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Religion IS crazy!

... and had he asked her to remove the scarf, he'd be accused of discrimination.
No wonder small business is dying. Can't win a trick.
You can be as stupid as you like - just find someone else to blame for the result.

What a joke.

I am 100% certain that if he stated 'You need to take that head-scarf off before l permit you to ride ', this story would have been about someone getting sued for discrimination.

Can't win ether way.

Damned if you do
Damned if you don't
Religion is crazy?

"The Bible contains six admonishments to homosexuals and 362 admonishments to heterosexuals. That doesn't mean that God doesn't love heterosexuals. It's just that they need more supervision."
-- Lynn Lavner
In the Dark Ages, homosexuality was probably a waste of time and potential genetic variety; but in today's Age of Overpopulation, it should be appreciated as a means of population control. Problem is: the fundamental d**kheads (of all three book-based persuasions) are still stuck in the Dark Ages and undermine all the Gays' good efforts.
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Special Programme - Dawkins on religion

What a great debate. I watched it from beginning to end and also the Q&A program.

It makes one think strong and hard about religion and the suffering of many as a result of it.
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Now this is interesting.

Welsh population3,006,400 (2010)
Muslim population in U.K.2,869,000 (2010)

  • 4.6% of U.K. population (link)

Does this mean, in the UK, when they try to bring in Sharia Law.....
Does this mean, in the UK, when they try to bring in Sharia Law.....

Sharia law will only affect civil law, specifically, divorce law, where both parties consent. The UK has allowed Rabbinic (Jewish) law for at least 100 years when settling divorce.

Personally, I think it's a bad idea. Women's rights are oppressed in many Islamic societies so it's hard to see how a woman's consent can be guaranteed to be free from coersion.
What a barbaric lot of Islamist there are in Syria.

An 11 year old boy cutting off the head of a Christian and another Christian killed, his body cut in to peices and fed to the dogs.

This sort of teaching has started in Muslim schools in Australia whereby Muslem kids are being brianwashed with the Koran 5 times per day.

The teachings clearly spell out if you are not a Muslim then you must be a Christian or an infidel and there is no room in the world for the latter and the latter must be eliminated.

What a cruel world we live in today.
The late great George Carlin, one of the best comedians of all time really summed up Religion.

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I often wonder what the world would be like without organised religion??? Would we have avoided some of the wars through history? Maybe, but we humans are an invesntive lot so even without the "my god is bigger than your god" (purposefully with a g not G since people who makes those kinds of statement don't represent God) I expect we would have come up with other reasons to justify our ways.

I have far more respect for the person who follows their moral compass and does the odd small good dead in their daily life, than the pious prattlers who stand up and tell the world about the good they are doing in the name of their lord.

These days the ultra religious remind me of a t shirt I saw "Everyone's entitle to MY opinion"
It is said that "He" was wrongly translated as "D" , and "D" can walk upon water.

So I see no reason why you cannot buy a vowel.

I shall set up a derivative for godbothers who cannot spell.

Well picked burglar.


Will that derivative also cover godbothererbotherers?

Plot Twist - it was her teenage daughter in the videos (with multiple men) + she was also having sex with her too - Incestual Lesbian?
...Plot Twist - it was her teenage daughter in the videos (with multiple men) + she was also having sex with her too - Incestual Lesbian?

Trouble is some people call themselves "Christian" and yet live totally against Christian values. It's all pretence and it is called hypocrisy and, if this is true, this woman is totally sick, imo.

Some people like this try to use the Christian thing so their evil ways go unnoticed and they also play on the fact that decent Christian people will forgive. I know something about it as I was married to a paedophile (until I found out!) and he was right into the "Christian" thing - it seems using it as a cover and to get access to kids. Shameful and sickening.
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