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Religion IS crazy!

Bloody knuckleheads... How completely stupid could you be to do that twice? I reckon that Church should be sued into oblivion and then burnt to the ground and buried. WTF!!! Idiots!!:frown:

What century are we in??

^^ How many more times will we read about these types of barbarism before we all stand up and say enough is enough.

I'm at the point where I would happily take the life of any radical preaching hate. And the longer it's not done then the worse it's going to get.
The following was sent to me by a friend. I don't know if it's true or not - I suggest you do your own research and make up your own minds.
I'll reproduce his email exactly as it was sent to me.


Sharia Law is the most frightening thing to confront us all, especially women, I dont know if this info is correct but have had this e.mail sent to me from quite a few different people now, so it is worth thinking about. I will do some checking of my own before the referendum BUT Sharia Law must NOT be allowed into our systems here in Aust.


Please, note this is from a friend who is well informed in the political area.

It is critical that all people oppose (vote NO) to the proposed change to recognise local govt in the constitution at the referendum at the Sept election. By local govt areas being recognised then Sharia law can be demanded in the local area based on the % of Muslim people in that local area. This is exactly how the Muslims obtained sharia law recognised in UK.
Homicide convictions upheld for Wisconsin parents who treated dying daughter with prayer

Religion of peace strikes again....
Watching the Truman Show for the umpteenth time (True-man). There's no movie that is closer to depicting the real meaning of religion than this, except maybe the Matrix. Here's the best excerpt.

How can you say Truman lives a life like any other?

(sensing the thinly disguised
resentinent in the caller's voice)
I believe that to be so. I often feel the only
difference between Truman's life and our own
is that his is being more thoroughly documented.
We all play our allotted roles--

--He's not a performer. He's a prisoner.

[The Interviewer goes to cut off the call but Christof
holds him back].

(rising to the challenge)
--He can leave at any time. If his was more
than just a vague ambition, if he were
absolutely determined to discover the truth,
there's no way we could prevent him. I think
what really distresses you, caller, is that
ultimately he prefers the comfort of his "cell"--

To become Truth-realized, Truman has to slay his mind-created Gods. He has to challenge and destroy every single thing he has ever held to be true and in the process, confront his greatest fears. It is all illusion...the whole thing. Great movie. Based upon the work of the great spiritual masters.

Row, row, row your boat....
Watching the Truman Show for the umpteenth time (True-man). There's no movie that is closer to depicting the real meaning of religion than this, except maybe the Matrix.

Not contesting "closer" in this context but I would add Groundhog Day (Self awareness) and maybe The Fisher King (Redemption).

Row, row, row your boat....

It's a great nursery rhyme isn't it, and a very witty tie in to the movie you note.
This young woman was shocked at what she came back to after some absence away from her community in the UK..

It happens when the ISLAMIC movemrnt has the numbers and the percentage to demand Sharia law and it can and will happen here in Australia in the not too distant future.

Muslims are infiltrating the Western World and I am still in shock to witness Ed Kusick take the oath of office as a Minister in the Rudd Government with his hand on the Koran.
Beliefs are such strange things. There exists such a range of different beliefs on the "big questions". And then there are 'consensus' beliefs such as gravity, time, space and our own existence. Is there something that is real beyond all belief?

Hypnotists give us the most amazing insight into how beliefs work, and how powerful they are. Beliefs can be "set" pretty much wherever you want them. If you take a very young person (or suggestible adult as in the following video) and instill certain beliefs, she will be so certain that they are true that she will break down into tears and undergo a conversion of faith. If you take that same person and instill another contrary set of beliefs, the same thing will happen - absolute certainty, just in another direction. How can two things be true? How can there be two certainties? And yet that's what happens.

I've posted this before but it bears repeating. Skip to 1:03 for the start of the hypnosis. The girl just thinks it's a conversation, but of course Derren is triggering all sorts of things in her subconscious. Fascinating.

So with all these random beliefs that people buy into (including the existence of God), is there something True (capital 'T') that exists beyond all beliefs?
So with all these random beliefs that people buy into (including the existence of God), is there something True (capital 'T') that exists beyond all beliefs?

Yes, indoctrination and control which is fact.

A successful Chief employs a Witch Doctor.
Yes, indoctrination and control which is fact.

A successful Chief employs a Witch Doctor.

I don't call that fact though... not with a capital 'F'.

Your statement "A successful Chief employs a Witch Doctor". Is that fact? Are you trying to indoctrinate me and control the way I think with your particular brand of fact? See? We all participate unknowingly. Maybe my brand of facts are trying to control you! It's both fascinating and totally ridiculous!

So is there something True that is beyond all belief?

I think (belief), that you are clutching straws.

Our discussion here on ASF is a fact but some of the content may not be.

That I am breathing air is a fact.

That there is a God is a belief and it may be true, but without his appearance or a clear (heavenly if you like) action having a physical effect, it is not a fact.

You think (believe) that I am clutching at straws. Without a clear (heavenly if you like) action having a physical effect, it is not a fact. That means I'm not clutching at straws, doesn't it?

You've also assumed that 1) God (if it exists) is a 'thing' and that ... 2) God has a gender (he). How can we debate when you've made such assumptions?
Our discussion here on ASF is a fact but some of the content may not be.

That I am breathing air is a fact.

Our discussion here on ASF might not be fact at all.

You probably think I'm being a smart alec, but if we're talking about truth versus non-truth, you have to look at things in a deeper way. Can anything be proven? Are all beliefs random neuronal firings?

On the contrary I do not think you are being a smart alec at all

Are we real?

Do we really exist? ; and lets us not forget the other dimensions, or that our entire universe is but a pin sized speck in the eye of a small mouse in a universe of giants. All great possibilities and wonderful for our imaginations.

Yes great metaphysical arguments, and like the subject, were created to justify such so called theological truths.
If you did not know it already, the Taliban is a joke.

Taliban say Malala is 'smearing' them.

A SENIOR Pakistani Taliban commander has written to Malala Yousafzai, the teenage activist shot by militants, accusing her of "smearing" them.

Gunmen from the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) shot Malala, now 16, in the head in her home town in Swat, in the country's northwest, where she campaigned for the right of girls to go to school, last October. Now Adnan Rasheed, a former air force member turned TTP cadre, said he personally wished the attack had not happened, but accused her of running a "smearing campaign" against the militants."It is amazing that you are shouting for education, you and the UNO (UN) is pretending that you were shot due to education, although this is not the reason ... not the education but your propaganda was the issue," Rasheed wrote.

Read more:

The poor little ol Taliban being smeared by a 16 year old they shot in the head because she wanted an educated - talk about backward!
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