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Religion IS crazy!

These Muslims are very moderate in small numbers but once they become a force as they have in the UK and Europe they begin to show some muscle.......Fortunately the flow into Australia has stopped and they are, in reality, a small percentage of the population.......They will not accept assimilation into the Australian way of life and continue to set up their own schools and mosques.......As far as I am concerned if they want to continue to practice Islam, then they should have stayed in their own countries........It is only far if they come to live in Australia, then they should live the Australian way of life.........
I’m currently reading a fascinating book called ‘The Family’, written by Mario Puzo, author of ‘The Godfather’.
The book is based on the infamous Borgia crime family of 15th and 16th century Rome, the central figure of which is Rodrigo Borgia who became Pope Alexander VI. As Pope he saw himself as a man of good character, a servant of God who administered God’s will through the Roman Catholic Church. But in reality he was something very different - a thief, murderer, adulterer, extortionist, trickster, tyrant – a despot of the worst order, an absolute piece of vermin.
So notorious were the Borgias that some historians consider them to be the first Mafia family. You can read about them here.
Or simply Google ‘Borgia crime family’.

We can only hope that the more recent popes are not as bad as this mongrel was. Nevertheless, I suspect that their image as holy men of impeccable character would be seriously challenged if we knew what really goes on behind the scenes in the Vatican.
ABC Compass program last night ran Part 1 of a shocking story about how a corrupt, paedophile Catholic priest founded The Legionaries of Christ which he ran for 60 years with the Vatican’s seal of approval. His objective appears to have been to con people out of their money so that he could feed his drug addiction, and con families out of their children so he could use them for his own sexual gratification.
Despite being well aware of the criminality of the priest concerned, the much revered Pope John Paul 2 described the Legion as a role model for the Catholic church.
Part 2 can be watched on Compass at 6.30pm next Saturday, June 29.
A trailer of last nights program can be accessed on this link.

The Legion – Part 1
22 June 6:30pm

The Legion – Part 1
How a corrupt, paedophile Catholic priest founded The Legionaries of Christ which he ran for 60 years with the Vatican’s seal of approval.
Episode 1 – Irish investigative reporter Mick Peelo examines how the Legion’s founder, Father Marcial Maciel, was allowed to to establish a congregation and recruit young men in late 1950s Ireland, even though he was under investigation by the Vatican for fraud, drug addiction and sodomy of young boys.

29 June 6:30pm

The Legion – Part 2

Episode 2 – Irish investigative reporter Mick Peelo reveals how five successive Popes publicly endorsed Fr Marcial Maciel, despite repeated warnings. Former Legion recruits believe it is a cult within the Catholic Church that cannot be fixed. But the Vatican and the Legion believe there is hope for its future.

Below is an extract from the Sydney Morning Herald.......I would say the situation is becoming serious and the government should prevent anymore Muslims entering Australia....If they don't, then we will be in the same situation as the UK and Europe.......we do not need these kind of immigrants.

It is important to stress most Muslims are peaceful. But it is also true that Muslim immigration has exposed Australians to a level of danger — including extraordinary gun crime in Western Sydney — that immigration from India, Europe and China has not.

Fact is: culture counts. Ties of blood and faith have too often proved stronger that the loyalty multicultural Australia weakly asks, particularly in communities which haven’t done well here.

I would have thought that the Howard government that was so xenophobic towards people like Mohammed Hanif and Cornelia Rau would have seen the danger of large scale Middle East immigration.

Howard got smashed when he talked about 'altering the racial mix' , which is probably why he backed off. It shows the level of influence the migrant lobby now has on politicians.

The Rudd/Gillard govts were too PC to acknowledge that problems were building up, but it seems that whenever there are calls to reduce immigration the racist cards get played.

Its going to need someone strong enough to stand up to the migrant lobby, but I don't think anyone in Canberra has the guts to do it.
Thanks Bunyip.

Anyone know if there is a repeat of last night's episode as I missed it?

Many thanks.

I agree. But who will put a stop to our disastrous immigration policy? Most politicians are too weak, and the opposing political party never misses a chance to make political mileage out of it if a government does have the courage to take the hard decisions necessary to look after the security of our country. The journalists are a big part of the problem, seemingly intent on tearing the government to pieces any time they make tough decisions that are in the best interests of our county.

And then we have the head in the sand idiots who come out in support of Muslims by saying something along the lines of ‘I’ve worked with Muslims, and most of them are decent people’.
Such positive sentiment, although it may be true, turns a blind eye to the fact that a radical minority is all that’s needed to cause mayhem.
Hitler and the Nazis were very much in the minority, and yet they were able to start a movement that terrorized their country and then pushed it into a catastrophic war that cost millions of lives.

At least I won’t be around when our country gets completely ruined by the Islamic wave.
i had to have a laugh when I was googling some info on an illusionist I like I found the bleow web site. Considering everyone knows it's "fake". It's fun to wonder how he does his illusions, but I doubt anyone considers him the messiah returned. Religions/Wicca & Witchcraft/criss_angel.htm

The Bible tells us that the Antichrist will deceive the masses by using power, signs and lying wonders. Manipulation of one's body, levitation, mind reading, bizarre behavior, the cross of Jesus in handcuffs... these are works of Satan! The Antichrist will appear as a beautiful man and woo the masses with his charisma. With power, signs and lying wonders, he will deceive the masses and the world will idolize him. John 8:44 calls Satan the father of all liars. The Antichrist will deceive the masses with LIES.
You are not alluding to a CERTAIN POLITICIAN BY ANY CHANCE ?

Sounds more like Bob Brown or Al Gore to me.

Does he have any background in treating mental health conditions?

His personal beliefs should not come into it.

I believe one of the biggest concerns relating to the Islam movement in Australia is not so much the present Muslim residence in Australia but the next generation who are being brain washed 5 times a day in Muslims schools.......These new kids are being indoctrinated into believing that if you happen to be a Christian or a Infidel, then you must be eliminated.

When these kids become teenagers they will be reminded of their teachings and if push comes to shove and they have the numbers, be very afraid.

Yes and I will be joining your club......I will not be around to see it happens.

It will either be Islamic or Communism.
Thanks Julia. I was hoping to watch it again but couldn’t find a link. Guess I just wasn’t looking in the right place!
Bunyip, I think all of the ABC TV programs are available after broadcast on iview.
If you just go to the ABC website, type in the name of the program you're looking for in the Search box, it will usually come up. Just click on the program and then access archives to find what you want.

Whatever they do they cannot say that they reject the Islamists presence. That would be racist. The council has no real grounds to oppose it.


Good on them, I agree with their stand.
Keeping our Christian heritage is important.
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