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Religion IS crazy!

Sorry to interrupt all this hugging and hay yaows.

But does God exist?

If he does is he represented by those sweaty persons of Mediterranean Appearance chopping peoples heads off in Syria and Iraq?

Sorry to interrupt all this hugging and hay yaows.

But does God exist?

If he does is he represented by those sweaty persons of Mediterranean Appearance chopping peoples heads off in Syria and Iraq?


She might not appreciate supplication from those confusing Her gender. Perhaps you could ask Her yourself and let us know what (if anything) She has to say on the matter?
But does God exist?


Depends who you ask, Pav said yes and he knows its Jesus, Cynic says yes, and he says its a giant organism that we live inside akin to microbes that live in us, tink agrees with both pav and cynic, calliope says no but he likes people that believe in pav's brand, sir rumpole says he doesn't know but thinks one does but its not the type the others believe in,

That about sums it up. LOL
Where would this world be without religion?!

Just think! There'd be no "Life of Brian" style vids to cheer us up when we're feeling glum. Not to mention the wonderful offerings of comedians such as Rowan Atkinson, Dick Emery and Rowan Atkinson etc.
Sorry to interrupt all this hugging and hay yaows.

But does God exist?

If he does is he represented by those sweaty persons of Mediterranean Appearance chopping peoples heads off in Syria and Iraq?


First separate the possibility of a God existing from religion. Religion is a human interpretation of what a God is, does and wants. There is no evidence that any religion's interpretations of a higher Being's characteristics are accurate. The fact that religions differ so greatly in their descriptions of a God indicate that if one religion is correct, the others must be wrong, or they could all be wrong. Religion is therefore based on an individuals personal choice of what type of God appeals to them.

As to whether a God exists at all, no one knows for sure. We have discovered that the Laws of Science break down the closer in time that we get to the Big Bang. Therefore the universe must have been created by processes that we do not understand at this time. Maybe we will know for sure one day, but until we do my belief is that the simplest explanation for why the universe is here is that something created it. Others may disagree, but they have as much (or as little) basis for their opinion as I have for mine.

Take your pick.

Hope that answers your question.
Ah, good to see we are all happy, have a lovely day.

My own offering....

May God bless you all, peace and happiness for this very special new day.
Ah, good to see we are all happy, have a lovely day.

My own offering....

May God bless you all, peace and happiness for this very special new day.

Same to you Tink, and may your God go with you ...


I agree with your general sentiment. But I think saying an "individuals personal choice" misses the fact that probably 99% of those who claim to follow a religion follow that in which they are brought up in. An accident of birth rather than a reasoned decision in almost every case. The fact that even people who make a reasoned decision tend to end up with the religion of their birth indicates how strong the indoctrination, for use of a better word, at an early age is.

And made worse by threats of hell if they go against their birth religion or rejection by their family, or in some countries and religions risk of death or jail.

Unfortunate, yes. But unless you want to ban religion altogether which would be unconstitutional, there is not much that can be done about parental control. Take religion out of schools and allow secular chaplains (or don't fund them at all) is about all the State can do in this country.
Many of the parents I've known throughout the years do their utmost to give their children the best possible start in life.
Having experienced their religion (whatever that religion might be) as beneficial, they naturally want to pass those benefits on to their children.

It seems there are some misguided individuals within society that believe their unrecognised personal indoctrination is somehow superior to that of others' and have arrogantly presumed the right to dictate what is in the best interests of other people's children!

To these arrogant individuals I ask again:

Who do you think you are? Are you God?!!!

Yeah, what's a few threats of hell fire, a sexuality based disowning or an honour killing among family, It's all for the best right.
Sorry to interrupt all this hugging and hay yaows.

But does God exist?

If he does is he represented by those sweaty persons of Mediterranean Appearance chopping peoples heads off in Syria and Iraq?


Does God exist ???

Good question...

Woman Lets God Drive Car, God Immediately Runs Down Guy On Motorcycle
Just some of the nasty side effects of the "Beneficial" religious dogma parents may preach,
Tankyou VC. I'll accept that as your admission to misconstruence of my use of the word "beneficial".

Given that there are some that believe themselves sufficiently omniscient to know better than all those theistic folk how one may or may not be permitted to live and believe, perhaps one of the anti-theists amongst us could shed light on their proposed alternative. Should any choose to do so, please ensure that the concerns raised in my earlier post are adequately addressed.
Same to you Tink, and may your God go with you ...

Thanks Rumpole
I had some very good news yesterday morning, so I was very excited and thankful.
Gratitude, something people are forgetting.

As a few have mentioned, there are three debates in here, God on its own, God with religion and no God/no religion.

Religion has always been the messenger, how else are people going to hear about God, if not for religion.
The atheists don't want you to think of either.
Then again, they are the beginning of a Communist society, so what do you expect, no religion allowed, only their religion.
Humans are not perfect.

I agree with the Church also, which I know some in here don't, but I don't believe a society can make up their own rules. I am glad that the Church is there standing up for the ones that can't speak.
Religion has always been about the common good for all in society, from adults to children, and for me I see that as important.
They speak for the ones that can't speak. I am glad they are there.
I also think our Christian Heritage is important.
I have said that a few times.

We have mentioned Korea and international law, but once something like that starts, its very hard to get in and take over.

Just sharing my thoughts.
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