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Religion IS crazy!

Yes, the Bible contradicts itself over and over again. It's only a nice book with good advice if you cherry pick the decent parts and leave out the bad parts, as Christians like to do.
I took bible classes over a period of several months when I was a teenager, and not once did the classes touch on the horrible parts of the bible, of which there are many.

In school libraries you wouldn't find a book that condones murder and rape and slavery, but the Bible glorifies all three of these horrible crimes and yet is standard issue in most schools!

The bible sure is strident in its condemnation of gay people.
So are most religions, including the Catholic religion – in theory at least. But in practice the RCC rewards and protects gay priests who rape innocent young boys. It preaches one thing and then does the opposite.
Friend Duckman, of course, wouldn’t see this as an example of double standards in religion.
Thanks VC but not wanting to be in any Club at this time.

lol, there is no actual club, It was just a figure of speech, I was just pointing out from what your saying, you seem to be an "agnostic Atheist", because you said you don't believe in a god (so that's atheism) but also said you don't know if one exists ( which is agnosticism), which makes you an agnostic atheist.
the RCC rewards and protects gay priests who rape innocent young boys. :

I have been told by a strident gay man on another forum that male paedophiles committing acts on boys should not be confused with homosexuals. By logical suggestion, apparently same sex paedophilia is a hetrosexual act so your use of the word "gay" is misplaced .........
But in practice the RCC rewards and protects gay priests who rape innocent young boys. It preaches one thing and then does the opposite.
Friend Duckman, of course, wouldn’t see this as an example of double standards in religion.

Most likely he would use the defence he eluded too, "That's people, not religion"

eg. Christian man feeds the homeless, "That's religion". Christian priests rape boy "that's not religion, that's just people" or a Christian family reject their gay son "that's not religion, that's just people". even though in the later case it can be shown that many religions actually preach anti gay sermons, and the foundation texts mention killing gays.

Any good actions by members of the flock are always directly attributed to the faith, Any Bad actions by members of the flock are always attributed to the person. It's confirmation bias.

Yes, they should not be confused with regular homosexual males, just like a paedophile having sex with little girls shouldn't be confused with regular hetrosexual males. But, the priest that has sex with a little boy is engaging in a gay sexual act.

I think the point the "strident gay man" was trying to make was that homosexuals are not automatically paedophiles, just like hetros aren't. Gays wanting to adopt children often struggle against this stigma. My own father who is not generally a bigot expressed a concern during a discussion that if gays were allowed to adopt, they may molest the little boys, I tried to explain that there is no greater risk to that than there is a straight man adopting and molesting a female baby.

rob1966 ?

Yes, I remember him saying that...

I converted from a Christian to an Agnostic....

when you say that do you mean you became an atheist, or are you just an Agnostic Theist now?

eg. do you still believe in a god but you have just given up the Christian concepts.

I think recent events with homosexual/paedophile surrogate dads masquerading as decent hetrosexuals may indicate your father might be onto something there.

Whether we use the word 'gay' or not, the fact is that it's a blatant double standard for a religion to preach that homosexuality is a sin, and then for that same religion to protect and reward priests who sexually assault innocent little children of their own gender.
Apart from the thousands of sexual assaults on little boys within the RCC, logic tells me that there must be considerable homosexual activity between gay priests, and that it would be well known by the church.
Nothing is done about it, despite the strident condemnation of homosexuality in Catholic doctrine.
As I've always said, actions speak louder that words, and religions would have more credibility if they practised what they preach.
I think recent events with homosexual/paedophile surrogate dads masquerading as decent hetrosexuals may indicate your father might be onto something there.

There have been heterosexual men (in fact its the majority of sexual assaults on children are by heterosexual males) who molested their adopted daughters, should we refrain from allowing couples where one of the members is a heterosexual male from adopting children?

there has also been Heterosexual females who have molested little boys, perhaps heterosexual females shouldn't be allowed to adopt?

My point is, simply being gay doesn't increase your chances of being a paedophile any more than being straight does.
My point is, simply being gay doesn't increase your chances of being a paedophile any more than being straight does.

Terrible things have been done to children by both gay and straight parents, whether biological or adopted.

There are other reasons for denying adoption to homosexuals. eg Lack of parental balance, lack of role models, alien environment for heterosexual children to be bought up in, etc.
Female sexual predators exist. It's not a gay thing and it's not just men either.

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There are other reasons for denying adoption to homosexuals. eg Lack of parental balance, lack of role models, alien environment for heterosexual children to be bought up in, etc.

They are not good reasons at all.

Plenty of children have been raised by only a mother or a father, so two mothers or two fathers shouldn't be an issue.

Why can't gay people be good roles models? there is nothing stopping gay people being great parents, and being heterosexual doesn't automatically make you a good role model.

and whats this about alien environment? Gay children are raised in heterosexual homes all the time, Are you saying that if a test could be done on a baby that showed he or she was gay, then that baby shouldn't be adopted by heterosexuals?
and whats this about alien environment? Gay children are raised in heterosexual homes all the time, Are you saying that if a test could be done on a baby that showed he or she was gay, then that baby shouldn't be adopted by heterosexuals?

Yes, and in many cases it is confusing and contradictory for them, and if they were born into that family they have little choice. So why deliberately make heterosexual children put up with the same confusion in an adoptive family ?
Yes, and in many cases it is confusing and contradictory for them, and if they were born into that family they have little choice. So why deliberately make heterosexual children put up with the same confusion in an adoptive family ?

So if there was a test that could be used to determine a babies sexuality, you would be in favor of using it so that heterosexuals don't adopt gay children?
there has also been Heterosexual females who have molested little boys,
Such a situation is extremely rare compared with the number of adult males who assault children of both genders.

I think the whole surrogacy issue needs to be clamped down on. There have already been too many examples of males using vulnerable, poverty-stricken females as surrogates to provide them with children whose future will be uncertain at best.
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