Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Religion IS crazy!

Must I repeat myself?

It is truly amazing how opinionation obscures the evidence of one's own eyes!

Must i repeat myself,

Please give an example of his behaviour that goes against his written position of being an agnostic atheist.
As to your claims about having no devotion to Dawkins, you certainly could have fooled me! You've been actively defending him and his stance in your postings!

No, i have just tried to explain his stance, and tried to get you to give an example to back up your stance.
VC, you are wasting your time trying to argue with Pav or any other YEC for that matter. At least 3 times in the last week that has been explained to him. First time directly by me when I noted he put theory in quotes and subsequently I highlighted the fact that a Vatican theologian correctly knew its meaning when he addressed it in an interview with Richard Dawkins. It was also the theme of a post regarding how US Republicans misuse the word. It is obvious that he never reads the links we post (why would he need to when the bible provides him with everything he thinks one needs to know). To have him again say scientific theories are just theories in the sense used by lay people just shows how pointless any debate with him is.

I'm still waiting for him to address the issue of his God ordering the massacre of new borns and children as well as the rape of young girls. He conveniently ignored those issues in his post saying the victims deserved to be massacred by his God because they had plenty of time to repent but didn't.

His usual tactic is to ignore issues that are uncomfortable or to announce he is exiting the forum for a period.

Interesting. I do wonder whether there is an issue the science, which is more an effort to understand the world as it really is and really can never prove or disprove the existence of God and religious belief, exerts a large amount of its time attempting to be its own worst enemy as its tries to disprove its own theories. This is what controls are all about. Religious belief is different aspect in that it takes as an axiom that there is a God and does not attempt to disprove that. No real issue with that.

The problem which exists with biblical literalists is that the more we learn about science, particularly biology and geology, the less it agrees with the biblical account. This makes perfect sense when you consider the bible is a collection of religious stories produced by man at a time when we did know an awful lot about biology and geology, however it makes no sense if you believe the bible is the inerrant word of a supreme being. If you subscribe to this second view then your only option is to claim science has it completely wrong.
The CENTRE of Christianity started in the Middle East.
Then Rome.
South America
China (yes communist china)

Don't give me BS that it's all simply a matter of where you grow up. Often many ideas are held by children but many opportunities to be open to new thinking arise.

The spread of Christianity was not inhibited by cultural philosophies or geographic boundaries.

So don't make a bogus, lazy generalization.

My point is not at origins but rather that people are conditioned to a religion depending on geographic location, my point still stands that if you were born in Pakistan you would most likely be on here preaching your love for the Quran whilst praising the one true god Allah (ignoring the language barrier).
The religion of peace strikes again....

Islamic militants attack Nigerian school, killing dozens of students

FEBRUARY 25, 2014

DAMATURU, Nigeria - Islamic militants set fire to a locked dormitory at a school in northern Nigeria, then shot and slit the throats of students who tried to escape through windows during a pre-dawn attack Tuesday. At least 58 students were killed, including many who were burned alive.

They "slaughtered them like sheep" with machetes, and gunned down those who ran away, said one teacher, Adamu Garba.

Soldiers guarding a checkpoint near the coed government school were mysteriously withdrawn hours before it was targeted by the militants, said the spokesman for the governor of northeastern Yobe state.

Female students were spared in the attack, said the spokesman, Abdullahi Bego, though girls and women have been abducted in the past by militants of the Boko Haram movement, whose name means "Western education is forbidden."
And then there is children being accused as witches,:eek:
Tortured and beaten in the name of Jesus

if you can weigh something you know it exists, It's quite possible that you may not know what it is, but you know it exists. this is the case with dark matter.

They can weigh it, they can see how other objects are affected by it, but so far information is limited as to exactly what it is.

So yes they have evidence it exists.

Oh really?!!
They can weigh it can they?!!!
Then tell me your supreme omniscience!
Draw from your pool of incontestable wisdom!
What does a particle of dark matter actually weigh?
My garden is in dire need of fertilisation, so please impress me with your omniscience as I would not want my shrubbery to go wanting.

It may be news to you, but there happens to be a very big difference between supposition and evidence!

What you've described here is what I prefer to call "GUFF" ("Gravity's Unassailable Fudge Factor")!

Some planetary bodies have been observed to have exhibited behaviours contrary to scientific understanding.

Rather than accept that current observations are in conflict with contemporary physics (and also suggestive of a failure in sequences of repeated experiments) a new theory has been concocted to account the anomaly. An unknown mass has been hypothesized!

Even if one were to rely on the validity of our contemporary laws of gravity and motion, the presence of an unknown mass is only one of a variety of ways that such anomalous planetary behaviour may be theoretically accounted. Assertions that the anomalous behavior can only be accounted as "dark matter" are untrue and out of accord with the claims to openmindedness and objectivity that permeate this debate.

Those in disagreement with the aforesaid need only substitute the term "dark matter" with terms like "unknown force", "invisible gremlins", "GUFF" (or perhaps even "God") to see the inherent logical flaws in these premature assertions regarding the existence of "dark matter".

P.S. Please note that I am not disputing the theoretical possibility of "dark matter". It is a theory that I willingly entertain, but unlike pseudo scientists, I do not delude myself into automatically accepting unproven religious theories as fact, especially when the only evidence supporting said theories is contingent on the validity of other unproven theories!

See what I mean ?!!! Some acolytes of science are "superstitious" and invest belief in the "supernatural" just like religious folk!
What is it exactly that you get out of endlessly promoting your 'scientists are just as dumb and superstitious as religious folk' thesis? Not sure which side should be more offended by your repetetive line of rhetorical attack?