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Religion IS crazy!

Off topic - I love Whoopi Goldberg, she would have to be up there with one of my favourite actresses -- Color Purple, Sister Act and Ghost.
About time someone called these idiots out!

French scientologists angered by fraud verdict
Re: Religion gone crazy!

I like this quote:

Good men will do good, bad men will do bad... but for a good man to do bad things; that takes religion.

Your all talking about two different things! Religion and Christianity are miles apart. I'm a Christian but I'm NOT religious. Most of you won't understand that! By the way, another quote to think about. Evil prevails when good men do nothing!
Re: Religion gone crazy!

That's why there's the New Testament or New Promise if you like. Boy some people are ignorant! The old law was abolished and Jesus bought in the new one. Love God, love your neighbour. Two simple things. If you don't know who your neighbour is it's everyone! Not just your next door neighbour. Leviticus is misunderstood by many. You included.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

Yes, you are correct. Most of me doesn't understand that!!

Then you need an education! You are the one I was talking to. So glad you were logged on! I can explain my comments if you like however, I've just seen some of your sarcasm so on second thought I have better things to do with my time.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

Your all talking about two different things! Religion and Christianity are miles apart. I'm a Christian but I'm NOT religious. Most of you won't understand that! By the way, another quote to think about. Evil prevails when good men do nothing!

That's great. The problem is not the majority of NOT religious Crhistians or muslims or...

The problem is the relatively small minority that feel the need to enforce their beliefs on others. The one's who want to dictate if you can learn about evolution at school, or whether girls can attend school or drive a car, or attend a sexual health clinic without being victimised.

You can be from atheist to ultra conservatively religious and I have no problem with it, but unfortunately as you move towards the extremes of the spectrum there seems to be this need and desire to at least share their views, and at worst enforce them. Look at what the Christian churches have done in the past, look to what the Muslim religious groups do today to see what i mean.

Sometimes I think it's best to hide one's light under the bushel.

As for you evil prevails, I think think religious groups have shown how true that is!
Re: Religion gone crazy!

Then you need an education! You are the one I was talking to. So glad you were logged on! I can explain my comments if you like however, I've just seen some of your sarcasm so on second thought I have better things to do with my time.

You have met the light entertainment of the forum!!! :
Re: Religion gone crazy!

Then you need an education! ...

I have had the finest education on offer in Christendom!

I studied Catholicism under the Lasallians
St Michael’s College

I studied Catholicism until I no longer wanted to be the Pope.

I studied Catholicism while I watched atrocities of the Vietnam War.

And then I wanted to put my children off religion.
I sent them to Catholic Schools.

Now they have had the finest education on offer in Christendom!
Now there's a contradiction of terms, Scientologist Church??? Do they really think that we think they are Christians!? What a tax rort! Church indeed! Have you heard of some of the stories of the folks that have left that Cult! Wow!

And how much tax would your local church pay?
The idea of Christianity is to live a simple, humble life and devote one's energies to serving others in God's name. I'm not a Christian and have no interest in becoming one. I just think if someone is to parade their Christianity, they should "walk the walk". In terms of the Christian lifestyle, one would take care of one's own basic needs, but devote the majority of one's time and energies to God's work (ie. service).

Trading is very self focused and insular. The Christian life is community oriented.
Trading is about competing with others for money. The Christian life is about service.
Trading is about becoming wealthy. The Christian life is about pursuing God, and abandoning personal gratifications.
Trading contributes absolutely nothing to society (one of the few jobs you can say this about).

It's most interesting that no one has commented the following, which is a very central theme of Christianity:

Luke 16:13 (NIV) "No servant can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Mammon."

"Lite" Christianity. It's the hypocrisy that is glaring. No one has commented on that. And just to repeat, I'm not a Christian, nor am I devoted to any other religion. I do find them fascinating however. People seem to want to make up their own versions which are diametrically opposed to the originator's teachings.

Country and sails, are you guys Christians? "Lite" Christians? Or none of the above? I sense there are a few money changers in the temple.
So many inaccuracies in GB's post.

Won't waste my time other than to post:

Proverbs 26:4 - when arguing with a fool, don't answer their foolish arguments, or you will become as foolish as they are.
Would you have traders give up religion? Or what?

I wouldn't have them do anything. They can do as they please, but I can point out hipocrisy if it's glaring. If I decided to devote my life to religion, I would do it properly. Trading would be the first thing to go. I would live a life of service, devotion and prayer. I would not be paying 'lip service' to it.

In particular I would be heeding the Luke 16:13 quote about the impossibility of serving two masters.
I saw a priest on the news praying in church for the fire victims, praying for rain, it seemed so primitive/out-dated somehow.

Obviously I have different Christian beliefs to yourself which doesn't mean they are wrong. Accept that people are different.

In my early years I grew up under draconian Christian law and what I see in your posts remind me of that cult. My parents saw the light and thankfully got out.

BTW - if you believe what you are saying then why are you trading?

But don't ram your personal beliefs in to other people. Live by them by all means but don't judge others who may have differing beliefs. Judge not lest ye be judged.
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