Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

RAC - Race Oncology

Could not see my comment re December entry so here I go again.

Since posting my December selection I have read an item that may indicate the news I was expecting this month may not be ready for posting until possibly January. I still feel there will be a build up in December.

Following a recently completed 2 year investigation with Monash University it looks like RAC will be patenting the results of a range of other unique discoveries found in the investigation. There will probably not be time to bring these new discoveries to trials before the company or its principal product (Bisantrine) is sold in about 4 or 5 years time but they will add a lot of extra value to RAC.

Anything to do with this -

Race Submits Human Ethics Application Package for RC220
Phase 1 Solid Tumour Trial
  • Human ethics regulatory package submitted for Race’s Phase 1 trial in solid tumour patients using RC220 bisantrene, with up to 10 additional sites to follow
  • Will study RC220 in combination with doxorubicin in adult cancer patients
  • First patient recruitment is expected to occur in Q1 2025.
Anything to do with this -

Race Submits Human Ethics Application Package for RC220
Phase 1 Solid Tumour Trial
  • Human ethics regulatory package submitted for Race’s Phase 1 trial in solid tumour patients using RC220 bisantrene, with up to 10 additional sites to follow
  • Will study RC220 in combination with doxorubicin in adult cancer patients
  • First patient recruitment is expected to occur in Q1 2025.
Yes. This Application should now be approved this month and it will be all systems go. Bisantrene has previously received safety approvals so dosage rates with the new easier RC220 method should not take long to present positive results.
RAC could be holding back their Half Year Report in expectation of receiving Ethics Application Approval tomorrow with them hoping to make an announcement tomorrow or before trading on Monday.

My understanding is that Bisantrine has already been proven to work however a problem was that when administered it would tend to crystalise before reaching the heart and organs it was to protect. With the new RC220 formula and method of delivery it would now take about 30 seconds before it will crystalise. With RC220 it takes only 10 seconds for Bisantrine to reach its target.

December 2024 Quarterly Activity Report & Appendix 4C

Share price being hit while waiting for for an ethics approval and waiting for Medical Journal publication.