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Religion IS crazy!

Why should the police have to put up with this?

There is a certain way to appease the Muslim community attacking our police. All they are asking is that we renounce our freedom of speech to criticise what we don't agree with. Conroy and Gillard agree with this.

Unfortunately, I think that has more to do with the backwardness of Nigeria and less about the particular religion involved. See:
One of the girls in my TAFE class happen to be driving through the city when Saturday's Muslim Movie protest happened.
She was in her car next to Hyde Park when the "violence" broke out, and was stuck in traffic for 40 minutes. She was scarred sh!tle$$.
'Backwardness' doesnt quite describe that...I was thinking more moral and cultural depravity. It is horrific what that country has endured and that is the kind of thing that produces that kind of sick behaviour. It is also the kind of community that might latch onto religions selling distorted and corrupt values
I'm surprised no one has commented on the photo from last Saturday's protest of two (maybe three, I can't remember now) teen muslim girls holding a poster that showed a photo of someone (head only) being flushed down a toilet bowl. I couldn't identify the person in the photo as it was too small. The caption on the poster read: "Coptic - Cop This".

Not sure exactly what it was about, but it seemed to be blaming the entire Coptic Church for the action of (possibly) one of its members. The girls were in their mid teens and one would have assumed were schooled here. I'll see if I can locate the photo again if I am the only one who saw it.

Also, the first reports of the protest that I saw were from SBS. The lady SBS reporter stated that the police caused the violence by attacking peaceful protesters. I am not sure whether she genuinely didn't see any violence initiated by the demonstrators or whether she was playing to her predominantly ethnic audience.
I wont even look t it, some people are just sub human, no other word for it.

I'm glad you weren't able to post the picture Sails, I won't look either - simply can't handle that sort of thing at all and can't bear to think there are people that would do such things.
am i right in thinking this chap, the Tonesta, is inclined to all things church?

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Perfect example of what people have been arguing on this thread. Many Christians would find what you just posted offensive. Are any of them likely to request that people be beheaded as as result of their offence? No! Are our leaders going to come out and say that that mock up should not have been published? No!
am i right in thinking this chap, the Tonesta, is inclined to all things church?

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Does that really help the debate on this thread?
In poor taste imo.

I'm glad you weren't able to post the picture Sails, I won't look either - simply can't handle that sort of thing at all and can't bear to think there are people that would do such things.
I can't believe you would have even tried to post such a picture, Sails. Please do not ever put up depictions of animal cruelty. If you must, then provide a link, so that most of us can avoid it.

Agree that most peoples put up with offensive stuff and don't want to lop people's heads off in retaliation. However, any extreme religion (or politics) can cause bizarre behaviour.

I'm glad you weren't able to post the picture Sails, I won't look either - simply can't handle that sort of thing at all and can't bear to think there are people that would do such things.

Yes, I wouldn't have looked at it either, but the picture was posted elsewhere where I stumbled across it. It's horrible.

Located the photo......


This clip should be shown to all Muslims around the world, especially the thugs in Sydney!

#Muhammad - When They Insult Our Prophet (PBUH)

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I feel sorry for the police having to put up with all this.
The destruction is on the level of the G-20.
I wonder if its alot more than just that video that they havent even seen -- the war?
Still doesnt make it right.
Violence achieves nothing.
Located the photo......

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Seems like it's ok for Muslims to criticise other religions, but not the other way around.

Imagine if someone turned up on Saturday (when the protest took place in Sydney's CBD) with a placard, with Mohammed's head in the toilet bowl. I'm sure that you would get arrested, but it's ok for them to 'behead those who criticise the prophet' and that 'our dead are in paradise, yours are in hell' posters.

Or, try to do that in a Muslim country? You'd get shot or be lynched by the crowd.

The West is too tolerant.

Our Labor/Green migration policies favour Muslims.

"For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind."
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