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Religion IS crazy!

Firstly I do not agree with any abuse, intults or treting homosexual people with negativitity.
Jesus did not teach that.
But he also didn't teach that we all have to agree. We can respectfully disagree without being homophobic.

If we ask the question of who should decide morality, there are many who conclude that Jesus did live, die and rise from the dead and is the Son of God.
If Jesus communicated that God intended relationships and family to be between a man and a woman then it is not homophobic to agree with Jesus' view.

It is ok to respectfully disagree on the issue. It doesn't mean someone is unenlightened or whatever because they hold to the view that marriage was intended by God between a man and a woman (and Jesus communicated this).

We simply differ in view and I don't insult you, or wish you any harm. I just disagree with your views as you disagree wit my Christian views. Complete respect on both sides.

Some think that Jesus was this passive hippy who just said love everyone.
He preached love, but he also preached that there is a narrow way and that judgement will come on those who choose to neglect what God has commanded.

I don't beleive any man can define morality. It's impossible. Simply opinion.
But Christ lived, died and rose from the dead and is well able to tell us what God considers moral or not.

Even in my disagreeing now, I respect you as a person and anyone who cuts me down for holding my view is an intolerant bigot. We can agree to disagree respectfully.
Firstly I do not agree with any abuse, intults or treting homosexual people with negativitity.
Jesus did not teach that.
But he also didn't teach that we all have to agree. We can respectfully disagree without being homophobic.

Yet that is how many religious fundamentalists behave.

I was recently reading a report about a 15 year old boy in the US who's family literally had left him to die from pneumonia and it was only due to his friend's mother coming over and taking him in that saved him. His father was yelling and screaming about how a fag was living in his home and he can’t believe the devil was in his presence.

It's that kind of religious nuttery that people like Pat Robertson pander too and in many cases create.

When people go around equating homosexuality and abortion as the devils work, surely that can be defined under Religion is Crazy, rather than brushed aside as a slow news day story?

Muslims in Malaysia call for Jihad on Cadbury and Mondelez after pig DNA found

Oh dear....

Another example of how individuals can misrepresent Christianity.

In a world of so many people there will always be a few idiots like this. Law of averages.

No doubt people can use religion as an excuse to abuse others and I understand that you guys hate that (as I do).
I can't imagine how much more you guys must hate ideologies like Hitler's, Stalin's and other communist regimes!!!!
Not good!
Another example of how individuals can misrepresent Christianity.

In a world of so many people there will always be a few idiots like this. Law of averages.

The problem is that in many cases, but perhaps not in this particular example, it is not a misrepresentation but an interpretation that is perhaps equally as valid. It may not correspond to your interpretation, but that doesn't mean it is not valid (for instance following the edicts of the Old Testament). Fortunately when it comes to Christianity, those who are on the extreme when it comes to interpretations that promote physical violence are in a very small minority, though a significant minority can contribute to psychological harm to others due to intolerance of others' sexual or gender orientation. These would be more than just a few idiots. However when it comes to Islam, we are certainly not talking about just a few idiots, but significant majorities of some populations that lack basic humanity because of the dogmas they believe in.

No doubt people can use religion as an excuse to abuse others and I understand that you guys hate that (as I do). I can't imagine how much more you guys must hate ideologies like Hitler's, Stalin's and other communist regimes!!!!
Not good!

Yep, I hate all dogmas, ideologies and regimes that cause pain, misery and suffering to people. Certainly top of the list politically would be North Korea and in relation to religious dogma those that promote Sharia law.
I don't buy into the whole interpretation thing. So many group use it as a cop out to do their own thing.

There isn't a whole lot of interpretation when Jesus summed up the commands in love God with all your heat and love your neighbor as yourself. Everything is to be done in love. Any time it isn't it is an inaccurate interpretation.

This doesn't mean we have to accept every view happily or all agree. It means that when we disagree we do it respectfully and still love the person themself even if we don't agree with their choices.
Any interpretation that contradicts this is a lack of care or willingness of the individual/group to take Jesus words as their own.

I'm not saying I'm perfect to understand and accurately interpret every philosophy or undertaking in life, however to miss this absolute fundamental - that Jesus points out black and white - is to seriously have done something wrong when coming up with your interpretation.
Man you guys love posting about stuff that you hate. A lot of it is very valid.

Posting about this just pollutes your mind and causes no positive affect in a practical sense.

Seriously your time is better spent filling your mind with positive stuff and coming up with ways to help those struggling. Much more beneficial.

This is why I don't watch media, read newspapers and I deleted my Facebook account.

Good for you.

Keep living under that rock and don't open the blinds to see what is happening outside in the real world....
Not living under a rock.
Filling my mind with positivity and impacting people's lives in a tangible way.
Any interpretation that contradicts this is a lack of care or willingness of the individual/group to take Jesus words as their own.

Another guy interpreting Jesus. See how dangerous it can be........

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Thank goodness we have the ABC ever vigilant in its quest to bring to light religious attrocities.

The interview with NSW police whistleblower Peter Fox on Lateline a couple of years ago was particularly good. In fact it even won a Walkley award for exposing the "catholic mafia".

Hopefully the ABC doesn't report on the subsequent inquiry that found, "there was no basis for Fox's assertions of collusion, concealment and lack of assistance. Fox himself became a zealot, obsessed with conspiracies who exaggerated his own importance and gave deliberately untruthful evidence to support his claims".

Anyway..........regardless of the findings of the inquiry, the main gist of Fox's argument is still the same, religious institutions are rampant with sexual perverts who callously have no regard for their victims. That's all that needs to be reported.

Just to be fair to the ABC, they did give quite some attention to the description of Peter Fox in that report by Judge Cuneen. From memory it was clearly and comprehensively covered in both their current affairs radio programs.

And, also to be fair to Peter Fox, had he not drawn so much attention to what he had seen happening (notwithstanding that he may have over-dramatised some of it), it's probably unlikely the enquiry or royal commission or whatever it was would ever have occurred, exposing some horrific abuse by not just the Catholic church but various other institutions.

So many defenceless children suffered hideously and many of them have never fully recovered from the cruelty shown to them when they so needed kindness and love.

From the above report.....

A septic tank was used to dump the bodies of almost 800 babies ......

It appears that the story, horrific enough as it is, may have been overblown some what. I'm not trying to defend in any way what was done, and those who read my posts know I don't hold back when it comes to exposing religion related scandals, but the original investigator who exposed this story claims some of the claims attributed to her by the media were not what she said.

Tuam mother and baby home: the trouble with the septic tank story

That sums up my point. It appears we can overlook lack of factual evidence, public vilification and outright deceit as long as the end justifies the means.

That sums up my point. It appears we can overlook lack of factual evidence, public vilification and outright deceit as long as the end justifies the means.

Duckman, are you saying you don't believe there was any need for any enquiry into physical, emotional and sexual abuse in Catholic run institutions, or other institutions?

It wasn't happening until Peter Fox and others insisted that much was being covered up.

The subsequent reports from the Royal Commission (have you read/heard even some of what these children endured?) are beyond belief.

I understand that Catholics - and Salvationists and various others - are feeling much shame and embarrassment.
It's about time. There was precious little shame or embarrassment demonstrated through all the years that little kids were suffering, just a transferring of the errant priest to a different area where he efficiently found new victims.
You have several children, Duckman. Can you imagine one of them, aged about 6 or 7, being repeatedly raped by a 'man of god' then, just for good measure, having bricks tied to his feet before being thrown naked into a swimming pool?

Just one of many similarly repugnant examples of what happened.
Interesting that the Catholic church comes under more scrutiny for more crimes committed than the CofE and Uniting church.

Surely the prohibition on priests marrying in the Catholic church has something to do with the predilection of their priests to find other outlets ?

Maybe this subject should come under serious review by the Vatican, as well as the issue of female priests which the Catholics have so far been unable to come to grips with.
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