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Religion IS crazy!

Sorry, what did you say???

Freedom of speech???

Oh, only for you, but not the rest of the non-Islamic world, I see...

I don't even....

Great. Some bloke who's just arrived in Australia is telling us the limits of freedom of speech in Australia.

I'm a pretty tolerant person, I don't care where you have come from or what you chose to believe in but when you start telling me that I can't criticise your interpretation of the tooth-fairy then I say, ship him out.
Don't worry everyone. This will be the last time anything like this happens again in Australia.
Don't worry everyone. This will be the last time anything like this happens again in Australia.
What's your basis for that?
It seems that at least some Muslims, perhaps largely due to lack of education and having only experienced violent cultures, are in the normal course of events just managing to contain their urge to create hell. So we have some silly video, made by some obscure American - something most reasonable people would simply dismiss as nonsense - causing this global craziness and overt hatred toward all Americans, maybe all of the West.

Imo it's time for the police and governments to stop being so tolerant and 'respectful'.
I'm a pretty tolerant person, I don't care where you have come from or what you chose to believe in but when you start telling me that I can't criticise your interpretation of the tooth-fairy then I say, ship him out.

Spot on McLovin, spot on.

"Open letter to the Islamic community - SMH"

(When was the last time you saw someone from the Hillsong Church threaten to behead someone criticising Jesus?)

Placard left over from yesterday. Old mate in white rob has this in his hand.

Now, I really, really wonder what the Jews will think about this?

Iranian film depicts Jews as money-hungry Arab-killers‘Saturday Hunter,’ screened on Iranian TV, tells the story of a boy and his grandfather as they steal land from Arabs and execute civilians

Substitue 'Jews' to 'Muslims' and l'm sure there would be more protests.

Tweets hit the nail on the head...



I for one am glad he produced the video(although it is both a shame and unacceptable it results in damaged property and or harm to fellow 'normal' human beings). It just goes to show how moronic, stupid, and primitive these people are. Bring out the battens, let the police do their thing, then put them on a plane. I don't see why we have to be tolerant of these people, I am personally totally against this crap(the qu'ran and whatever else is linked to this behaviour), and tired of having to pretend I'm not.

Even the 'level-headed' muslims, as you say Julia are simply containing a very strong urge to cause hell. It's simply a matter of how far they need to be pushed before the take to the streets with a machete.
Australian Citizenship

Page 18

Australian sedition law

Lantern, l tried to edit my post to include you with the SMH 'Open Letter', but l timed out. My bad.

Exactly. If you don't like living in a liberal, secular society, then there's plenty of places in the world where Islamic fundamentalism is the norm.

Is it just me or is this wave of idiocy confined to the relatively recent migrants? The Turks, for example, have been in Australia for decades and they have been a great addition to Australia, IMO. I'm sure they cringe.
Exactly. If you don't like living in a liberal, secular society, then there's plenty of places in the world where Islamic fundamentalism is the norm.

They intend to populate and covert Australia to Sharia law, people laughed, they're not laughing in Paris or London any more.
and Amsterdam and Sweden. I dont want thids to turn into a hate Islam thread but this is serious and is happening now. You dont have to Google far to be alarmed.

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Don't worry everyone. This will be the last time anything like this happens again in Australia.

I was being an extremist.

Extremely sarcastic!

This sort of stuff will only get worse and Australia will suffer.
Is it just me or is this wave of idiocy confined to the relatively recent migrants? The Turks, for example, have been in Australia for decades and they have been a great addition to Australia, IMO. I'm sure they cringe.

I think you have something there, I don't remember this sort of reaction in Australia, when Salman Rushdie published the 'Satanic Verses'.
They caused all hell to break out in the U.K and U.S.A, I don't recall a murmer here. It reflects badly on the current asylum seeker debate.
Well, well, well...what do we have here...????

"Check and mate" my Muslim friends!

Achtiname of Muhammad

Washington Post article on this
They intend to populate and covert Australia to Sharia law, people laughed, they're not laughing in Paris or London any more.

Well it's too late now. Especially when Hilary Clinton apologises to the rioters because some braindead called Terry Jones exercises his rights under the First Amemdment to criticise anyone he likes.

Will Clinton now apologise to our police who were injured, and the Australian public for being the recipients of all this religious thuggery.

It is strange that the apologists for these thugs are always from the left. The same applies to union thuggery.

Labor sees Tony Abbott as a bigger threat to the to our society than the street thugs. You will see this on the Insiders.
Well it's too late now. Especially when Hilary Clinton apologises to the rioters because some braindead called Terry Jones exercises his rights under the First Amemdment to criticise anyone he likes.
I was similarly astonished at her apologetic stance. I can't now remember exactly what she said but it was along the lines of "a few tarnishing what is a great religion".
Why could she not just condemn the violence and especially the killing of the American ambassador, without the apologetic note.
I have absolutely no idea why the West in general seems to feel obliged to kow tow to Muslims.
Why can't we revoke the visas for all who were there, that weren't born here in Australia.

According to this I'm a racist.

Didn't know until today!!!

You are not racist Lantern. Which race were you offending?

From the article -
In this country you are free to worship whatever god you damn well please. Others are free to worship their gods.

And I am free to say it is all nonsense over imaginary friends.
Back to the stone-age we go...

I think it boils down to being that 'the powers that be' are too scared not to kow tow for fear of more attacks.

I also think that this attack on the West is very sneaky in that the Muslim world has no leaders as such so that there is no one that the west can go to and say, "OK guys, this is not on". It also means that whenever there are these violent outbreaks a whole lot of muslims can say "these people do not represent us, or Islam in general".

Like everyone else I am completely fed up with what is going and agree there is no need for anyone to apologise for that video. It may have been offensive to some people but that doesn't excuse violence and why do we even have people in Australia that believe all who offend the prophet should be beheaded

The facts behind the actions of these murderous thugs. It's no wonder Ms Clinton gets it so cravenly wrong when she is advised by an idiot like General Dempsey.

(my bolds)
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