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Religion IS crazy!

Also amazing how if I post something from any sort of creaction website/channel etc, people will point it out and say that it's not valid,yet people are able to post videos of these buffons who clearly have an agenda.

It's not because your source is a creation website, it's because the actual things they say are evidence are not valid evidence, eg saying anything that goes against the bible is false, is actually false logic. Where as the points in the video i uploaded even you should agree with.

Electrons don't actually orbit the nucleus like planets orbit the sun

But to be honest, I can't see the point you are getting at with the rest of the stuff, can you explain what you think all this is evidence of. It seems to me you have some big picture pet hypothesis in mind and you are some how trying to pull these unrelated facts together using confirmation bias to say they are evidence.

I mean comparing traffic flows with a breathing cycle, sure I the similarity, but thats not evidence for anything more than people wanting to work the same hours in the same area, nothing more than that, if we decentralised our living and working arrangements it would be different.

And yes hydrocarbons burn, so what.
A while ago I was "reasoning" with my mum about there not being a God, so why does she pray to him. I use all the facts and figures and logic and rationale and conclude to her that, see, no God...

I think she saw the logic but then was really sad.

No use making people feel sad and guilty and wrong about doing something that bring them peace and happiness (only religious nuts do that, haha - sorry can't help myself).
Electrons don't actually orbit the nucleus like planets orbit the sun

Did you even bother to take the time to examine the formaulae?!!
Is it that you don't get the point, or that you don't want to get it?!! I've already stated what this evidences! Re read the post that prompted your request for this information!

Did you note certain similarities in the major chemical outputs of this reaction (i.e. CO2, H2O and heat) - so much like the process that occurs during the respiration processes within our very own bodies!!!

And let's not overlook the microbes ,they probably don't have sufficient awareness of their host to know that it is a living intelligent being. So it comes as no surprise that many humans fail to have the same realisation about their planet, solar system, galaxy and universe.

If you ever find yourself willing to openly investigate matters that may be in direct conflict with your personal philosophy, please let me know, until then please stop wasting my time and testing my patience.
Luutzu, you have no idea.

I am not in here to change peoples minds in what they want to believe and to be honest, I couldn't care less.
Our experiences are our reason and logic.

I hear atheists say they couldn't care less, but they seem to be the only ones posting.

Every now and again, I like to come in here to let be known that there are believers.

As usual, cynic, I enjoy reading your deep posts, thanks for sharing.
As usual, the observations you have posted here neither individually nor collectively constitute evidence for the existence of a sky god or supernatural intelligence.

Instead of regurgitating the same mystical, metaphysical tripe that you try and pass off as wisdom here, why not give all of us some real evidence for whatever it is you really believe on faith? Perhaps something verifiable such as witness testimony and/or recordings of your past conversations with the deceased as evidence of the existence of an imagined spirit world. Otherwise stop wasting everyone else's time here with your sophistry and clumsy defence of religious superstition.
Guess most of you have heard by now of the tragic loss of the Malaysian airliner over the Russian/Ukrainian border, brought down (they think) by a surface to air missile, killing more than 230 people.

At least a dozen times so far this morning I must have heard ‘Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of the victims’.
Thoughts and prayers???!!! I’m sure the grieving relatives are in our thoughts – what a terrible thing to lose loved ones in such horrific circumstances. But prayers?? – what good exactly are prayers going to do? Why do people persist with the foolish notion that prayers are somehow going to help in situations like this!
Using the same logic why don't you highlight thoughts as well? They won't have any use either.
Using the same logic why don't you highlight thoughts as well? They won't have any use either.
Thoughts with respect to condolences, expression of grief, mourning and remembrance etcetera are normal and useful. Reference to prayers to a feckless, imaginary deity are indeed useless expression but meant to appease the religious who think their imaginary sky God(s) (powerless or unwilling to prevent this tragedy) will bring comfort to those affected.
FX, if God walked up to you, you still wouldn't believe it.

As many have said, this can go round and round.

I wonder whatever happened to GB.
FX, if God walked up to you, you still wouldn't believe it.
Unlike you Tink, my beliefs are evidence, not Bible, based. No doubt if someone claiming to be "God" walked up to you, you would be inclined to take them seriously. Such is the gullibility of a superstitious mind.
Is that how you work.

Well guess what, my belief is evidence too, which I wouldn't be sharing with you.

There is a lot more than what you see.

Oh, ok . I get it now. Your trying to say that these disparate facts your mentioning are evidence that we are living inside a giant life form, much like microbes live in us.

Well that might make a good sci fi film, But I think that all it is science fiction. I certainly don't think the things you listed as evidence are evidence for what you are suggesting.

If you ever find yourself willing to openly investigate matters that may be in direct conflict with your personal philosophy, please let me know, until then please stop wasting my time and testing my patience.

the universe is under intense investigation, at as far as I am aware nothing points to us being part of your sci fi story.
FX, if God walked up to you, you still wouldn't believe it.


Tink ,

If a god existed, and he cared whether I believe or not, Since he knows everything he would understand the nature of evidence and he would know exactly what to do to convince me.

Since I remain unconvinced, god either doesn't exist or doesn't care whether I believe.

I think its the former, I don't think he exists.
Well guess what, my belief is evidence too, which I wouldn't be sharing with you. There is a lot more than what you see.
I have heard, read and reviewed all manner of what the religious regard as evidence for their strong belief in religious myth and the fantastic claims therein. I seriously doubt you have anything meaningful to add to such faith-based evidence as you have not done so to date in any of these threads. Being a slave to Christian myth is nothing to boast about, you have no special knowledge of the supernatural that I don't possess.
And you continue to go on with slave etc.

No, I don't write up all in forums, why should I?
That is my business.

I am not here to put people down as it seems you are.
And you continue to go on with slave etc. Unbelievable.
Why so unbelievable, your mind is clearly captive to (and captivated by) the fraud that is Christian myth. Virtually your every utterance here is testimony to this.

No, I don't write up all in forums, why should I? That is my business.
Fine by me, keep any claims about the validity of religious myth to yourself but don't expect anyone else to take your religion seriously then.

I am not here to put people down...
Neither am I, my focus is the fraud that is religion in the spirit of this thread. The religious diminish themselves here by continually demonstrating their slavish devotion to religious mythology and attacking those who ask for evidence for belief with insult and misdirection. I suggest you review posts from the likes of fellow religious contributors Chris and Pav if you want examples of vehement personal attacks here.
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