Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Religion preying on our youth

kennas said:
So, let's get rid of all the humans. :) Well, let's say 80%, then people won't be confined in such a small place and end up fighting. Worlds problems solved! Serious. :)

Yes Kennas the worlds population is stuffing up the planet, nature will cull billions in the future, this culling will be called an act of god by the convoluted :D
kennas said:
I do agree that the route cause of all problems is humans themselves. Religion is just the vehicle often used to justify action. (that doesn't make it ok)

So, let's get rid of all the humans. :) Well, let's say 80%, then people won't be confined in such a small place and end up fighting. Worlds problems solved! Serious. :)

Religion used to be the driving force behind the Catholic Church. Now it's the driving force behind the Muslims.

Go back a couple thousand years when population was a tiny fraction of what it is today. Romans had a fine army which subjugated a lot of Europe, including the British Isles, North Africa, Palestine etc. Before them there was Alexander The Great. After them there were Vikings, Barbarians.. Then Ghenghis Khan. Then Muslims. Space was not the objective. Getting rid of 80% of earth's population isn't going to fix that problem. But it would reduce the greenhouse gasses.

anon said:
Religion used to be the driving force behind the Catholic Church. Now it's the driving force behind the Muslims.

Go back a couple thousand years when population was a tiny fraction of what it is today. Romans had a fine army which subjugated a lot of Europe, including the British Isles, North Africa, Palestine etc. Before them there was Alexander The Great. After them there were Vikings, Barbarians.. Then Ghenghis Khan. Then Muslims. Space was not the objective. Getting rid of 80% of earth's population isn't going to fix that problem. But it would reduce the greenhouse gasses.


Good point anon. Ghenghis Khan!! Wasn't he a tree hugger?! Imagine if he had have had nuclear weapons?

Perhaps I need to refine my reasons for deleting 80% of the pop....

Just how the hell do we live in peace????????????????

Or, is it just a pipedream?
kennas said:
This thread seems to have gone down the Christain v Reason perspective, but I would like to state that I did not intend this.

One of the most threatening things occuring around the world atm, imo, is the Islamic schools brainwashing children in societies that are very poor and unsettled.

Hi Kennas,

It's good to finally see you and Rafa agreeing on something. Peace at last!!

You both come across as genuinely terrific guys, just different point of view (reminds me of technical vs. fundamental analysis!! I'm starting to believe by the way after what you said about CTO back in August).

In my opinion, religion has no place in politics, values influenced by religion are welcome as long as they don't involve meat of any sort.

No one should dispute science in any way. However, I don't think it offers anything for the spirit (unless you want to start jumping off couches because you're in love with someone half your age!)

People are entitled to have a spiritual view of life without being ridiculed or having to apologise for it. The problem with the mufti and his gang is that they can only achieve their spiritual freedom by depriving me of mine and to that I say NO!!!

I do believe though that we need all switched-on people to join forces and focus on the THE most threatening issue.

As 2020 always says, lots of love to you all.
Rafa said:
2020, you haven't obiously read anything i have written either...By social experiments, I am talking about what is happening, and been happening in our public schools for the last 20 years... and the results that are presenting themselves daily...That is what i meant!

and about the world being flat... Once again, there is no where in the Gospels Jesus proclaiming the world is flat and always will be!..Please don't blame him for the people in the middle ages held onto this dogma, wherever it came from!

Humans will continue fighting, cause its all about survival,
Erradicating religion, as the social experiment in western public schools has shown, only does more harm than good.

Apologies for the misunderstanding - we might agree on a few things after all - but I suspect disagree on more - hey - as long as we argue "like gents at the fence". Peace seems to be reigning here - I'll slowly slip out. :hide:

New Girl - agree with (almost) everything you say lol- (laughs out loud) .
Four Corners on ABC 2 may have some interesting insights to this topic tonight.
Good Grief Boggo, :eek:ld: well done for digging this one up!

Yet Cardinal Pell still says the church is dealing appropriately with this stuff.
How is it possible for the Catholic Church to be so exposed for its filthy abuse over so many years and yet still even keep functioning?
Good Grief Boggo, :eek:ld: well done for digging this one up!

Worth keeping in everyones mind CanOz :(

Yet Cardinal Pell still says the church is dealing appropriately with this stuff.
How is it possible for the Catholic Church to be so exposed for its filthy abuse over so many years and yet still even keep functioning?

Big $$$ influences in the right areas Julia. Pell is as crooked as they come but he is just doing what he has to.
Just about finished reading 'God is not Great' by Christopher Hitchens.
This is a powerful critique of all religions and brilliantly put together.
Makes me wonder how any of these archaic and baseless institutions can survive at all....but then we are very odd mammals arnt we!
Just about finished reading 'God is not Great' by Christopher Hitchens.
This is a powerful critique of all religions and brilliantly put together.
Makes me wonder how any of these archaic and baseless institutions can survive at all....but then we are very odd mammals arnt we!

I have spent hours watching Hitchens, Sam Harris and Richard Dawkins in debates on youtube and come to the same conclusion. It is really quite sad and disheartening how pathetic and selfish people are in their delusions regarding religion. Give it another hundred or so years and i think it will all be over with.
I have spent hours watching Hitchens, Sam Harris and Richard Dawkins in debates on youtube and come to the same conclusion. It is really quite sad and disheartening how pathetic and selfish people are in their delusions regarding religion. Give it another hundred or so years and i think it will all be over with.
It's hard to tell how much longer we will assign the unknown to a supernatural extraterrestrial who selected the tribes of Israel as his chosen people. One step closer I suppose with the LHC about to create life.
It's hard to tell how much longer we will assign the unknown to a supernatural extraterrestrial who selected the tribes of Israel as his chosen people. One step closer I suppose with the LHC about to create life.
And, perhaps the missing link discovered.

Higgs boson-like particle discovery claimed at LHC
By Paul Rincon
Science editor, BBC News website, Geneva
Just saw on the arvo news this afternoon that Cardinal George Pell has given up the ghost. So, now we will never know the truth. Perhaps St Peter has given him a roadmap to the nether regions below
Just saw on the arvo news this afternoon that Cardinal George Pell has given up the ghost. So, now we will never know the truth. Perhaps St Peter has given him a roadmap to the nether regions below

Maybe. Maybe not. I wouldn't be surprised if more information doesn't come out about George Pell after his death. I think his behaviour with regard to the avalanche of clerical abuse of children over a very long period of time will be rightly seen as unconscionable.
Maybe. Maybe not. I wouldn't be surprised if more information doesn't come out about George Pell after his death. I think his behaviour with regard to the avalanche of clerical abuse of children over a very long period of time will be rightly seen as unconscionable.
There is a question of flogging a dead horse that can't defend himself.

We've already seen that unsubstantiated allegations can cause miscarriages of justice.
There is a question of flogging a dead horse that can't defend himself.

We've already seen that unsubstantiated allegations can cause miscarriages of justice.

There is no need to flog any dead horses about Cardinal Pell personally.
I was referring to hundreds of cases of clergy who abused thousands of children in the time that Archbishop Pell was responsible for overseeing the clergy in Ballarat and then Melbourne.

Broken Rites has detailed these cases the effect it had on communities across Australia.

Father Gerald Ridsdale's life of crime and the church's cover-up. Background article

This Broken Rites article is the most comprehensive account available about how the Catholic Church shuffled a paedophile priest, Father Gerald Ridsdale, from parish to parish for three decades while he committed sexual crimes against children. Broken Rites has been researching Ridsdale since May 1993, when he went to court for his first sentencing, accompanied by a bishop as his support person. Broken Rites began supporting Ridsdale's victims, resulting in five more court cases for Ridsdale between 1994 and 2020. More victims (now middle-aged) are still contracting the police about incidents from many years ago, and therefore Ridsdale (still in jail) is having his jail time increased. In October 2022, after Ridsdale pleaded guilty regarding two more of his victims, a court added two more years to Ridsdale's current jail sentence. (By a Broken Rites researcher, article updated 05 January 2023.)
