Even more intriguing is the prospect of Dennis Ryan coming face to face with Father John Day in heaven. I doubt if Dennis will feel anything but contempt for the piece of vermin called John Day, regardless of how forgiving God might be of Day’s atrocious crimes.Everyone on this forum should read 'Unholy Trinity', written by former Victorian police detective Dennis Ryan - the story of Ryan's decades long struggle to bring pedophile priest Father John Day to justice for his horrific crimes against children.
Dennis Ryan first came across Day after pulling over a car being driven by a known prostitute. In the back were two more known prostitutes, and a man naked from the waist down, his genitals showing, wearing a clerical collar, and as drunk as a monkey. Such was Ryan’s introduction to Father John Day.
In the end Dennis Ryan failed in his campaign to bring Day to justice, and the Catholic church destroyed Ryan for his efforts to do so.
If Father John Day repented of his sins before he died, and as a result has ended up in this place called Heaven, I doubt if I'd feel very comfortable being there and having to put up with Day's stench every day, no matter how favorably God looks on him.
Can you imagine the little kids that Day raped and abused, ending up in Heaven themselves, and coming face to face with Day. They'd feel like killing the mongrel!
‘Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven’.
So says the bible. But apart from little children being welcome in heaven, so apparently are pedophile priests, Mafia thugs, murderers and rapists – you name it - nobody is too evil to get through the pearly gates as long as he or she says sorry to God and asks for forgiveness.
What a ridiculous load of nonsense are so many of the teachings of Christianity.