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Religion IS crazy!

Does it measure in cubits?

Cubits is a Shockwave interactive that encourages children to construct three-dimensional geometric sculptures online.

An ancient unit of linear measure, originally equal to the length of the forearm from the tip of the middle finger to the elbow.
Satirical spaghetti monster image banned by London South Bank University as ‘religiously offensive’



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Satirical spaghetti monster image banned by London South Bank University as ‘religiously offensive’

It's not the first time in recent months that a UK tertiary college banned atheists' freedom of speech because it might offend others, even though there was actually nothing offensive apart from the fact that certain groups WANT to be offended.

LSE apologizes (sort of) to students forced to cover up their Jesus and Mo shirts


This is an example of an "offending" t-shirt

To make matters worse, Maajid Nawaz, a prospective Liberal Democrat parliamentary candidate in the UK and moderate Muslim tweeted the above image to show that not all Muslims take offence at such mundane things. Apparently he received death threats from fellow Muslims because HE WAS NOT OFFENDED and because of the tweet and there have been calls for him to be dropped as the Lib Dem candidate for Kilburn and Hampstead. Worse still, when discussing the story, the BBC would not allow two audience members to wear t-shirts with that image.

Nick Clegg attacks death threats against Maajid Nawaz - Lib Dem candidate who tweeted a cartoon of the Prophet Mohammed and Jesus greeting each other

It is so sad to see a country like Britain who did so much for the cause of freedom in the 2nd world war throw their freedom away in the name of political correctness and misguided multiculturalism. I've seen this quoted and is so true: "Multiculturalism is the embrace of diversity not the acceptance of intolerance". It's a pity that the new left in particular have forgotten that.
Destruction of the Idols
I'm sure something similar happened a few years back too.

Snake-Handling Reality TV Pastor Dies After Snakebite

"I feel in my heart, because God opened it up to me, if I stopped taking up serpents I would die and go to hell," Coots told NPR at the time. "It is in the Bible, and we tell people because it's in the Bible you must believe it."

Say no more...
250 jihadis spark UK terror alert
First case of polio discovered in Kabul since 2001
Back to the middle ages, go Saudi....

Women’s visits to hospitals without male guardians banned

“With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.” Steven Weinberg
Yet another cover up by the Catholic church of child sexual abuse, this time at a Toowoomba Catholic school.
After the school principal was informed of the abuse, it was more than a year before he reported it to police. And all the while, the offender who was employed as a ‘child protection officer’ at the school, continued to rape and abuse these little nine year old girls.
When asked why he took so long to inform the police, the principal stated that he acted on instructions form the Catholic education system to whom he reported it.

Meanwhile, a none too bright woman who is still employed at the school says she can’t understand why the abused girls ‘didn’t have the courage to come forward and report the abuse’. Clearly this foolish female can’t understand that little kids being abused are often threatened into silence by the abuser.
Furthermore, the same principal decided it would be useful to have one of the little girls re-enact what happened with the abuser by mimicking the event with her father!!
How obscene. How is it possible that such people were (still are?) employed to care for and educate our children?

In my opinion the principal should get fifteen years with a non-parole period of ten years, for covering up a crime like this. Only then might these morons understand that concealing crimes against children is just not acceptable.

As for the perpetrator of the actual crimes - castration, then life imprisonment with his file marked ‘never to be released’.
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