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Racial abuse

Time to move on, no more monkey business.

I'd hate to be the commentator if Goodes kicks a banana ball

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Time to move on, no more monkey business.

I'd hate to be the commentator if Goodes kicks a banana ball
Haha nicely played.

What if Rex Hunt says that the crowd is going ape droppings?
Don't know about you lot but this is getting pretty old. Goodes "threatened" to not play next week - why didn't he just say, "I'm not playing this week". McGuire "offered" his resignation as Collingwood president - why didn't he simply resign. IMO if they were fair dinkum they both would have just done it. They both didn't, they just said what they had to say to try and make themselves look better.

Dicks, both. Man up and move on.
Yes agree with all posts,
I am starting to agree with you Miss Hale, I dont know why we have this indigenous round..

Yes, lets cancel the season, Melbourne isnt making it fun to watch lol

Yes, so much posturing. You have to wonder if any of these people are genuine. Did anyone else notice that Eddie used the 'turn on the tears' tactic in his morning radio show yesterday? If all else fails, start blubbering

Yes agree with all posts,
I am starting to agree with you Miss Hale, I dont know why we have this indigenous round..

Yes, lets cancel the season, Melbourne isnt making it fun to watch lol

Indigenous round is divisive and extremely patronising IMO. Most clubs sent their indigenous players in to do the coin toss for this round, tokenism at its finest. Former great of the game Barry Cable is not a fan of all these 'initiatives' that set apart the indigenous players from the rest of the players and neither am I.

"All the players in the AFL are the best and we don't need to put a wedge between them"
I am struggling to see how it is any different to the Anzac Day game, Queen’s birthday game or other such AFL events celebrating culturally significant events? As for being ‘divisive’, my understanding of Indigenous Round is that it is celebrating both the significant role indigenous players have had in shaping the game as well as the role the modern day AFL has in building a bridge between contemporary indigenous and ‘mainstream’ Australian society.

At the Sydney Olympics, much of the iconography was of ‘ancient’ aboriginal art. There were also many indigenous Australians in ‘traditional’ garb. I am sure no-one here was outraged by this. But when there is an attempt to celebrate the contribution made to the AFL by modern day indigenous Australians then there is an outcry?

The good thing about this painful and protracted affair is that racial vilification is being discussed in the open rather than just being swept under the carpet. I have certainly had the conversation with my children and explained to them why Adam Goodes felt vilified at being called an ‘ape’. They are growing up with many indigenous sports stars and no doubt will look back on some of these conversations with bewilderment.
I am struggling to see how it is any different to the Anzac Day game, Queen’s birthday game or other such AFL events celebrating culturally significant events?

FWIW I am opposed to all these 'themed' rounds. There is also a women's round and talk of having a gay round. To me what we should be celebrating, strange as it may seem, is football. Play the game and let us enjoy it without all this other irrelevant crap.

Ok, now that I can handle! I cannot wait for that first ball to be bounced this weekend as well. Footy should be one of life's simple pleasures.

In the Qld and NSW NRL we have an annual three game series known as State of Origin. For weeks beforehand the Media (especially in Qld) tries very hard to build up a spirit of parochialism, xenophobia and hatred between the rival supporters. It is similar to racial hatred. At this time of the year the constant barrage is inescapable.

All this nonsense is contrived and is based on nothing else but which side of the border you were born on. The whole thing is extremely juvenile. The players, and they are not too bright, enter into the spirit of things.

It is not so feted in NSW, but in Qld where we have an inferiority complex in regard to NSW, winning is essential. When we lose, the whole state goes into mourning.

Post of the week.

I like State of Origin because it's probably the best grade of rugby league in the world but the effort that goes into creating a rivalry between states that doesn't exist is stupid. People down here are fairly non-chalant about it, but in Qld you'd think they were fighting the Nazis.

I agree with Miss Hale about themed rounds. Why does everything/everyone feel the need to make a political statement about this or that? And when did sports competitions or players become the arbiters of good judgement?
If Goodes honestly felt ok with himself as an Aborigine, slights such as the one the girl threw at him would not fuss him (that's not to excuse her at all, he should have given her a good slap!). But Buddy obviously doesn't have this same issue, because when it happened (once) to him down in Tassie, he just shook his head and basically disregarded it. You can bet such abuse doesn't happen often to Buddy, simply because he is ok with himself.

Other people just react to what you believe about yourself. Have you noticed? If you walk into a restaurant like you're a billionaire, strangely all the staff fuss over you like you might bestow upon them some magical gift. Walk in like you're apologizing for your mere existence and you won't even get a table.

What Goodes is attempting to do is legislate that people treat him as an equal when he himself does not believe this. It can't possibly work. It's very obvious he feels inferior - the puffed out chest, the serious expression, and many other more subtle signs. It's no crime to feel inferior! I think a lot of people succumb to it at some point, and it's nearly impossible not to if you have had a hard childhood as he obviously did. But what he's doing is counterproductive in the extreme. He is disempowering himself; and since many young Aboriginies would look up to him, he is disempowering them also.
Very interesting to read your posts Calliope and McLovin on the NRL State of Origin matches. Down here in Victoria it is held up as the pinnacle of the NRL competition and that there is a massive rivalry that we should be envious of. We scrapped our Aussie Rules State of Origin games some time ago so we always feel a bit jealous that you still have it in the NRL. Maybe it's not something to be so jealous of after all, at least in terms of the manufactured rivalry!

And when did sports competitions or players become the arbiters of good judgement?

Another bugbear of mine. Sportsmen and women are always being told they are role models. Why should they be seen as role models? They just play sports and a very high level. I am in awe of the sporting prowess of many of them and derive great pleasure from seeing them ply their craft the same way as I do actors but I never look to them as a role model in moral terms or anything like that. We shouldn't encourage our children to do so either, appreciate them as athletes and leave it at that.
It's no crime to feel inferior! I think a lot of people succumb to it at some point,

That reminds me of the old joke.

This guy goes to a psychiatrist for treatment for his inferiority complex.

Doctor: I'm sorry I can't do anything for you.

Patient: Why not?

Doctor: Because you are inferior.
That reminds me of the old joke.

This guy goes to a psychiatrist for treatment for his inferiority complex.

Doctor: I'm sorry I can't do anything for you.

Patient: Why not?

Doctor: Because you are inferior.

LOL yeh exactly. So much truth in that.
It is not so feted in NSW, but in Qld where we have an inferiority complex in regard to NSW, winning is essential. When we lose, the whole state goes into mourning.

Um, minus at least one person. I couldn't care less who wins or loses.

Agree with Miss Hale's earlier remarks about Eddie McGuire's weeping. It might be in this case, Miss Hale, that the tears are quite genuine, given the almighty stuff up he has made exposing his astonishing hypocrisy for all to see.

I can't believe that this whole silly business is continuing to achieve such huge media coverage, while we have ASIO or DFAT or whichever is the relevant authority missing an international red alert for a terrorist who arrived here as an asylum seeker, plus the gross irresponsibility which seems to be sheeted home to TLS for inadequate management of asbestos.

Or, for those of us concerned about the cost of living for people on low incomes, the impact of a 22.5% increase now set to go ahead for Queensland electricity consumers, much of this assessed as to pay for the solar subsidies provided to the more well off.
"Shattered" and '"gutted" Adam Goodes is milking this one for all it's worth.

Meanwhile Eddie is to be brainwashed to remove any impure racial thoughts from his fat head.

Do you want to be a Millionaire

Ok Eddie -

This is for $50,000

Who played the leading roll in King Kong -

Naomi Watts
Jack Black
Adrien Brody
Adam Goodes
Michael Long in the Herald Sun today ... as another icon of the gamer, Mick Malthouse, said today we seem to find it hard to walk in another man's shoes.

PS: go Boomer Harvey this weekend for his 350th.

'Most disturbing is the view Goodes was being precious or thin-skinned; worst of all, that calling an indigenous person an "ape", or likening him to King Kong, wasn't racist.

Long wants everyone to try to understand.

"It goes back in history," he started.

"Go back in history and ask the people who were taken away from their families. Go back in history and Aboriginal people were shot and killed for sport.

"Go back in history and we weren't even citizens of Australia, we were part of the flora and fauna act. We weren't even seen as human beings. Go back in history and explain to my mum and dad, who were taken away as children because of the colour of their skin and who never saw their parents again.

"Go back in time and explain to my mum's mother how they died of a broken heart because decisions were made about race and discrimination.

"Go back in time when Nicky Winmar stood up.

"Go back in time and look at what happened, and what people had to fight for, and to be heard.

"Go back in time, and we're talking about the first Australians, the first people of this nation, who were discriminated against, yet this was their country. Why didn't we get it right in the beginning? Why couldn't we have bipartisanship?

"I want people to understand what we're trying to create with The Long Walk is ... what happened to education.

"By saying 'ape', where did that girl get it from? It came from somebody else, it had been passed down in their history."
"By saying 'ape', where did that girl get it from? It came from somebody else, it had been passed down in their history."

Kids call each other apes all the time. At least the ones I know. They are reading too much into it. The girl herself didn't think calling someone an ape was racist. Has anyone asked her if she new Goodes was aboriginal? The young girl had nothing to do with the sad story of aboriginal history, yet Long is insinuating that she is the product of generations of racism due to a word she uttered in a football match.
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