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Protest! Protest! Protest! 19th against 1st

Evil is most times just among us, unfortunately.

The more with which it is engaged, tolerated or humoured, the more insidious it's effects.

It is difficult to ignore, even "on ignore". I ignore it.

And look at you now ... A big grownup teaching "pirate" to new recruits

Well !

You obviously don't read what I just wrote/posted.

To the contrary Garps, I read exactly what you wrote. I treated it as a personal beef which I totally respect your opinion to have, but I didnt feel it was my place to get involved with.

Had you not written it however, I would likely have never read Frugals humorous Pirate imitations ... At this point in my life, Pirate imitations are of far more value than angst/annoyance, of which I have far too much of

Genuine apologies (if required) for my slightly off topic/flippant post to what was obviously a serious post on your behalf .. not intended I can assure you. Cheers M8.
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