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Recovery or Dead Cat Bounce?

oh dear - speak to some Hongkies about the 90's crash and how it affected property and lives as a whole. Truth is, no investment is completely safe. At the end of the day, isn't it really risk management and preservation of wealth?
Bre-x went from .25 to 286$ before they discovered there was no gold! The man they were going to make pay conveniently fell out of a helicopter. Imagine having 20k on that one!!!

Trading is money management and skewing the odds in your favour by smart entries and exits, so whilst it displays elements of gambling, its outcome is inherently different.
Whether this is a recovery or a dead cat bounce...who cares? Both can be extremely profitable, just trade the market.

Why don't we just call trading what it is, speculating. And the more you do it the more money you are going to lose.
I don't doubt that there are a small few who may make a couple lucky guesses but in the longer term do any of these people beat the index? Maybe short term but over 1, 3 or 5 years? As if. And I'm not talking Buffet or Sorro's, I'm talking the other 99.9999999% of the people out there. The people on the outside.

If anyone here can they would not be on this board they would be on there shiny boat with naked women or cabana boys drinking champs.


Gordon G,

If you can't make money trading, that's one thing. But your opinion is uninformed. I make a living trading. I do it every day. There are probably a couple dozen more full time traders here. I've been making money for years doing it. And I'm probably not even in the league of guys like Radge, Frank D, TH and more.

The myth of drinking champs and living on a boat is just that...a myth. Trading is a business. And full-time traders will live the way any business people do.
Trading is money management and skewing the odds in your favour by smart entries and exits, so whilst it displays elements of gambling, its outcome is inherently different.

inherently no..the outcome is unpredictable therefore its gambling...there's more to gambling
than mindlessly hitting a button on a pokie...same as there's more to share trading than buying
and hoping....that's why i like the stock market.

Whether this is a recovery or a dead cat bounce...who cares? Both can be extremely profitable, just trade the market.

Agreed..the markets having a run so go with it.

The great part about trading vs investing, is that if you do things right, positive expectancy and the miracle of compounding can in theory, work much faster than long term buy and hold. Therefore you can start with much smaller capital. Traders that are successful have come from smaller beginnings than many investors, in allot of cases.

You do not need to be right, only wrong for a shorter period of time than you are right.

When you realize this, you will realize how silly this statement can sound
Why don't we just call trading what it is, speculating. And the more you do it the more money you are going to lose.

I'm not even going to mention what "buy and hold" has done to the 401ks.

Check out Bunyip EA, its not all about being right Gecko.


then we are all chumps here why bother?

lol, no idea. You don't understand it so it's impossible

Maybe you should speak to guys like - FrankD, TH and Nick Radge just to name a few.

No disrespect I hope all here the best of luck. Like I said there are a small few who may make some short term gains or run it as a buisness etc but long term questionable. Sitting around a computer all day, married to every news clip? why bother.
And I don't doubt that allot of people have lost **** loads on there 401k or super. But for me I have been averaging in over the past 8 months or so, recently took out a margin loan for 25% and continue to average in every month or so. As the market corrects I will stop investing and pay off the loan until the next "crisis" when I will again invest while others choose to sell. In a sense I am speculating but with a more long term view, if that makes sense?

All the best of Luck

No disrespect I hope all here the best of luck. Like I said there are a small few who may make some short term gains or run it as a buisness etc but long term questionable. Sitting around a computer all day, married to every news clip? why bother.

Your ways the best and only way, i see.
Like I siad TH no disrespect.
My way is the best way for me as you approach is the best for you.
To be honest I'm a newbie.
Not trying to preach but pose an alternate view.
Hope to hell I'm right!

No disrespect I hope all here the best of luck. Like I said there are a small few who may make some short term gains or run it as a buisness etc but long term questionable. Sitting around a computer all day, married to every news clip? why bother.

Again, no idea.

I'm not sure traders like TH, FrankD and Nick would even pay anymore attention to the news then you do. As for sitting around a computer all day it's no different to a hundred other jobs out there - virtually any office worker. And some traders might actually only trade for a few hours a day .

Trading for a living is like running any other successful business - work, hard work.
I don't know what you traders think of the situation but all I see is that when bad news comes the market doesn't fall too much, yet on any good news the market rallies a lot. Not sure if that means we have hit THE bottom but we did hit a bottom at least.

That sore bottom got royally spanked overnight.

**MEOOWWW** - it lives!
As for sitting around a computer all day it's no different to a hundred other jobs out there - virtually any office worker.

Except I had 4 months holiday last year :bier:

As for this pussy cat. She will probably roll over after the open ah la gap fill, but what I would be looking at is we have a chance for some higher highs in a couple of the sub index charts and some of the big caps. AND some 150 points higher in the XAO/XJO.

If we can also get a higher low come late April/May it would be a BIG signal for those that like to look at pretty bars & squiggly lines.
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