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Religion IS crazy!

Did you notice how he failed to have any effect on the tiny little kids of toddler age?

One wonders what the older kids must have been told that makes them act like that? Probably tales of hellfire or visits from the devil if they don't?
This reminds me of a hypnosis show I went to see once, where the bloke had dozens of people up on stage doing every crazy thing he told them to do.

I think you have it there. Mass hypnosis and suggestion.
Anyone doubting the awful reality of dogmatic religion should watch 4 Corners tonight, covering the spread of ISIS in the ME, Iraq in particular.

I hope our government will find some way of preventing these brainwashed, violent jihadists from coming back to Australia.
Their ignorance and lack of decent education renders them utterly vulnerable to extremist exhortations.
Really worrying.
I hope our government will find some way of preventing these brainwashed, violent jihadists from coming back to Australia.

I hope so too. I believe that fighting in a foreign war is a criminal offense. Perhaps the prospect of being arrested on their return should be deterrent enough to prevent them coming back, but we should also consider not letting people in from these areas in the first place.
One wonders what the older kids must have been told that makes them act like that? Probably tales of hellfire or visits from the devil if they don't?

Yep – hellfire and damnation - standard fare for Christianity.
Tales of Satan and hellfire used to scare me when I was a kid. Not that my parents ever told me such lies, but the minister who conducted a weekly religious instruction class at our school certainly did. And to a lesser extent our Sunday school teachers did too. Every time my sister and I had a blue and I gave her a bit of a biff, I was convinced the damn devil had a hold on me and had saturated me with the spirit of evil. Hellfire and damnation were my future for sure!

Fortunately I came to reject such ridiculous notions as I grew up and started thinking for myself. But some people never do....what’s brainwashed into them as kids is what they believe for the rest of their lives.
. But some people never do....what’s brainwashed into them as kids is what they believe for the rest of their lives.

I can't remember the author of the quote, But someone said "Be careful the ideas you put in your head, for you may never get them out"
I’ve done my fair share of criticising religion, and sometimes Christianity specifically. Nevertheless, from my personal experience of having been brought up a Christian, I can honestly say that the good far outweighed the bad in all the church communities that I was involved in.
The one religion that I find difficult to find any worthwhile attributes in is Islam. Somebody sent me the following - it’s not too far off the mark when you think about it.

This is about as honest a portrayal of Islam as you can get!

They're not happy in Gaza ..
They're not happy in Egypt ..
They're not happy in Libya ..
They're not happy in Morocco ...
They're not happy in Iran ..
They're not happy in Iraq ..
They're not happy in Yemen ...
They're not happy in Afghanistan ..
They're not happy in Pakistan ...
They're not happy in Syria ..
They're not happy in Lebanon ...


They're happy in Australia ..
They're happy in Canada ..
They're happy in England ..
They're happy in France ..
They're happy in Italy ..
They're happy in Germany ..
They're happy in Sweden ..
They're happy in the USA ..
They're happy in Norway ..
They're happy in Holland ..
They're happy in Denmark ..

Basically, they're happy in every country that is NOT MUSLIM, and unhappy in every country that is!


Not Islam.
Not their leadership.
Not themselves.


AND THEN; They want to change those countries to be like THE COUNTRY THEY CAME FROM WHERE THEY WERE UNHAPPY!

Excuse me, but I can't help wondering...
How damn dumb can you get?
Everyone seems to be wondering why Muslim Terrorists are so quick to commit suicide.
Lets have a look at the evidence:
- No Christmas
- No nude women
- No football
- No pork chops
- No hot dogs
- No burgers
- No beer
- No bacon
- Rags for clothes
- Towels for hats
- Constant wailing from some idiot in a tower
- You have to pray five times a day
- More than one wife
- More than one mother-in-law
- Your wife is picked for you by someone else.
Then they tell them that "when they die, it all gets better"?? Why? – because there will be seventy virgins waiting for them in heaven!
The Islamic religion must surely be the epitome of stupidity, and yet they want the rest of the world to be just like them!!
Love every word you have well put together and agree with you 100%.
Nevertheless, from my personal experience of having been brought up a Christian, I can honestly say that the good far outweighed the bad in all the church communities that I was involved in.

That's true with most groups of people, the average person is a good person. I grew up involved in sporting clubs rather than churches, and whether it be swimming club, water polo, Karate or AFL, The various clubs were all full of community orientated, charitable and genuinely nice people who remain family friends to this day.
Christianity is nothing about being a "good person".

How do you even define it?

God's definition of good is what good truly is.

If we put mine or yours or anyone's thoughts up on a projector for all to see we would see how truly selfish and wicked we all are at the core. Some of the thoughts we have thought about those closest to us are so embarrassing and bad that if shown on a screen in front of everyone we knew we would run out of the room in disgrace.

Only Christ can meet the holy requirements of God. Only accepting him can make us righteous. Out own works are so far away from good that they don't even make a small debt on the requirements. It is impossible for us.
Christianity is nothing about being a "good person".



we would see how truly selfish and wicked we all are at the core.

Speak for yourself.

Only Christ can meet the holy requirements of God.

And only Bat man can save Gotham city, and only Rudolph can guide the sleigh tonight. The attributes you ascribe to your mythical superhero are meaningless until you can demonstrate his existence.

Only accepting him can make us righteous. Out own works are so far away from good that they don't even make a small debt on the requirements. It is impossible for us

I will give people a lot more credit for real world good deeds, than simply believing in an unproven myth.

If your god accepts faith in unproven stories as the highest form of good deed, then he is morally bankrupt, and I Have Better moralls than your god.
This is the most realistic post in this thread.

This is drivel and insulting.

If we put mine or yours or anyone's thoughts up on a projector for all to see we would see how truly selfish and wicked we all are at the core.
Absolute rubbish! One of the things that sickened me when I was a Christian was their constant attempts to tell me that I and everyone else was a horrible and wicked sinner. And we were expected to ask forgiveness by groveling at the feet of some being that had not one shred of credible evidence to support his/her/its existence.
I personally helped people whenever and wherever I could, and I still do, I was a long time member of community service clubs, I was and still am a man of absolute honesty and integrity, and there were many more just like me in our church. And yet there was always this stupid accusation that were were sinners who should constantly be asking for forgiveness.

There are good and decent people in the world, and there are mongrels who are absolutely evil. To tar everyone with the same brush by saying they’re all wicked is downright pathetic, and extremely insulting to decent people.
I suppose you think that someone like Mother Theresa or Fred Hollows was selfish and wicked too, do you?
Grow up Pav - you're making a complete fool of yourself.

Only Christ can meet the holy requirements of God. Only accepting him can make us righteous.

More nonsense! I think we can reasonably assume that Pope John Paul 2 accepted Christ. That makes him righteous according to you. And yet he aided and abetted the junkie, embezzler and pedophile who founded and ran the Legionaries of Christ.

Touched a nerve?
We are all in the same boat.

That's why the whole point of the sermon on the mount was to go beyond works and to the heart and motives. To illustrate that perfect holiness (or even getting close) is an impossible standard.

Like I said, put some of the inner most thoughts on a screen and everyone will run.

RE the Pope.. I don't believe in the Pope as the head of the church or anything, I don't care about the Pope. Secondly he is in exactly the same boat. My point stands for him 100%.

Christianity invented a make believe disease so they can sell us a make believe cure. Your showing your true colours of a snake oil salesman pav. I am not sure whether your the dishonest racketeer or you have just fallen for the slick speeches of this network marketing sham you call religion, but either way I am not buying what your selling.
The disease is obvious for all to see.

If your worst most secret thoughts about those around you were put on a projector for all to see you would struggle to face those people again.

Same with me. Same with everyone.

You don't get labelled good because someone else is worse. If you are caught speeding once you've broken the law and are guilty.

Of course there are varying degrees but we are all guilty.
I do believe that you are sincere I your worldview but unfortunately you are sincerely wrong.
Touched a nerve?
We are all in the same boat.

You didn’t touch any nerve – I just don’t like people making dumb and blatantly dishonest statements.

One of the regular posters to this forum has spent years doing voluntary work helping disadvantaged people. She doesn’t believe in your god or any other. You say this clearly decent woman is selfish and wicked despite all the effort she puts into helping those less fortunate than herself.
I say you’re so brainwashed by Christianity and religion generally that you’ve lost the ability to think objectively and rationally. You’re tied up in your own little world and you’ve lost touch with reality.
You don't get labelled good because someone else is worse. If you are caught speeding once you've broken the law and are guilty.

And if I am guilty of something, its immoral to think I can make Jesus my scape goat and get forgiveness by praying to an imaginary friend. The only moral action it to make amends to any victims of my crimes.

And a lot of the things that Christianity would try and charge me with are not crimes at all, It is simply trying to make us feel bad for our normal human nature, and trying to charge us with thought crimes.
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