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Religion IS crazy!

In my opinion the principal should get fifteen years with a non-parole period of ten years, for covering up a crime like this. Only then might these morons understand that concealing crimes against children is just [not] acceptable.

Amazing how the bishops and everyone else who know about these crimes haven't been charged as accessories.
And in yet another example of religious stupidity, an Australian missionary has been arrested after waltzing into North Korea and distributing Christian material.
Not that I think he should have been arrested, but nor do I think that he should have been stupid enough to embark on a course of action that would quite likely land him in a dingy prison cell for the rest of his life.
His wife said he was just following what God wanted him to do.
The silly bugger doesn’t even know that God exists, let alone knowing that God requires him to wade into a country like North Korea and take action that would almost certainly land him in hot water.
He apparently told his wife that if he got arrested, he’d ‘leave it in the hands of God’.
There appears to be no limit to the foolishness of some of these religious fanatics.
All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.

Four Corners showed people, presumably non-Christians, trying to help the North Koreans by smuggling USB sticks and DVDs of South Korean soap operas and entertainment shows into the North to help them discover that much of what they have been told about the outside world is lies, thereby encouraging open dissent and undermining the Kim regime. Are they also stupid?

How are you enjoying those birds on your back verandah?

Too right bunyip!

That guy should at least have shown God the common decency of asking for Her guidance and intent before presuming to be able to embark on such a foolish endeavour with the expectation that God will automatically come racing to his rescue.
He will, however, undoubtedly expect the Australian government to come racing to his rescue.
He will, however, undoubtedly expect the Australian government to come racing to his rescue.
I don't think so. His wife has made it clear during an interview that they expect nothing from the Australian government or anyone else.
He will, however, undoubtedly expect the Australian government to come racing to his rescue.

Indeed. There's no doubt, IMO, he'll be let out. He certainly won't be sent to one of those death camps they have and I imagine he will have an easier time than if he had been American or Japanese. I wouldn't want to be in his shoes right now though and who knows what will become of the guides who were escorting him. Interestingly, although Australia has pretty good *speaking relatively* relations with NK, the Australian embassy was forced to leave NK in, the 1970's because it was spying on NK.

Off topic: I watched that Four Corners doco, and it really looks like NK is opening up to the outside world, albeit very slowly. They even have a mobile phone network now, which didn't exist when I was there in 2006. And it was good to see those markets and some form of commerce taking place, until 2002 there wasn't even money in circulation.
He will, however, undoubtedly expect the Australian government to come racing to his rescue.

God sure does work in mysterious ways!

Not that I'd personally have any sympathy for such reckless and irresponsible behaviour.
lol, yep and if they do it will be because of god

Maybe action man Tony can parachute into N.K. in his budgie smugglers (red for communism of course), say a few hail Mary's and while the NK's are laughing their heads off, make an escape with the Man of God to one of our Collins subs for the trip home. Actually that last bit is probably the most dangerous part of the mission.
God sure does work in mysterious ways!

Not that I'd personally have any sympathy for such reckless and irresponsible behaviour.
I admire his courage and conviction, but the skeptics will have a laugh whatever happens.

Two possible outcomes:
1. He goes to prison ... God failed him ... skeptics:
2. He gets released ... win for diplomacy and God had nothing to do with it ... skeptics:

Lol, pretty much. Unbelieving bunch.

You are right! :

God exists and She is a comedienne!

3. God materializes .... Kim Jong-un repents and releases all political prisoners .... skeptics see the light and admit God is real
3. God materializes .... Kim Jong-un repents and releases all political prisoners .... skeptics see the light and admit God is real

Don't be silly! True sceptics will never admit to anything for which an alternate explanation may be argued. Hoax, mirage, mass hypnosis, gas induced dementia, take a pick from their favourite deck of "trump everything bar contemporary science" cards!

I'll let you make up your own mind about that, Chris. But I can tell you that I'm not silly enough to take the sort of risks that could land me in jail in NK, thereby destroying my life and causing immense heartache to my family and the people who care about me.

How are you enjoying those birds on your back verandah?

I'm enjoying them immensely, thanks Chris. I'll guarantee that I get more pleasure from my home and family and simple activities like bird watching, than that missionary is getting from rotting in a North Korean jail cell.
I admire his courage and conviction, but the skeptics will have a laugh whatever happens.

Sometimes there's a very fine line between courage and conviction, and outright stupidity.

A man handles deadly snakes because he thinks that's what God has commanded him to do. Gets bitten nine times over the years but keeps doing it, finally a rattlesnake nails him good and proper and kills him.
Courage and conviction? Or outright stupidity?

A preacher tells his followers that he'll walk on water as Jesus is reputed to have done. He drowns in the attempt.
Courage and conviction? Or outright stupidity?

A Christian woman joins one of those foreign aid programs that aim to stamp out polio in third world countries. Gets shot dead by religious extremists who think she's trying to sterilize muslims.
Was it courage and conviction that caused her to risk her life? Or was it stupidity and irresponsibility?

A Christian missionary and his ten year old son were burnt alive in their car by religious extremists in India who didn't appreciate him trying to bring Christianity to them.
Was it courage and conviction that caused him to risk his life and the life of his son? Or was he just being stupid and irresponsible, without any consideration for the grieving family and friends he'd leave behind if he came to grief?
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