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Religion IS crazy!

For the everyday person, I see no reason why a belief in god is going to be detrimental to their parenting, commerce, everyday life skills...

It's not so much the belief in God that is detrimental, but the literal belief in certain texts attributed to that God. There are just too many examples that could be used, so I will offer just one......

Jehovah's Witnesses' rejection of blood transfusion is certainly detrimental to the well being of many of its followers.
For the everyday person, I see no reason why a belief in god is going to be detrimental to their parenting, commerce, everyday life skills...
In a sense I agree with you there:
A child may not understand the concept of "conscience" and "self-respect"; therefore, a divine being that can see everything a kid does, even invade his/her thoughts, may serve some initial educational purpose. But just as with Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, we should come clean and explain to an adolescent, probably as early as age 7 or 8,

"You are the only person that has to live with yourself, your dreams, pride, and self-respect."

Of course, there are some other concepts that can be similarly helpful; e.g. the Islamic concept of submission of self to the will of Allah. That, too, can help a kid understand that not everything goes the way you wish; get over it, learn to accept disappointment, and maintain a healthy level of humility. But again, once they're mature enough to understand ethical concepts, kids ought to be taught the values within, rather than project everything to an invisible Bogeyman.

Having said that, however, I don't have any illusions about such a degree of honesty entering mainstream education. The Clerics of all persuasions will not voluntarily give up their "God-given" (i.e. in reality "self-arrogated") power and control over their "sheeple". Apart from that, a large proportion of the general populace may even lack the intellectual capacity and "moral fibre" to understand and accept personal pride and responsibility for Self. As evidence, one only needs to consider, how an entire generation seems to have replaced one "Superior Being" by a new target of adulation: Good riddance Jesus, Mohammed, Moses. Welcome Madonna, Britney, Justin Bieber.
For the everyday person, I see no reason why a belief in god is going to be detrimental to their parenting, commerce, everyday life skills...

i dont think there has been anyone on here that has suggested otherwise.
Religious nut released from prison in England. Labeled as OBL's 'right hand man in Europe'.

The Poms should grow some balls and send this nut job back to Jordan, ASAP.

I am afraid that Australia will soon follow in England's footsteps in the not to distant future and become a spineless victim of a 'looking back at it, we should have got rid of this guy ages ago terrorist attack saga'.

More on link above...
While the Poms have a lot of quirky, even "crazy" politicians, in this instance they cannot be burdened with all of the blame. They would have loved to buy him a one-way ticket to Jordan, where he'd probably have been dealt with securely by now. It was the European Court of Human Rights that overruled common sense. Thereby proving that craziness isn't restricted to religious nuts, but has spread through entire levels of superimposed bureaucracy.
Those so-called liberal democracies pride themselves in how oh-so humane and tolerant they are, but fail to see that their very uncritical tolerance opens the door to every intolerant assassin and gives their enemies a free stab at their jugular.

What happened to the old principle that every right had to be earned by commensurate responsibility and loyalty? Separating the two and allowing a minority to enjoy such rights, even if they spit the guarantors in the face, is the hallmark of a suicidal society.
The following is what I have been saying for a long time.
The Muslims are infiltrating into the Western world big time and 90% of the illegal immigrants coming by boat are Muslims.

with any sort of luck, by 2031, I’ll be dead.......and you who are left??????????GOOD LUCK

Subject: FW: This incident happened in London .

I liked this, because it actually is a True story that wisely debates an extremely twisted concept that even Islam has failed to note. See what you think - fear factors aside. We all must find a way to get along on this globe.

With Muslims establishing their own schools, one wonders how their kids will acquire our values and be able to successfully integrate into our society.

This incident happened in London .

The Uncomfortable Definition of an Infidel....

FACT: Islam is the fastest growing religion in the UK

Last month I attended my annual training session for maintaining my security clearance in the prison service.

There was a presentation by three speakers from the Roman Catholic, Protestant and Muslim faiths, who explained their beliefs.

I was particularly interested in what the Islamic Imam had to say about the basics of Islam, complete with video.

After the presentations, question time. I directed my question to the Imam and asked: 'Correct me if I'm wrong, but I understand that most Imams and clerics of Islam have declared a Holy War against the infidels of the world and, that by killing an infidel, (which is a command to all Muslims) they are assured of a place in heaven. If that's the case, can you give me the definition of an infidel?'

There was no disagreement with my statement and, without hesitation he replied, 'Non-believers!'

I responded, 'So let me make sure I have this straight. All followers of Allah have been commanded to kill everyone who is not a follower of Allah, so they can have a place in heaven. Is that correct?'

The expression on his face changed from one of authority to that of a little boy who had just been caught with his hand in the biscuit tin.'

He sheepishly replied, 'Yes.'

I then stated, 'Well, I have a real problem trying to imagine Pope Benedict commanding all Catholics to kill Muslims, or the Archbishop of Canterbury ordering all Protestants to do the same in order to guarantee them a place in heaven!'

The Imam was speechless!

I continued, 'I also have a problem with being your 'friend' when you and your brother clerics are telling your followers to kill me! Let me ask you a question. Would you rather have your Allah, who tells you to kill me in order for you to go to heaven, or my Jesus who tells me to love you because He will take me to heaven and He wants you to be there with me?'

You could have heard a pin drop as the Imam remained speechless.

Needless to say, the organizers of the Diversification seminar were not happy with this way of exposing the truth about the Muslims' beliefs.

Within twenty years, ie. 2031, there will be enough Muslim voters in the UK to elect a government of their choice, complete with Sharia law.

Everyone in the WORLD. should be required to read this, but with the current political paralysis, tolerant justice system, liberal media and P.C. madness, there is no way this will be widely publicised.

Please pass this on to all your e-mail contacts.

John Harrison MBE. MIDSc

Proof god wasn't watching:

A Brazilian actor playing Judas was seriously injured Saturday when he accidently hanged himself during a Bible scene in which his character commits suicide after betraying Jesus, a report said.

The actor, identified as Tiago Klimeck, apparently confused which cord he should use, and remained hanging for several minutes during a performance of "The Passion of Christ" in the city of Itarare, police told news website G1.

The man's colleagues did not react immediately while he hung unconscious, believing the actor was still playing the role of Judas.

Klimeck was rushed to a hospital, where he remains in serious condition, the news site reported.

Please read this==>

Hoaxes and Urban Legends: "Allah or the Lord Jesus Christ?"

17 mar 2012 New Scientist had an interesting series of articles on Religion and Religious belief.

The God Issue- The Surprising new Science of Religion.

Why our minds have a god-shaped space.

The idea that launched a thousand civilizations.

God's existence put to the test.

Reclaiming the best bits of Religion for atheists

Why Religion may outlast Science and also interestingly why atheists are everywhere distrusted.

I have invariably found that any e-mail I receive that contains statements like "Please pass this on to all your e-mail contacts" is a hoax.
+1. I even received one recently which detailed some of the more well known scams and then at the end said:
However, this is the one email that you really will want to pass on to all your friends because a lot of people don't actually know about the scams described above.

And people will do it. It was sent to me by someone I'd have thought would have known better, along with the exhortation "You must read this"!
I have invariably found that any e-mail I receive that contains statements like "Please pass this on to all your e-mail contacts" is a hoax.
...and I keep telling people so, whenever I receive a "warning"
Stops some of them including me in their distribution list (which I consider a partial success), but doesn't stop most of them from persisting.
Because, as one serial forwarder told me, "it's better to be 99 times wrong than missing the one that's really true."
I have had a Vision.

Truth has descended upon me.


...only one?
... and not a single question about all the other gods and myths created/ believed in by other non-Jewish tribes
The Greek Pantheon, so convincingly depicted by poets and playwrights from Homer to Euripides?
The Norse gods of Wagnerian proportions?
Indian, Japanese, North American, Mayan ... explanations of the Universe and Purpose of Life.

Why couldn't Dawkins think of raising this question, rather than tying himself into knots when he attempted to talk in Layman's terms about Science he himself didn't understand.

A sad spectacle, seeing these two gentlemen attempt to belittle each other's ignorance in order to win over a mostly superficial audience.

I agree pixel. The debate never rose to any great heights and ended up a dull draw.

Although one interesting point that we may all ponder is where did it all start?
If the universe was started from the big bang what was there before it?
If it was all started by god where did god come from?

As the venerable Professor Julius Sumner Miller often said "why is it so?"

chicken or the egg ey dutchie? i find its best to not even speculate on the above, or it will simply result in a couple of nurofen. its not in our nature to be able to come to terms with "it simply just is". IMO we are hundreds if not thousands of years off even skimming the top.
As Joe Rogan has said "We are just people stuck on a space ship, travelling through space and time at a million miles an hour...and no-one knows what the f** we are really doing here"!
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