We are of a same mind, I haven't sold anything and am buying more, are you still sticking to the LIC's and ETF's
Or have you decided to punt on some individual stocks, with the current wreckage.
I stick to LICs and ETFs. I don't know anything about individual shares and have zero ability in that regard.
I cannot do any further purchases until VAS and VGS pake a distribution late next month.
I fully expect these distribution levels won't be repeated for quite a while and that also applies to the LICs I hold. I notice SOL will give me some dosh in May so that will be handy.
Done a "What if" assuming an income reduction of 60% and worked out at that level I'll be OK. That takes into account a reduction in the account-based pension as I am sure you know if $1.6m goes to $0.8m so does the amount of minimum draw down. However, there is also a bloody big swag in accumulation phase and if push comes to shove I can take a tax free lump sum (make sure you check your Trust Deed to ensure this is permitted as some Deeds only allow payment of a pension) which I will do if necessary.
Many, many people both retirees and others are going to be seriously hurt financially including those who are primarily invested in property. Have already seen one family near me who is on the edge. Over committed and using home as a credit card for toys and holidays which comes with Keeping up with the Jones'. Both out of work now. I feel they won't survive. When I have seen them they are looking shattered.
Those of us who get through this in a reasonable but not flash position should expect an increase in taxes and other charges. It will have to be done I think and I for one won't be whining about it.