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Religion IS crazy!

None so far in this thread actually understand what Christianity teaches.

It is blanket assumptions that you may have picked up from the books, media.

So for the religion you are arguing against, you make fair points. But what you are arguing against is not Christianity. You don't understand it.

And lol @ the posters telling me what I have and haven't researched. Only compounds the extent of your ignorance.

This is definitely my final post. Sick of discussing things with people who don't even understand the worldview. One day we will all find out the ultimate truth.

I hope for more pleasant chat on the trading threads.

I won't even be back in here to read follow up comments.


Bye Pavillion. Have fun on the stock threads.

I think these two videos should adequately address your last two questions much better than I ever could.

3) Give me one example of an addition of genetic information?

4) How do you account for irreducible complexity?

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The usual Christian claptrap that fails to answer the question.

Christianity promotes its god as good, all-powerful, loving and compassionate, always ready to help us in times of trouble if we believe in him. Christianity tells us to bring our troubles to God, and he’ll help us. Christianity tells us to ask, and we will receive.

Christianity and its God fail miserably to deliver on those promises.
And on a lighter note..........

On their way to Church to get married, a young Catholic couple was involved in a fatal car accident.

The couple found themselves sitting outside the Pearly Gates waiting for St. Peter to process them into Heaven.

While waiting they began to wonder; Could they possibly get married in Heaven?

When St. Peter arrived they asked him if they could get married in heaven.

St. Peter said, "I don't know. This is the first time anyone has asked. Let me go find out," and he left.

The couple sat and waited for an answer... for a couple of months.

While they waited, they discussed the pros and cons.

If they were allowed to get married in Heaven, should they get married, what with the eternal aspect
of it all? "What if it doesn't work? Are we stuck in Heaven together forever?"

Another month passed. St. Peter finally returned, looking somewhat bedraggled.

"Yes," he informed the couple, "You can get married in Heaven."

"Great!" said the couple. "But we were just wondering; what if things don't work out? Could we also
get a divorce in Heaven?"

St. Peter, red-faced with anger, slammed his clipboard on the ground.
"What's wrong?" asked the frightened couple.

"OH, COME ON!!!" St.Peter shouted. "It took me 3 months to find a priest up here! Do you have ANY idea how long it'll take to find a lawyer?"
You really dont think the world evens itself out, bunyip.
Look around you and really take note.

Your questions were all answered that if we all lived by Jesus teachings, what a better world it would be.
You really dont think the world evens itself out, bunyip.

Are you serious?

The world gets more unfair every single day. Rich get richer and the poor get poorer. You and I won the birth lottery and were born into a first world country. Millions loose this lottery and are born into poverty and misery every day.

I think Pav was correct on one thing, I need to stop reading this thread
You really dont think the world evens itself out, bunyip.
Look around you and really take note.

I suspect that the girls who were abused by those sex gangs would find zero comfort in you telling them the world evens itself out in the end. I'm sure they'd consider your words as poor justification for God ignoring their pleas for help - pleas which I'm sure at least some of them and their families made on more than one occasion.

The Jewish victims of the Nazis - some of whom are still alive today and are still so traumatized that they’re reduced to tears just by talking about it – try comforting them by telling them that the world evens itself out in the end.
Try explaining to them why their god, who is promoted by both Jews and Christians as as loving and compassionate and always ready willing and able to help those who believe in him, abandoned them to the cruelty of the Nazis despite all their prayers for his help.
Next time you see someone on TV with tears running down their face as they talk of how the Gestapo knocked on their door at 3am, took their father or mother away, and they never saw him/her again – ask yourself if they’d find any comfort in you telling them that the world even itself out in the end.

People are kidding themselves if they believe that some god (the Christian god or any of the other dozens of gods that have been worshipped by the human race) will come running to their aid out of pure compassion and love whenever they call on him/it for help.
If you believe that, then you might as well believe in fairies at the bottom of your garden as well.

Christianity needs to stop lying to people. I suspect that pretty much every other religion lies as well, although I don’t know for sure. But I do know about Christianity, I was brought up in a Christian family, I was a practicing Christian myself, and I saw first hand the blatant dishonesty, contradictions and hypocrisy of some (not all) of the teachings of Christianity.

Your questions were all answered that if we all lived by Jesus teachings, what a better world it would be.

I agree completely that it would be a far better world if everyone lived by the teaching of Jesus. But you’ll never get everyone to live by the teachings of anyone. People will make their own choices – some will choose to live as decent people, some will choose not to.
Those who choose not to live decent lives are often a thorn in the side of decent people. That’s why we have laws and police forces – to give us some protection against these indecent people.

One of the teachings of Christianity is that God will be our ally and comforter and protector if we believe in him, live decent godly lives, and bring our problems to him through prayer.
Anyone who doesn’t see the world through rose coloured glasses will know that God fails to deliver on that promise.

It is the only comforter and ally, but not in the way people think. You can't say "hey God, get me out of this mess" and expect your request to be answered. It just doesn't work like that. God isn't a person for one. He is not a He either, so I'll call it "it". But also It doesn't care. Caring and compassion are mental concepts, so the idea that there is a person who cares about you is not correct.... even if you're a Christian.

Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.

This quote from the Bible says quite plainly that God is not anything that can be labelled or conceptualized by the mind, but instead is the core what you actually are. You cannot approach it other than within (ie. meditation). It is the core of everything that is, and everything that is not. This includes the dog **** on the pavement...that is also God.

Yes, GB, I believe this is closer to the truth than any of the other medieval Christian nonsense that has been spouted here.
Yes, GB, I believe this is closer to the truth than any of the other medieval Christian nonsense that has been spouted here.

Right, medieval times (Middle Ages) is probably when the dualistic notions were quite strong, for example in the gnostics and Catholic faiths. They still carry over today, but less so. For me, dualistic religious ideas are far too easily picked apart. You pull one thread and the whole thing unravels. Non-dualist religions are much harder to pick apart - at least I haven't been able to yet, despite a lot of effort. They stand up to a lot of scrutiny. The other thing about non-dualist religions is that they do not require blind faith or adherence to ritual. They simply say "try this and see for yourself". On an intellectual level, I find them fascinating. But the intellectual stuff amounts to nothing's the doing that's the thing.

My view is that dualist religions have at best a partial understanding of the nature of Reality. Non-dualists often point out how and where dualists go wrong (having been there themselves), but the reverse never happens as far as I can see. This is nicely summarized in a famous saying "If you see Buddha on the road, kill him!!".
Religion of peace?

Egyptian author appeals for protection following Islamist threats

I don't know what to say...

Richard Dawkins Interviews Creationist Wendy Wright (Complete)

After watching some of this, I really would love to see what is going on inside his head about the person he is interviewing....."What an idiot, muppet, nutcase"......

*Added to help 'plod...
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I don't know what to say...

after watching some of this, I really would love to see what is going on inside his head....."What an idiot, muppet, nutcase"......

Now that is a very big and serious call,

would you care to explain why you believe that Dawkins is a nut case?
Now that is a very big and serious call,

would you care to explain why you believe that Dawkins is a nut case?

No, not him....what he is thinking of the person with whom he is having the discussion with.
No, not him....what he is thinking of the person with whom he is having the discussion with.

Although I have great respect for the theory of evolution and little for "creationism" philosophy, I would have to admit that Wendy conducted her debate far more logically, intelligently and (dare I say it?) objectively than Richard. I believe that Darwin's theory deserves better representation from the scientific community than was provided by Dawkins in this instance. Having great admiration for science, I would like to believe that occasions such as this are more the exception than the rule, particularly when respected members of the scientific community are involved.

DB if you were trying to make a case for creationism (or a case against evolution) then I believe this interview was a most suitable choice, however, based upon your previous posts, I suspect that was not your intention. Some posts back, Bellenuit posted a link to a clip showing highlights from a scientist's visit to a creationist museum. It provided a far more compelling argument against the creationist approach to the mystery of genesis.
When taking religious belief and faith healing to seriously leads to death for children...

"Two Philadelphia faith-healing churches have a long history of the youngest members of their congregation dying because parents refused medical care.

Families who attend Faith Tabernacle Congregation in North Philadelphia and First Century Gospel Church in Juniata Park have lost more than two dozen children to illness since 1971, according to non-profit Children’s Healthcare Is a Legal Duty, Inc. (CHILD, Inc.). Both churches believe in the power of prayer over modern medicine.

The Schaibles are one of those families.

Herbert and Catherine Schaible stand charged with third-degree murder and other crimes after their 7-month-old son Brandon died from bacterial pneumonia, dehydration and a group B streptococcus infection on April 18.

Philadelphia District Attorney Seth Williams says the boy’s death could have been prevented, but the couple instead turned to prayer.

This is the second time the couple lost a child to illness. They were sentenced to 10 years probation after the 2009 death of their 2-year-old son Kent. Kent died after contracting pneumonia, an illness prosecutors said could have been prevented with basic medical care."

Bloody knuckleheads... How completely stupid could you be to do that twice? I reckon that Church should be sued into oblivion and then burnt to the ground and buried. WTF!!! Idiots!!:frown:

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