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Religion IS crazy!

Re: Religion gone crazy!

This whole thing has gotten completely out of hand. If you wanted to be technical, it wouldn't be possible to call out "gods" name when you're slaughtering masses of animals - the muslim reply to this is they play a recording over loudspeaker, but still not the same.

Secondly, if i want to eat bacon on my KFC i expect the store to have it. I used to work with lots of muslim guys who would never stop preaching about their god and all things associated with it and talk down on the fact that pork was forbidden and dirty but these guys all smoked marijuana, snorted cocaine, injected steroids and slept with *****s behind their wives backs - just didn't like the bacon.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

I do wonder where the whole don't eat pork really came from originally. I mean, what did Mohammad have against pigs? Maybe he had some bad bacon as a child perhaps? Or, he was eating a Christmas roast one day, nibbling on the crackling, when he found some hair on it and realised 'holy Jesus, this is pig's skin!' and decided he didn't like it.

Re: Religion gone crazy!

Aren't there some laws against what that guy is saying?
Dunno - I'm not a lawyer.
But over here in WA discrimination/ vilification on sexual, racial, religious grounds is definitely verboten.


Maybe someone with better legal training can explain the difference, why the same law cannot be applied to any imam or sheikh who preaches hatred against "non-believers" and vilifies all of us who don't give a toss.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

I worked with a Muslim guy over the past 2 years who;
  • cheated on his wife with any female that even looked in his direction
  • visited the w**** house monthly
  • got pissed at least once a week (more like 3-4 nights a week)
  • treated his wife like absolute crap (that could be anyone, but it all added up in my eyes)
  • yet...didn't eat pork products

I still remember when the Pope visited Sydney in '08 and l was watching it on the news on TV. He made a remark along the lines of,'....Oh, look at that fag...". Had l said that about Muhammad, l would have been fired for discrimination. Work that one out people.
I find some Muslim's to be very hypocritical, self centered and think that they are above others.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

Hi kennas,
there is a logical reason behind some of the dietary rules. It's all got to do with the environment, where those tribal rules originated: In a dry, arid coutry, mostly desert of dry scrub where water was scarce and refrigeration unknown.
Pork is quickly "going off" unless it's cured or boiled in water. Beef, mutton, and other red meat can be sun-dried and keeps edible for a long time.
Similar with mollusks: While fresh, crabs and oysters are delicious; but don't leave them even an hour in the sun, unless you like food poisoning.

Now, in the Dark Ages, you couldn't argue with the unwashed masses about science, germs, an hour or two. So, a "Holy Book" full of rules had to be invented that cloaked all those sensible hygiene messages into mumbo-jumbo and promised eternal damnation to all non-believers. Right down to ordering people to use one hand for "clean" things like eating and welcoming guests, while keeping the other unwashed, even after you wiped your bum with it; makes sense when neither toilet paper has yet been invented, nor soap water is sufficiently available.
btw, I believe the lack of water is also behind the barbaric practice of circumcision that originated in the same region. Western civilisation has adopted some sanitary rules of cleanliness that make smegma and the bacteria thriving in it a thing of the past.
'nuff said, I reckon.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

btw, I believe the lack of water is also behind the barbaric practice of circumcision that originated in the same region.
Yes, it's a strange thing to do. I think the good book says that it was an act of sacrifice in the beginning that started that trend. I'm sure all babies pop out and think 'to be more holy I must have my body mutilated'. Or, it was just good hygiene.

Now, female circumcision......lets not go there.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

Not really a thread I want to join, but I thought I'd just leave my here for what its worth, as someone who one upon a time was involved with this issue.
There is no objective doubt that the statement "an increasing presence of muslims is detrimental to non-muslims" is correct. However, I'd like to point out that natives complaining about muslim immigrants to each other has been going on forever, as it did in the UK, as it did in France, as it is in Canada, the rest of Europe etc.

It is a complete waste of time and effort. No amount of anti-muslim noise made by the natives had any effect whatsoever on the expansion of the muslim communities. This stands to reason - what concern is it of muslims what non-muslims think? They will do what they wish regardless.
The issue should be 'for what reason is there now a muslim presence', and people should spend their energy confronting that issue. And the reason is fairly straightforward to anyone who seeks it: non-muslim leftism, and nothing else.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

I find some Muslim's to be very hypocritical, self centered and think that they are above others.
Hi DB,
While I understand your attitude, I don't believe it's fair to judge an entire group - in this case: Muslims - by the lack of discipline of some or even many of its members.
I've met self-proclaimed Christian fundamentalists, who are convinced of their own virtue and who bring heartache and death to every "heathen" they can "save". All from the purest of motives of course.
I know devout Muslims - and Jews, for that matter, who share similar dietary and hygiene "Musaic Laws" - whom I respect very highly as civilised members of my circle of friends. Many of them have graduated out of the Dark Ages and know the dietary rules for what they are: Precautions to avoid food poisoning in arid areas. They enjoy a beer or a glass of wine, don't fret when we throw a pork chop or shrimp on the BBQ, and respect my agnostic views as a matter of my personal choice - like I respect theirs.
Nor do they hide their wives in a one-man tent; they're self-assured enough to know nobody can "own" another person. They love their wives/ partners in the same sense that I love my wife: where that other person's happiness and wellbeing is essential to their own.

PS: tothemax6,
I thought I understood most of what you said; if I knew what you mean by "non-muslim leftism", I might understand your contribution fully.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

Hi DB,
While I understand your attitude, I don't believe it's fair to judge an entire group - in this case: Muslims - by the lack of discipline of some or even many of its members.

I agree with you 100%, maybe l've brain-washed myself somehow and hold people in this religious group differently after working with 1 Muslim for 2 years. I consciously know it's not the right thing to do and l always try to give the benefit of doubt to everyone.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

I still cant get my head around how people can still believe in "higher powers" in this day and age, and worse throw all their money at it.

Its the biggest business in the world (tax free mind you) and people still cant work it out
Re: Religion gone crazy!

I disagree and agree.

In the end logic will prevail. It might take 50 years. It might take 2000 years. But, humans will one day conclude that religion is crazy. Or, God will actually appear in person, do some scientifically proved miracles, and this thread will be toast.

Yes, we should confront the issue. Why the hell would anyone want to dogmatically follow the words of a book written 1500 years ago in Western Asia by the acquaintances of an illiterate who had an angel speak to him while meditating in a cave in the desert mountains. Why would anyone think these are the words of God?

My solution?

Give them a job.

And cull the human population by half.

We just don't get on in confined spaces.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

Kennas - Religion is one of human's first and most enduring inventions - it's certainly been around longer than the wheel.

But if God does appear - he most certainly would be an ET of some kind.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

I'm not concerned about Australia being taken over by muslims. I reckon in 20-30 years, their women won't bow down to their husbands orders. They're suppressed enough as it is and I have seen and heard enough already to prove it.

I also worked with a Syrian atheist (as unbelievable as it is) who said that when he was studying in Iran he used to sleep with a lot of the muslim wives when their husbands were away at work. They used to peer their heads out their door which was the signal for "its on".

Back here in Australia, this Lebanese muslim FOB was upset and angry at his wife for not wearing her head scarf. She refused to wear it - he was an excavator operator and his wife was an Australian born muslim and an accountant. Her mother refused to do what her husband told her (resulted in a divorce) and passed on her (good) attitudes to her daughter.

The best was the 20 something year old muslim girl in Arncliffe Sydney who told my married muslim mate that he could you know what in her freckle only because she had to stay a virgin.

I have so many stories, I work in construction and I am around these guys every day.....i used to work for a muslim guy for 3 years and there was only about 6 Aussies and Maori's out of about 15 muslims.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

Kennas - Religion is one of human's first and most enduring inventions.
And obviously still has a function. Because we don't know everything about the universe we must assign the unknown to God. And to feel good about death. And, He's still an incredible control mechanism.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

Kennas - Religion is one of human's first and most enduring inventions - it's certainly been around longer than the wheel.

But if God does appear - he most certainly would be an ET of some kind.

I can never believe in god (which i don't) after you hear all the sick twisted stuff that goes on especially to little kids.

Best doco I have ever seen
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Re: Religion gone crazy!

I can never believe in god (which i don't) after you hear all the sick twisted stuff that goes on especially to little kids.
Religion should be a choice. Not brainwashing.

Increase the age of brainwashing consent from 0 to 18 I propose!

Parents should at least be banned from taking their children to church until they understand that the Earth is round, we revolve around the Sun, and Eve was not a product of Adam's rib cage.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

There's so much good stuff on youtube that everyone should be subjected to.

Heres one with Actual intelligence behind it:

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Re: Religion gone crazy!

Heres one with Actual intelligence behind it:
I disagree with Dawkins.

There is a very clear rationality for it.


What we don't understand we must explain as best possible for our own mortality.

An example is the human impulse to assign threat to a rustling in the bushes. It is best to assume that it is a predator, than a rabbit.

It actually WAS rational for some time, but now is absolute idiocy with what we have learnt over time.

(pending God turning up and handing us a cure for cancer - although I am sure some lunatic will claim it was God's will)
Re: Religion gone crazy!

Kennas - Religion is one of human's first and most enduring inventions - it's certainly been around longer than the wheel.

But if God does appear - he most certainly would be an ET of some kind.
So true,
and if Jesus came back and showed His face on St Peter's in Rome, He'd be locked up for preaching without a license or some other misdemeanour.

And it would be an interesting spectacle indeed to watch Mohammed try and tell any of the different factions and sects who is boss. Would Ahmadinajad or Bin Laden nod assent if M. told them that "Isa bin Yusouf", aka "Isa bin Maryam", was indeed a Prophet, whose doctrine to "Love Thy Neighbour" was indeed valid?
Re: Religion gone crazy!

What was thought up and believed in the beginning is a lot different to what has blown out of proportion these days. I think it was merely just stories to scare people into behaving as a society so your neighbour wouldnt root your wife or steal and murder. These days there are laws for all this - only good thing to come out of religion is the public holidays
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