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Religion IS crazy!

2012 London Olympic games were proclaimed as success that all participating countries had female representative.

Well all good, but should Islamic country win to host games, isn’t it precursor of what all females will be expected to wear?

Would rather not see then see what I saw.

2028 might be the first one over there, if they put their hand up and win.

It'll never happen.
Just imagine what they'd do with someone like Usain Bolt: Did you see him draw a cross and have a quiet chat with his Boss "up there"? Some Security guard would shoot him on sight!

That aside, all lengthy competitions (Marathon, Ironman, ...) would have to be interrupted because it's time to stick bum into air for prayers.
Forget Beach Volleyball too - who'd want to play in 40 degree heat fully covered in a burqa; coming to think of it, who'd want to watch?
All female track and field, swimming, diving and synchronised swimming would be a no-no too....

Well, the are making an effort, maybe in a 1000 years time they might be able to host an Olympic games.

Saudi Arabia's female Olympians face cold return home
Well, the are making an effort, maybe in a 1000 years time they might be able to host an Olympic games.
Well, I doubt it;
In the past 13 centuries, Islamic countries have gone backwards from initially being the leaders in science, arts, liberal thinking, education, commerce... to the exact opposite, where radicals blow up and suppress everything from century-old monuments, statues, women's schooling, and fair trade.
If that trend continues - and as a Chartist, I can't see any indication of a reversal - the moron fundamentalists will outbreed the moderate Islamists and Westerners alike, dragging humanity back to poverty and desert life. That may even take much less than 1000 years.
the moron fundamentalists will outbreed the moderate Islamists and Westerners alike, dragging humanity back to poverty and desert life. That may even take much less than 1000 years.

Religion of all forms is most certainly holding back the huge amounts of potential the human race has at it's fingertips. Can't see it changing any time soon. One step forward 4 steps back.

If 'god' didn't want certain things to be achieved, then they would not be able to be achieved.
I don't even....
Arab Muslims seem to need strict rules to protect their women, from themselves. At some point in history the Arab culture decided that enough was enough and they had to cover up their women because they couldn't keep their willies in their pocket. From the age of 6 it seems. We have customary laws and a culture that doesn't permit us to even think like that until girls well pass puberty. Legal age is 16 isn't it? Although, it seems 14 year olds are not uncommon. Anyone checking out a six year old in our culture is seriously warped and needs incarceration. The history of women covering up in Arabia is not about Islam, it's about culture foremost. Islam as a religion simply implemented rules into the Koran that were the laws of the day. They were relevant in the year 500s. Since Arabia is living in the 500s, it's still relevant. They will still be living in the 500s once the oil runs out. Troubling.
Exclusive Brethren GP banned for prescribing gay 'cure'

This is scary stuff, really, if these elements ever infiltrated our society it would be the end of life as we know it.
This is scary stuff, really, if these elements ever infiltrated our society it would be the end of life as we know it.

Religion of peace hey?
Who are they kidding?

US ambassador, consul among 4 killed in militia attack on Benghazi consulate

I think it's quite obvious that, by and large, religions have failed. There's 73 million posts on the failures in this thread!

But what about those (very few) religious individuals who have "seen the light"? And what of the others throughout history who have also "seen the light", using their own non-religious methods? There's quite a few in the non-religious category, you know.

This is a short video on what "seeing the light" actually means (aka enlightenment in eastern traditions). It takes Plato's famous "Allegory of the Cave" and animates it, with quite a good description. The voice over guy does have a bit of a spooky voice, so if spooky voices and music frighten you, you should definitely not watch this.

If you were to take all the classical religious texts, sift out all the horse **** (heaps of it), then condense it down, this is what you'd be left with. Something close to this...
This is just sheer madness, I cant see anyway the West and the Muslim comunity can live together if these atitudes underly their thinking -

Protesters broke in to the US embassy in Yemen's capital overnight as anger over a low-budget US film which mocks Islam and the Prophet Mohammed swept the Muslim world.
This is just sheer madness, I can't see anyway the West and the Muslim community can live together if these atitudes underly their thinking

MrBurns, it won't change. Not allowed to.

Insulting Islam


I just watched that video again and cringed! It's too open to misinterpretation and has an unfortunate superior, nose-in-the-air feel to it.

Here's my interpretation of Plato's cave:

--Reality as we take it is nothing more than a projection of the mind.
--The "prisoner" is where we are, us ordinary people.
--We take the projections (the shadows) to be real.
--The shadows are the objects and experiences in our lives, eg. this keyboard, this house, this body, this sensation, this mood, those clouds... everything.
--Certain people throughout history have taken the backwards step and looked at *the thing that is looking*.
--The *thing that is looking* is consciousness itself (analogy = 'the light', or the 'light of consciousness')
--Knowing consciousness itself transforms the way you perceive the world... completely. Everything is seen as one thing. There is no 'other'. There is no God. There is no 'you'. 'You' dies (aka ego death), while the body continues to live...and so there is no suffering. If you want to call that heaven, you can, but it's not a place. All these things - heaven, hell, good and bad - are projections of the mind and have no intrinsic reality.
--The cave is not a place. There is no heaven to climb into.
--You don't become enlightened by being 'good'. Goodness is not a prerequisite. 'Sinning' does not prevent enlightenment. It's just that 'sinning' happens more frequently in people who are heavily chained... so people have confused cause and effect there.
--Enlightenment happens gradually as attention is turned from the shadows (what we call reality) back on itself, ie. consciousness watching consciousness. Then it starts to know itself. This is meditation (or contemplative prayer in christianity).
--There are myriad stages and symptoms of this transformation, one of them being seeing lights, hearing angels sing and so on. People undergoing this transformation often take these things to be real, but they are just remnants of mind trying to trick you once again. Angels, demons and elephant goddesses are just as real as the shadows, which is why people are so goddamned convinced when they have seen something 'real' and special...but it's just another slide on the projector. It's a slide most people wouldn't see unless they took acid, but it's still just a slide.

Anyway.... Plato's cave. Good stuff.
This is just sheer madness, I cant see anyway the West and the Muslim comunity can live together if these atitudes underly their thinking

Today in Sydney

Protest over 'insulting film' turns ugly

Police use pepper spray on protesters in Sydney at the US consulate

I think that this sums it up...

"People were murdered and many were killed in riots all over the world because of a joke... about someone's imaginary friend" - Jimmy Carr.
Great. Just what we need. A bunch of misguided idiots running around saying anyone who doesn't agree with their pre-Cupernican view of the world should be beheaded.

This is a secular society, if they don't like it, leave.

Umm....if l walked around with a 'Behead those who insult Bugs Bunny', banner/placard , l'd get arrested and thrown in the nut house. Aren't these people inciting terrorism one way or another?

This is crazy.
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