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Religion, Science, Scepticism, Philosophy and things metaphysical

Do you truly believe all that you have said here?
Perhaps, I missed something as most of it was unbearable to read. So I have no evidence to the contrary.
What do you think it was, about my postings, that rendered them "unbearable to read"?
Usually the way they began, I wouldn't get much further.
I hope you are young.
The claim to superiority of secular morality.

That’s easy, over time humans have become more and more moral, where as the religious texts remain unchanged for 100’s or 1,000’d of years.

In fact without their secular values, religious people tend to go and commit all sorts of nasty acts which their texts condone.

The only reason less of he bad biblical instructions are followed is because most modern religious people use their secular morals to interpret their texts.

1, but why does the “beginning” require s god

2, wouldn’t this god still exist in its own demension, subject to that demensions laws of physics, and wouldn’t that demension require a beginning and therefore a god?

Our morals evolved with us, as social species we developed a code of conduct over time to allow us to live together, no need for a god.

Who allows the killing of an 8 month unborn baby?

You don’t need religion to have morals, you need empathy, and an understanding that your actions affect others and the way they treat you.
1, but why does the “beginning” require s god

Nobody knows what the beginning required. You have said you don't know, I am saying that intelligent creation is a possibility, but you seem to have ruled this out.

2, wouldn’t this god still exist in its own demension, subject to that demensions laws of physics, and wouldn’t that demension require a beginning and therefore a god?

A god would probably exist in all dimensions, but laws of physics only apply to physical objects, and a god is not likely to be physical.
There are many things about Christian faith that are immoral.

Secular morality is far superior.
If those "modern religious people" interpreting their texts, are theists, from whence could they possibly have acquired these "secular morals"? i.e. how could such people, come to be possessed, of any kind of secular morality?

Can secular morality be objectively defined?

And how could any true Christian, other than a masochist, commit "all sorts of nasty acts" when their religious doctrine instructs them to treat everyone the way they themselves would like to be treated.

In light of this, where within your perception of secular morality, may one find an instruction so lofty, as to warrant claims to the moral superiority of secular wisdom?

Earth is so insignificant in the scale of the universe, heck, even within our own solar system, that if there is a Creator (of the Universe), we apes are definitely not created from His image.

There are countless stars and planets and galaxies in the known universe. It takes, I don't know... millions or billions of light year to cross from one end to the other. A God that created that universe wouldn't know, or care, if we Earthlings existed or not.

Oh wait, maybe that does prove there is a God and He's forgotten about us

I think religious texts have them exception clauses.

Treat everyone as you would like to be treated... except for the gays, the this and the that. And oh, convert non-believers... how and by what means is up to the guy I chose as my representative.

Maybe through evolution, and through socialisation, people come to do "good" and be moral without having to read the good book.
I am saying that intelligent creation is a possibility,

How do you know it’s a possibility?

This isn’t just a word game, I am pointing out a real issue with your arguement, no one has proven it’s possible for a god to exist, so I think if you are going to say god is a possibility, that’s s claim that requires evidence.

If I a black pouch with an unknown number of dice in it, you might think it’s possible for me to roll a 37.

But if in fact there is only 3 dice the most I could roll would be 18, so anyone going round saying “anything is possible off course he can roll 37” would be wrong.

The correct position would be to say “I don’t know if he can roll a 37” not “it’s a possibility”

Voting to deny marriage rights to same sex couples is a recent example of a nasty thing a religious Christian might do.

The Bible says not to suffer a witch to live? Hence some Christians kill witches/innocent people accused of being witches.

Secular morality is the morals most of us live by, that would cause a person to not want to kill an accused witch even though they my be some where on the religious spectrum.

If a Christian is willing to support the use of condoms to help fight aids, that’s some secular morality leaking into their thought process, and causing them to ignore some Christian doctrines in favor of doing actual good
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