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Religion IS crazy!

So the elements were created in stars, from hydrogen and helium that was formed from protons and neutrons that were formed during the big bang.

these elements produced chemical molecules, Some how conditions arise that caused a molecule to become self replicating, mutations and natural selection lead to ever more complex self replicating molecules, and eventually animals and plants come about, natural selection continues.

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Not a jihad, but a fatwā !!

It is strange that Andrew Bolt who was a strong supporter of Michael Smith's campaign against Gillard and Wislson, has kept quiet about Smith's reference to the Islamic prophet and founder Mohammed being a pedophile.

I guess the power of the fatwa combined with PC can silence many tongues.
Agree, Calliope.

You are not allowed to talk, anything to do with PC is prohibited.
We have to write footnotes not to offend the chosen few.

Where are we heading with this rubbish?
You are not allowed to talk, anything to do with PC is prohibited.
We have to write footnotes not to offend the chosen few.

Where are we heading with this rubbish?

Tink, as a religious person, no doubt during your life people have tip toed around you being careful not to offend your religious beliefs.

I am all for speaking the truth, It just seems funny to me that a member of a religious group such as you, who are generally the first ones to cry offence and say they are offended is speaking out against political correctness, I guess in your mind political correctness should only exist when its your beliefs that are being respected and sheltered.

I think speaking out against problems in Islamic culture is perfectly fine, I have no problem at all with public discussions about cultural problems whether it be domestic violence in Islam or Aboriginal culture or any other culture.

There is a fine line though when discussions can turn from discussing facts to becoming xenophobic.
You don't think you are dividing a nation with PC?

Picking and choosing who you don't want to offend and who you do?

What are you doing now?
You don't think you are dividing a nation with PC?

Picking and choosing who you don't want to offend and who you do?

What are you doing now?
That seems a rather odd interpretation of what Value Connector said, Tink.
I expect people who believe in religions other than christianity also feel they are required to be self-censoring in what they say.

Could you perhaps outline what you think constitutes political correctness?
You don't think you are dividing a nation with PC?

Picking and choosing who you don't want to offend and who you do?

What are you doing now?

I don't care if you offend people with facts, You have no right to be offended by facts.

As I said, I don't mind public discussions, it is only when they turn to racism, sexism, xenophobia etc that I care.

eg, You can have a public discussion about immigration, but if the discussion starts having racist or xenophobic tones then it is not productive.

as I said its a fine line, it comes down to motives of those involved.
You don't think you are dividing a nation with PC?

Picking and choosing who you don't want to offend and who you do?

What are you doing now?

The Islamists make no bones about who they offend in Australia or kill all over the world. This is a list of Islamic Terror Attacks on Christians (Since 9/11)

And while they are plundering Christian schools and murdering and raping...if they can carry off innocent schoolgirls for their own sickening practices that is iceing on the cake.

Our media doesn't worrry too much about it unless it is a big story like Nigerian schoolgirls, but it is quickly forgotten. I suppose all these young girls are now second or third wives for rich Imams.

However it makes headlines if an Iranian is killed at Manus.
The Islamists make no bones about who they offend in Australia or kill all over the world. This is a list of Islamic Terror Attacks on Christians .

Is it terror attacks in general that bother you, or just against Christians?

Just for clarification, What is you position on religious matters, I think you said you were an atheist, But you seem to be very Christian leaning?
As I said its Faith in general that is evil, Faith in all it's brands should be rejected. If you think only islam creates violence and torture, think again.

torture in the name of Jesus.

Burning witches alive

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... what you think constitutes political correctness?

To me, PC is like fashion, in that it constitutes what passes as sane conversation around the water cooler.
And it changes from time to time for no apparent reason.

... you seem to be very Christian leaning?

I had a Catholic upbringing, so I find that I still have Christian values.
Becoming an Agnostic or Atheist does not require one to lose one's values.
I had a Catholic upbringing, so I find that I still have Christian values.
Becoming an Agnostic or Atheist does not require one to lose one's values.

Sorry Burglar, that was actually a direct question to Calliope,

But that's an interesting answer you gave, What do you see as being "Christian Values"?

To me a lot of Christianity's (and other religions) core teachings are immoral, and the ones that can be considered good are certainly not owned by Christians, they are common sense humanist values.
I had a Catholic upbringing, so I find that I still have Christian values.
Becoming an Agnostic or Atheist does not require one to lose one's values.

Burglar,I think most Atheists in Western Society were raised with Christian values. We didn't leave the church because we hated it, but we just grew out of it. However with militant Atheists I don't have a clue what they are on about.

VC can't understand why I prefer Christians to Islamists. Well consider 9/11 for starters.

Terrorists have struck the heart of America leaving thousands dead and freedoms we hold dear smouldering in the rubble.
VC can't understand why I prefer Christians to Islamists. Well consider 9/11 for starters.

So you prefer All Christians to all Islamists?

Here is the core of what I think,

You can't judge some one by what they say their religion is, Because all religions have extremists. Both Christianity and Islam have members who are nice, charitable, good members of society, and both have extremists who a absolute scum.

If you just say you hate all members of Islam, you are rejecting a lot of good people, and if you say you like Christianity in all it forms, you are embracing all of really bad things.

I personally will judge each person on their merits, you don't immediately gain or lose respect for being a certain religion in my eyes. You may lose my respect if I find out certain religious beliefs you hold, But simply knowing you are a "Christian" or a "Muslim" doesn't really tell me enough about you for me to make a judgement, So to see you giving one religion respect over another seems crazy to me.

All religions have immoral teachings, and you don't need their teachings to be good. If the religions have good people as members, they are not good because of the religion the are good despite it.
Here is the core of what I think,

I don't care what you think. I prefer Christians to Muslims. Why? - is none of your business, and my values are none of your business. I have previously told you why I will not respond to your posts, so don't bother making unwanted responses to mine.:headshake
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