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Religion IS crazy!

Maybe you just aren't meek enough

Yeh, could be......'the meek shall inherit the earth', etc etc.

Boys boarding school from the age of 13 taught me that the meek get trampled on, and if you want to avoid getting trampled then you'd better learn to be assertive and stick up for yourself.

lol, You just gave me a huge flash back from my childhood, I remember all the year 1 and 2 kids had to sit cross legged at junior parade and recite this, and that was a public school. I hope things have changed since the 80's.

They better not attempt to try this stuff when my kid goes to school.

I went to school in the 70's and we didn't bother with that stuff.

But the pollies say it in Parliament before every sitting day, so it's still well entrenched in our systems.
I went to school in the 70's and we didn't bother with that stuff.


I guess it comes down to the principle and teachers abusing their position of power to push their brand of religion onto the children in their care, People would go mental if a Muslim teacher started making kids do this.

Does parliament really do that? This is what I mean when we need a separation between church and state, Each member should be free to privately pray to which ever god they want before they sit, But making a prayer part of the official proceedings is wrong.
I went to school in the 70's and we didn't bother with that stuff.

But the pollies say it in Parliament before every sitting day, so it's still well entrenched in our systems.

I wonder how many of them have actually thought about what it means, or considered whether they agree with it. Not too many would be my guess.

Very true. So many of the ultra religious say the bible should be taken literally, then spend most of their time cherry picking which parts to ignore.

One also has to ask what form of slavery they'd deign to be acceptable

In the Muslim world they're still trying to enforce the kind of laws from the Qur'an. Not so much cherry picking as just bat s&*t crazy interpretations.

Just exactly how was it Rudd and Gillard when the population ponzi really took off from when Howard was elected??

From the mouth of your most worshiple leader:

Australia needs a high level of immigration. I’m a high immigration man. I practiced that in Government. And one of the ways that you maintain public support for that is to communicate to the Australian people a capacity to control our borders and decide who and what people and when they come to this country.

To be honest, I can't ever recall Howard telling the Australian public he was for high immigration.


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Bunyip, have you ever seen stoning in Australia?
This country was built on Christian origins, in the law of the land, which runs through all our Courts etc.
As you know, all my posts have been Christian based, being a Catholic.

Now I have a question for you, if you don't mind answering,

-- is it God or Religion that you have a problem with?
People are still going to believe in God whether there is religion or not.

What is your answer for this?

Did your children attend a private school, if so, was it religious?


That's right Tink, we don't stone people because our values are not based on the bible, and taking a biblical approach would not make this nation better,
Bunyip, have you ever seen stoning in Australia?
No I haven’t – because we have enough sense not to base our laws entirely on God’s word according to the Bible.
This country was built on Christian origins, in the law of the land, which runs through all our Courts etc.
That’s what I was brought up to believe. But is it entirely true? Seems to me that for a country that was supposedly built on Christian origins, we didn’t get off to such a good start.
‘Thou shalt not steal’ was violated when the first Europeans to settle in Australia took the land from the aborigines.
‘Thou shalt not kill’ was violated when the European settlers slaughtered the aborigines.
‘Thou shalt not commit adultery’ was violated by the many white men who freely used the aboriginal women.
Treat other people as you would have them treat you’ was violated by all of the above actions, not to mention the shocking treatment of prisoners who were sent out to Australia for the pettiest of crimes such as stealing a loaf of bread because they were starving, or snaring a hare so that a man could feed his family.
Fortunately we’ve moved on from there and have established a constitution that’s based more or less on common sense and decency, both of which can be practiced with or without religion, and with or without a belief in any of the supernatural beings called gods.
-- is it God or Religion that you have a problem with?
I have a problem with dishonesty - and blatant dishonesty and unrealistic claims are everywhere in anything to do with God and religion.
Did your children attend a private school, if so, was it religious?
For two years my children attended a private Catholic school. We weren’t Catholics, but we believed that a private school education would benefit our kids. The Catholic school was the only private school in the small country town we lived near.
When we moved to another area, my children attended a private Presbyterian school. If we’d had access to private schools that were not owned/run by churches, we would certainly have sent our children to those schools.
Having said that, we have little if any complaint with the Presbyterian school - it had excellent academic and behavioral standards, and to our relief it didn’t come on too strong with the religious side of things.
The Catholic school was pretty good too, although we didn’t feel entirely comfortable with the way it was constantly ramming Catholicism down the kid’s throats.

All in all though, we had mostly positive experiences with the two church-based schools we were involved with.
Thanks for your reply, bunyip.

That’s what I was brought up to believe. But is it entirely true?

Yes it is true, and it is what we stand for.
If we all lived by those, what a perfect world it would be, and that is not singling out one or the other.

I am glad to hear you were happy with your children's schools.
The discipline is superior in the private system, yet again, speaks volumes, discipline, authority, compassion, order.

I know you have said good about the Church here also, and no one denies the bad that has happened as well, thanks.

I reviewed the Lord's Prayer long ago, and thanks for posting it, rings true for me.
Yes it is true, and it is what we stand for.
If we all lived by those, what a perfect world it would be, and that is not singling out one or the other.

All of the "good" values you credit to Christianity, actual predate both bibles. They are not "Christian" values, They are secular human values, they are common across cultures all over the world and date back to pre history.

And as I said to Rumpole, who ever wrote the ten commandments did a lousy job, it's a pretty rubbish list, any thinking person could put together a better list, and as we continually point out, a lot of the other commandments are totally immoral.
Saying "I don't know", is more intellectually honest, than saying "I don't know, therefore god", that's the basic difference in our points of view.

Hank Green from the Sci Show, explains why we all need to say "I don't know" more often. Great video.

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Humour and Ridicule are probably some of the best ways to address those who make public claims of knowing the unknowable or having divine revelation, and the English comedians seem to do it best.

Rowan's twist on the bible here shows it for what it really is.

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Although the earlier part is shocking, the way they try to get innocent children to fall from about the 6min mark onward is shameful. No question about it. Child abuse.
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Although the earlier part is shocking, the way they try to get innocent children to fall from about the 6min mark onward is shameful. No question about it. Child abuse.

I remember during uni a deeply religious friend took me to something similar to this. I couldn't believe what was going on. It was like mass hysteria for 45 minutes. I spent most of my time trying to work out just how many were truly into this, and how many were just following the crowd.

Although the earlier part is shocking, the way they try to get innocent children to fall from about the 6min mark onward is shameful. No question about it. Child abuse.

Parents who let their kids be subjected to this sort of thing are a disgrace.
Did you notice how he failed to have any effect on the tiny little kids of toddler age?

This reminds me of a hypnosis show I went to see once, where the bloke had dozens of people up on stage doing every crazy thing he told them to do.
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