militant? Atheists in this thread have openly proposed eradicating "all of [religion]." Starting, it seems, with the peaceful ones it is safe to criticize, since they believe life is sacred and won't issue fatwahs. (I would love, LOVE to see Dawkins tackle certain other religions head on, publicly. Danish cartoonists anyone?)
No comments from these Dwarkinites, ever, about female genital mutilation or stoning women to death or hanging homosexuals in the streets of Iran. Nor of a desire to take over the world by actual violent conquest. Not a peep. (Or better yet they say elmininating Christianity, an opponent to all this, is the solution...?)
Atlas, you don't know who on this thread is an athiest; and the most militant person on it has been you. (I suppose I can safely assume you are not an atheist?)
As for female genital mutilation, etc, etc.... no of course it has not been mentioned because it has nothing to do with this thread.
You really are most dreadfully confused.