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Religion, Science, Scepticism, Philosophy and things metaphysical

Here is one report on the target rationale. Kyoto was proposed but rejected because one of the U.S. generals had been there on his honeymoon. FFS if these idiots used that sort of reasoning you have to wonder about their ability to make any sort of rational decision.

In addition to my last post, I should say that even in today's time many religious people see God in the same way as the OT. As an example, you would have seen on TV overseas some politicians warning about God's retribution, as a result of OT type moralities. I don't support all their views, but I'm just making the point to you that God is the same.
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So you think killing soldiers is ok,

I don't think killing anyone is ok but you have to have some rules.

Anyway this has been discussed before. The US was worried that Russia would move into Japan and they didn't want to leave anything for them so they got in first.
I don't think killing anyone is ok but you have to have some rules.


I agree, and my rule would be to limited the total number of deaths to the smallest number possible.

I don’t see soldiers as being any more expendable than anyone else involved in the war effort,

In fact I would probably rank our soldiers as being more “innocent” than a women on a production line making bombs for the aggressor nation.

But all that being said, my whole point is just the daily events of the war were devasting and their cumulative effect was greater than the nukes short term impact.

So the nukes “May” have been justified, noticed I said may, I have never claim they were justified just that they may have been

Certain places in Europe were off limits due to cultural and religious reasons also.

I couldn’t have seen them agreeing to bomb the Vatican for example.

Isn't it obvious. All of my comments that had extracts from the OT highlighted in bold those parts that described the rape of young virgins and the slaughter of innocents, particularly infants.
I think the problem here is you know very little about the Bible itself.

You were the one that asked for examples of rape in the bible and stated that God only slaughtered vile people?

Perhaps it is because I do know the Bible but approach it with the scepticism it deserves.

I just did a bit of math, comparing the nuclear weapons damage to that done by the daily/nightly conventional bombing campaign which had been going for 5 months,

Basically each Nuclear weapon did about as much damage as 2 weeks of conventional bombing.

So it was a lot of damage in a short period, but had the war not ended, an equal amount of damage would have been done soon afterwards.


Apparently Hiroshima’s civilian population not working for he war effort had been greatly reduced due to evacuations to the rural areas, so the “innocent” deaths would not have been as high as one would imagine.
You're really complicating this. The NT is based on the OT. If you read it, you will constantly see cross referencing back to the OT.

Yes, I am well aware of that. My point really concerned why Christians preferred not to talk about the OT but do not reject it out of hand. The reason for the former is because it has large sections where it describes a God who does vile things, but the latter is because the NT and the 'raison d'être' for Jesus depends upon it. So they are in a bind.

It's like a house of cards, with the supporting cards being the OT. Take away even one of the cards from the OT and the whole house collapses.
I just did a bit of math, comparing the nuclear weapons damage to that done by the daily/nightly conventional bombing campaign which had been going for 5 months,

The actual method of destruction is not the point. The point is the deliberate targeting of civilians. Obviously there are grey areas like munitions factories etc but there is evidence that some of the bombing was a "shock and awe" tactic that targeted civilians either for revenge or to break the will of the population.

Those tactics have legitimised targeting innocents and have been copied by militant terrorists who justify it by saying "the West started it in WW2".

As ye sow , so shall ye reap. Don't know if that is secular in origin or not, but it's true.

Weren't one of the ultimate target was chosen because the other city targeted was too cloudy?

I mean, how serious were the military target when it's cloudy so you go for a city nearby.
Weren't one of the ultimate target was chosen because the other city targeted was too cloudy?

I mean, how serious were the military target when it's cloudy so you go for a city nearby.

They didn’t just randomly pick Nagasaki on the fly, it would have all been preplanned, they would have primary and secondary targets.

In fact Nagasaki has been bombed 5 times in the conventional bombing missions.

As Sir Rump’s post suggested, they had lists of target cities they wanted to hit.

There can be all sorts of reasons a bomber can’t make it to a target, eg weather, enemy fighters, anti aircraft guns etc, so they pre plan multiple targets, there is no point in returning with a payload of bombs.

I remember watching a documentary about the bombers working over germany, even the fighters escorting the bombers didn’t want to return with ammo left over, so after the mission was done and the bombers headed home the fighters would hang around looking for targets to shoot up, flying along train tracks etc

Both Nagasaki and Hiroshima where towns important to the war effort, no military commander is going to waste a new powerful weapon on civilians.
Both Nagasaki and Hiroshima where towns important to the war effort, no military commander is going to waste a new powerful weapon on civilians.

Imperial Japan was at war so I'm pretty sure every city's industry is contributing to the war effort.

But the nukes would have been used either way. Too much money and effort have been put into it for it not to be used. And using it on Japan would force it to surrender quickly before Stalin managed to send his troops across Siberia and into Japan/Korea.

If Stalin managed to do that, the US would have to then divvy up Japan and Korea with the Soviets and that would ruin their entire post-war plan to contain Russia and China.

The dropping of the nukes have nothing, or very little, to do with saving the US troops. Japan at the time no longer have any floating carrier. Its fuel supplies and practically all imports have stopped. That kind of blockade would render its military/civilian army useless in a matter of weeks or months.

Once Stalin announced his intention to send the Soviets east, Japan will just surrender or face total destruction and having its islands annexed between two powers.

But yea, wars, the never ending story.
Hot off the press, from the February 2018 issue of Scientific American.....

Our Actions Don't Matter in a Cosmic Sense—But That Doesn't Mean They Don't Matter
Another pro securalism article that somehow fails to recognise that it has logically undermined its own logical basis for belief!
Will the entertainment never cease?!

How many more of these comedies are out there, just waiting for somebody to proudly post them?!

Since that article was heavily centred around criticism of Dr Craig, I have attached a video in which Dr Craig gets an opportunity to express some views, which call the reasoning, of many of his secularist critics, into question:
I agree, and my rule would be to limited the total number of deaths to the smallest number possible.

The trouble with that is that it is only your opinion of what is the "smallest number possible". What is your evidence that nuking two cities is the least possible damage ?

If the bombs were dropped over uninhabited but observable parts of the country Japan may still have surrendered and the war would be over with minimal deaths from the nukes. It would have been worth a try.
The trouble with that is that it is only your opinion of what is the "smallest number possible". What is your evidence that nuking two cities is the least possible damage ?


Of course it's my opinion, as I said right at the start of this conversation I don't know for sure, but the nukes May have been the moral option. I have never claimed that the were the moral option.

My whole point on objective morality is that in any given situation there is an objective moral action, however without knowing all the information it's not always possible to work out what that action is, but we should always do our best to work out what that correct moral action is, even though obviously die to lack of information we will sometimes be wrong.

As far as two people having different opinions on what is moral, its just like having a different opinion on how many jelly beans are in a jar, the opinions don't change the facts about jelly bean in the jar, the people are either right of wrong in their opinions.
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