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Religion IS crazy!

Exactly. I'm pretty fed up that we are allowed to criticise Christianity no end but for some reason Islam remains some sort of protected species. And we need to be tolerant.

Shish....way to go mum....

I wonder how the law would treat a group of citzens who wore swastikas and chanted about the wish for the death of a particular race of people. Is the law going to really hold these imbeciles to account? I really hope so...and if not I want to know exactly why. I, like many others, am completely sick of the ridiclulously tolerant attitude to behaviours like this from this religious sect. They were welcomed into this country and they abuse the privelige. They can be equally welcome to leave.
It's kinda scary that people who joke that the boat people are just a master plan to spread Islam and make it dominate may actually be on to something...

Maybe torpedoing some of the boats would slow the arrivals...

FYI that is just an extreme joke in the same vain as the above wishing execution on others.
Yep it's come to Australia, thats it for me, we need to do something NOW before we end up like Paris or London,

They will take over in the end if nothing is done, they want Shaira law and they're populating cities towards that end.
Shish....way to go mum....

I was just about to post the same picture.

I am gobsmacked at this behaviour.

Muslims should be very embarrassed.

(has that little kid, or his mum, or any of these imbeciles, even seen this film? )
I was just about to post the same picture.

I am gobsmacked at this behaviour.

Muslims should be very embarrassed.

They're not the least bit embarrassed they're deadly serious.

We need to enact a law that prevents violent or exrtremist people coming here , building numbers and then trying to change the way our society works.

To protest in such a way about an ally of Australia is treason, they need to be removed from our midst.

Better yet...just withdraw all funding to these countries. The US should put it towards its debt rather than helping those who want to burn their flag.

I just heard that Muslims want the filmmakers punished by the US for making the film. What would the punishment be exactly?

It's irrational it's stupid, it's extremely dangerous and now we find it's in our own backyard.
Bring back Pauline Hanson
No political party will touch on this issue, it's too much of a hot potato...
Funny I can't recall the last time our Vietnamese, Chinese or Korean immigrant groups engaged in a mini riot.
No political party will touch on this issue, it's too much of a hot potato...

The irony is that everyone knows we would be better of without these crazies we saw on the streets of Sydney tonight, but to admit this and say we we should be more selective in who we let into Australia, and you will be denounced as a racist by the left.

They're not the least bit embarrassed they're deadly serious.
I hope the majority would be embarrassed, at least.

Those protesting, and injuring our police trying to maintain our laws, should be made accountable.
Great. Just what we need. A bunch of misguided idiots running around saying anyone who doesn't agree with their pre-Cupernican view of the world should be beheaded.

This is a secular society, if they don't like it, leave.
+1. As others have pointed out, the level of tolerance for this extraordinary behaviour only applies to Muslims.
Why does political correctness dictate that they should not be treated as a secular or Christian person in Australia engaging in such troublemaking?

How on earth has it come to this?
No Kennas, apparently you are some sort of weirdo.
Apparently the way to go is, riot if there is something bad written about the bible in England by an Islamic person.
Sounds like they want the whole world in chaos. Funny they are either running away from chaos or running away to cause chaos elsewhere.
Calliope, you are right.

Article on this topic;

Why is the Muslim world so easily offended?
I hope the majority would be embarrassed, at least.

Those protesting, and injuring our police trying to maintain our laws, should be made accountable.

no they arnt kennas, last arvo the leaders that be were not condeming the actions of the rioters, rather attacking the vauge makers of an equally vauge potential nutters film/utube clip.

this was before they could see how the tide was flowing, ie that no-one wants this in this region.

its sad at how constrained the coppers felt that they needed to be. anyone else would be concerned that the firearms would comeout of the holsters.

they likely choose hyde park as the area is very safe from retribution like say the cronulla episodes.
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