Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

PRS - Prospech Limited

Plenty of NdPrO2 enrichment in the Stockpile assays .... 31% pretty much found everywhere! :cool:

Bodes well if the upcoming drill results follow suit. PRS is flying under the radar in my humble (and obviously biased ;)) opinion. (Holding)

Bodes well if the upcoming drill results follow suit. PRS is flying under the radar in my humble (and obviously biased ;)) opinion. (Holding)

Assays are in the lab and pending. Lots of stuff going on with the recent grant money.

Tightly held so not much stock available at these levels. .038-.043 levels have thrown up a little Volume in the past. Good assay results should see that easily surpassed you'd think. SP currently 0.036

.038-.043 levels have thrown up a little Volume in the past. Good assay results should see that easily surpassed you'd think. SP currently 0.036

AR3 (rare earths) got a nice bounce on solid news today ... PRS Announce their latest drilling which backs up the historical drill assays .... and the market went wild .... not :speechless:

Not sure what it will take to get this moving, but recent results certainly look promising.

Not sure what it will take to get this moving, but recent results certainly look promising.

Ground hog day with this little battler ....... Given the quality of the results they keep pumping out, I'm happy to stay seated and watch the paint dry for a while yet. :bookworm:

Under $10M market cap .... Currently doing a small cap raise ~ $2M ...... Very illiquid.

The boss Jason Beckton is a straight shooter and a good operator. They have effectively snagged about $16M worth of drilling results for the cost of the assays only ... smart work!

I expect the initial resource estimate to be equally as impressive as the assay results. If the market wakes up, the current SP should look pretty silly.:wacky:

Yesterdays Announcement:

If the market wakes up, the current SP should look pretty silly.:wacky:

My Monthly Comp pick, so the mandatory post to justify my choice, lol ......

I've dabbled in "dodgy" Specs for a long time now and have made some good moolah and lost some good moolah.

This little battler has the potential to make you wealthy ... or break your heart! (currently I am looking for a discounted de-fib machine!) :happy:

PRS: Great REE resource results achieved at a massive discount to normal, but the market has not cottoned on as yet. (IMO)

Recent Cap Raise may be the catalyst with Canacord taking up the Shortfall Shares + a 5% Fee .... plus a 2% stake in the soon to be outdated PRSOA Options.

This current circumstance could either crucify or amplify PRS ...

Why? ... Because Canacord will firstly NOT want to lose cash on their Shortfall Shares ...

And with a stake in the PRSOA Options (at essentially no cost), they have the opportunity to trade the Stock up and put the Options back in the money. (and thereby make a lot of Moolah for themselves)

Essentially, this should be a walk in the park, because the Stock is so illiquid, $20K invested on market could see it jump 30% overnight

The million dollar question is ... Will Canacord "push" the SP as I expect?

I have punted accordingly and will wear it either way but given the potential of what looks a substantial REE resource, Id say my punt is justified.

Baked beans or t-bone steak ... That is the question.:bookworm::happy:
Bit of a shortfall on the Rights Issue ... kind of expected. Hopefully Canacord can rustle up a corner stone Investor from the shadows to take up the slack and get things moving.:geek:

PRS is my monthly pick again for Feb. Market is not real interested in minnow REE projects at the moment, but the worm will turn at some point.

SP at near 3 year lows but they now have a promising Project at Korsnas .......

discl. I hold and am accumulating so my enthusiasm may be biased :shame:


NEODYMIUM prices look to be bottoming also.
I'm sorry to inform you Barney "The EARTH is Not Flat"

Do you really think those whose orders were not filled at the 2 previous lows are still waiting in the Queue? LOL!
Good Luck Anyway
FWIW Barney She Broke her Easterly Trend last week

Sailing the PRS--------One WEEK at a Time------&----------------One DAY at a Time-----------------------&--------15 MINUTES at a Time-
More excellent recent assay results including some Heavy R/E enrichment to boost the potential value.

I'm a bit biased but the current share price is starting to look a fair bit under the odds. (Holding)

Another batch of decent results. Not quite as thick as last assays but still tidy. Resource is expanding steadily. Still waiting for the Market to get interested though. :sleep:

Metallurgical data in the next few weeks ... Hopefully that might spark some interest.

Another batch of decent results. Not quite as thick as last assays but still tidy. Resource is expanding steadily. Still waiting for the Market to get interested though.
just noticed a few listed oppies, about to expire in under 2 months. ... not much Interest, so there'll be a need to raise some replacement cash, I guess. (assuming the breakout good news doesn't come b4)

just noticed a few listed oppies, about to expire in under 2 months. ... not much Interest, so there'll be a need to raise some replacement cash, I guess. (assuming the breakout good news doesn't come b4)
Yeah I own a lot of Options unfortunately DF. Currently looks like I'll be doing my dough unless they can pull a rabbit out of the hat .... It will need to be a pretty big rabbit too!