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Religion IS crazy!

This is in Britain

Child 'Marriage' and Sharia Courts: It Must End Now

I just googled for Sharia Courts in Sydney, and didn't get any hits, but l'm sure there was something on the TV last week relating to this.

I guess we have this to look forward too...

Britain has 85 sharia courts: The astonishing spread of the Islamic justice behind closed doors

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Get ready, here it comes again....

French mag to publish new Prophet cartoons

Salman Rushdie, you have some new friends.

Fatwa issued against 'Innocence of Muslims' film producer

This is just turning into craziness....
That seems unnecessarily inflammatory and provocative.

Yes trust the french to stir the pot. But I don't like the idea that we must tip toe around Islam. Its time to stop making excuses for the violence as the SMH seems to do at every chance.
Yes trust the french to stir the pot. But I don't like the idea that we must tip toe around Islam. Its time to stop making excuses for the violence as the SMH seems to do at every chance.

I agree. Although, I thought the SMH did a pretty good job of covering the protest.
That seems unnecessarily inflammatory and provocative.

It's like the ratty insane kid at school. There would always be some immature dick who would think it was funny to poke him until he went 'postal'. Then of course the provocateur would stand back afterwards, with feigned shock, and say "whoah man, I didn't know he would do that!!".... and walk away merrily.

When this gets out and there's been property destruction and a few deaths, the publishers of this cartoon can go and pick up the pieces. How about that? They can go and console the families of those who have been blown up.

There are much more mature ways of dealing with ratty insane kids (read Muslim extremists).

But then we end up with speech being held to ransom; "if you say something I disagree with I will do this..."
But then we end up with speech being held to ransom; "if you say something I disagree with I will do this..."

We have plenty of laws against free speech already. You are not free to say what you want in this forum or in public anywhere.

If I want to make a joke about a black homosexual man... according to inner-eastern suburban Melbourne group-think, that's not ok.

If I want to make a joke about Islam... that's ok?

You can't have it both ways, though society always wants that!

It's either open slather, or it's not.

Personally I don't want to make a joke about a black homosexual or Mohammed, but if I did, I think I should be free to do so.

Last time I checked, "inner-eastern suburban Melbourne group think" was not law.

If you want to make a joke about a black homosexual man there is nothing stopping you from doing that, it's not illegal. Ditto a joke about Muslims. If you want to make that joke in a public forums then it would depend on the context. For instance, a comedian would probably not fall under the Racial Discrimination Act, however if you were publishing a blog, for example, that sought to compare blacks to monkeys and made comments that homosexuals should have long ago been burnt at the stake then the context of your joke changes.

Do I agree with it, no. I think offending someone should not be a crime. If sunshine is the best disinfectant, then those sort of views are better kept in the public forum rather than pushed into the soft underbelly of the internet.

No country has free speech, I think Australia is a little too tough.
Last time I checked, "inner-eastern suburban Melbourne group think" was not law.

A 'societal law', in the sense that you will be excluded, pilloried and shamed by anyone and everyone. This is as powerful, perhaps more so than court law. Shame is probably the most powerful negative motivator of human behaviour that exists. Just look at how shamed AFL stars break down when they've been found breaking team rules.... there's the press conference, tears, sadness, the whole bit! You'd think someone had died!

I think I basically agree with you, anyway.

Umm...but hang on, if you choose to express an opinion in public you can't just expect everyone to not say anything because you might feel "shamed". It cuts both ways. Inner city trendies may disagree with you but mortgage belt battlers may love whatever it is your saying.

I think I basically agree with you, anyway.

I think so. Speech as expression should, more or less, not be restrained. Speech as conduct can and should be.
No country has free speech, I think Australia is a little too tough.
I'd probably say "too precious" rather than "too tough".

What I detest is the implied moral superiority of the progressive Left. An example is the accusation that anyone failing to wholeheartedly support the gay marriage bill is discriminatory and homophobic.

Take Cory Bernardi yesterday being fired from his parliamentary secretary position by Tony Abbott: Mr Abbott's quick and decisive action surely made it clear that he didn't approve of Mr Bernardi's extrapolation on sexual relationships with animals. Yet he has been criticised for an inadequate response. This is just silly

The terms 'bullying', 'offensive' et al are applied to way too much imo. As a society we are encouraging a culture of wussy, easily offended people quick to adopt the victim mentality.
Drifting onto freedom of speech...

Islamic states to reopen quest for global blasphemy law
Shows how out of touch with reality they are if they imagine any such international agreement could occur.

Meantime, according to '7.30' this evening, a pretty big white Australia backlash riot (yes they used that word) is planned for Melbourne at the weekend. The intending participants promise that it will make Cronulla look like nothing (paraphrasing).
Fantastic! Just what we need. What on earth is it about educationally-challenged, testosterone filled youth?
They seem to suffer from perpetual barely suppressed rage which needs only the faintest of excuses to explode.
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