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Racial abuse

Bushman -you may as well piss into the wind.Most people on this forum do not get it.The post that took my fancy was the one that said Uncle Tom was OK,but Goodes was culpable.
That's a very thoughtful post Gringotts, I congratulate you on it.

Adam Goodes aside, too many people with hidden agendas are hitching a ride on the AFL, you know, the ribbon day crowd. The first thing they want to do is criticize the game and it's culture.

With NRL State of Origin, I agree with others that the pre-game promos are a real turnoff. It's like some subliminal programming must hate QLDers, you must hate QLDers... It's always best to wait until actual kick off, about 8:15pm or so, before switching on the tv.

And for the benefit of Channel 9, I don't and never will hate QLDers.

Wow. I never knew all that!!! Well that changes everything then [/sarcasm]

Seriously, you would have to have been under a rock not to be aware of all these things. It's pretty condescending to be continuously lectured by people about how 'ignorant' we are and how we need 'education' just because some of us don't believe that an indigenous round is the way to achieve equality

Long is spending so much time, 'Going back in time' he has lost sight of the future. Whatever happened in the past cannot be changed but you can change the future. At the end of the day it would have been better for Goodes to have said to himself, "I heard that girl call me an ape but it means nothing to me because I refuse to let someone else dictate who I am or how I feel, instead I'll just bang this kick through the goal posts because that is my reality not what some 13 year old over the fence says to me". And when I say better I mean better for him, not the rest of us (although of course that would have relieved us from the mind blowing stupidity that has been media circus of the past week, win win ).

Good luck to Harvey for his 350th too, a great player, hope the Roos can snag a win for him this week
I like Adam Goodes and think he has done no wrong.

However, I find these comments very much over the top.


this is perfect and how I feel about this issue. well said!
I like Adam Goodes and think he has done no wrong.

However, I find these comments very much over the top.

There's something wrong there, Goodes is either playing games or is just plain weak, whether you're black or white , bald , have a big nose or whatever you just cop it and adjust, his attitude s just cringeworthy
I like Adam Goodes and think he has done no wrong.

However, I find these comments very much over the top.

They talk to football players too much. I'll wager that most of them really don't want to talk a lot about this issue but they have to support Goodes so they just blurt out whatever they think the reporters want to hear, they rarely think through what they are saying. There expertise lies on the field not articulating their thought on subjects like this.

There was a classic case last year when Greene from Melbourne was asked about women's round. He rambled on a bit and then said he thought that the day would come when they have a member of the coaching staff from a female background Clearly he couldn't give a toss about women's round and was just trying to say something politically correct.

Today on the news we are told nobody has ever heard of the word used racially.

But we have lawyers, reporters and of course all the hangers on trying to talk it up.
Is there any wonder the boats are flooding in, we must be the dumbest country with the dumbest government.

African Think Tank chairman and Victorian Australian of the year in 2009 Dr Berhan Ahmed said the stubby was offensive and needed to be taken seriously. Picture: Darren McNamara Source: Herald Sun

The Offending Stubby holder. I want one.

Shock!!! horror!!!

Sergeants remain in their roles at Sunshine police station despite controversy over racist stubby holders
Don't know if anyone saw 4 Corners last night but it made me sick, the trafficking of pre teenage girls for sex by a large group of Pakistanis in the UK over many years.

The police had to go to extraordinary lengths to get convictions.

The arrogance of these pigs was incredible, they should all be executed and now.

Nothing to do with racial abuse but not sure where else this fitted, the show was traumatising to some extent.

I'm not a racist but some races have subhuman content more than others I'm starting to believe.
I think it's about time we woke up to the obvious and tackled the race issue head on.

I don't mean race vilification but allowing wholesale immigration of anybody because it's politically correct.

It's obvious some people have completely different standards and lifestyles to us.

Why should we tolerate Muslims for instance who dictate that they will take the country over ?

Not all Muslims of course but there are plenty of militant ones out there that we know about and nothing is done ....

Why aren't people who are against our ways simply deported ?
Here's a bit of discrimination, unfortunately it isn't about colour or religion, not even about ethnic background.
Just the fact the person is deaf, easier to ignore them and find a hearing person, no doubt they will be a better juror.

At least Goodes was doing what he enjoyed and being paid for it. He gets all affronted because someone calls him something he isn't(an ape). Rightly so.
This person fronts up to do their duty and gets told to "pizz of your deaf, no use to us". lol who is the one being vilified. Shame they weren't a footy player.
Here's a bit of discrimination, unfortunately it isn't about colour or religion, not even about ethnic background.
Just the fact the person is deaf, easier to ignore them and find a hearing person, no doubt they will be a better juror.

It's not discrimination. It's just common sense.
Racism rules in Indonesia.

Without a doubt Goodes is one of AFL greatest players and I would have liked to have remembered him as such as years go by but this BS puts him in the princess basket.

Maybe it was the voice of a young girl calling out that hurt but surely over the years he would have copped a bit of **** on and off the field. Supporters as well as players try to put the opposition off their game.

Fat heifer, skinny runt or an ape.
Unless a particular colour is mentioned how is it racist?

Eddie copped it as well stirring the pot.... mentioning a job vacancy in a musical with Goods as a good candidate.
( Good to see Eddie squirm tho)
Had Goodes not made a fuss about it wouldn't have been brought up by anyone.
How many of us black or white copped a name or two thru our life.

The Footy and NRL shows thrive on this stuff just as medias sensationalism on it.

Goodes should have been more professional, ignored the comment and continued being one of the AFL great football players.
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