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Monday 12th Dec "Late" (Tough day at the "Office")
Code | Time | Name | Heading |
AHN | 8:34am | ATHENA RES | Response to ASX Price Query |
ANO | 11:23am | ADVZINCTEK | Sales Momentum Likely to Continue into FY24 |
ANZ | 6:22pm | ANZ BANK | SUN:Suncorp Bank - ANZ ACCC Merger Authorisation Application |
AOF | 2:44pm | AU OFFICE | Sale of 2 Eden Park Drive Macquarie Park |
AOF | 2:39pm | AU OFFICE | Dividend/Distribution - AOF |
ARE | 12:57pm | ARGONAUT | Withdrawal of Orpheus Minerals Limited IPO |
ARO | 10:13am | ASTRO RES | Market Update |
ARO | 10:08am | ASTRO RES | IOCG-style mineralisation intersected at Georgina Project |
ARV | 8:30am | ARTEMIS | Paterson Central - Mineralised Breccias Encountered |
AUB | 8:22am | AUB GROUP | FY23 Underlying Net Profit After Tax Guidance, H1 & H2 Split |
AWV | 9:24am | ANOVAMETAL | Successful $9M Placement to Accelerate Exploration |
BVR | 1:33pm | BELLAVISTA | Reinstatement to Official Quotation |
BVR | 1:33pm | BELLAVISTA | Initial results confirm potential for large Zn-Cu discovery |
BVR | 1:33pm | BELLAVISTA | Response to ASX Query Letter |
BWP | 2:35pm | BWP TRUST | December 2022 Distribution Estimate |
BYI | 7:17pm | BEYOND INT | Scheme Meeting results |
BYI | 4:09pm | BEYOND INT | Scheme Meeting - Chairs address and presentation |
CAZ | 9:25am | CAZALY RES | Surface Sampling Completed on Large Namibian Lithium Target |
CHZ | 9:57am | CHESSER | Scoping Study and Resource Update at Diamba Sud |
CLA | 8:49am | CELRES | Updated Mineral Resource for Celsius' MCB CopperGold Project |
COE | 8:26am | COOPER | Government Gas Announcements |
CPM | 9:22am | COOPERMET | King Solomon prospect intersects more significant Cu-Au |
CPV | 9:15am | CLEARVUE | ClearVue confirms c.$812,000 R&D Tax Credit |
CSE | 7:03pm | COPSTRIKE | Suspension from Quotation |
CTP | 9:27am | CENT PETRL | First Tranche of Loan Facility Expansion Unconditional |
CZR | 9:29am | COZIRONRES | Robe Mesa Resource Continues to Grow |
DKM | 9:00am | DUKETON | Duketon Project Increases to over 100k tonnes of Nickel in R |
DOU | 11:00am | DOUUGH | Douugh secures growth funding to accelerate its AU rollout |
DOW | 9:58am | DOWNER EDI | Response to ASX Query |
DW8 | 9:50am | DW8LIMITED | Trading Halt |
EEG | 8:46am | EMPIRE ENE | New Gas Fields Not Subject to Price Cap |
EIG | 12:08pm | EINVST INC | EIGA Final Distribution November |
ERM | 8:23am | EMMERSON | Bonanza Gold from an emerging new ore zone at TC |
EWC | 3:34pm | ENERGY WLD | Notice of Extension of Entitlement Offer |
EYE | 8:25am | NOVA EYE | Status of MArket Clearance for iTrack Advance in the USA |
FG1 | 9:41am | FLYNNGOLD | Outstanding 12.3m@16.8g/t Au Intersection at Trafalgar |
FGL | 9:52am | FRUGLGROUP | Trading Halt |
FOD | 5:47pm | FOOD REV | Trading Halt |
GAL | 8:33am | GALILEO | High Grade Nickel Sulphide From Callisto |
GCY | 9:18am | GASCOYNE | New Results Confirm Scale & Significance of Never Never |
GEN | 9:49am | GENMIN | Trading Halt |
GMD | 9:47am | GEN MINS | SBM: Creating a leading Australian gold house |
GMD | 9:47am | GEN MINS | SBM: Merger of St Barbara and Genesis to form Hoover House |
GMD | 9:34am | GEN MINS | Trading Halt |
GRR | 9:15am | GRANGE | Grange Re-acquires Interest in Southdown Magnetite Project |
GRV | 10:13am | GREENVALE | ARO: Market Update |
GRV | 10:08am | GREENVALE | ARO:IOCG-style mineralisation intersected atGeorgina Project |
GTR | 8:23am | GTI RES | New Roll Front Trends Identified at Teebo & Odin |
HFR | 10:12am | HIGHFIELD | Successful Equity Raising of A$13 million |
HHR | 8:24am | HARTSHEAD | Operational Update & UK 33rd Offshore Licensing Round |
HMG | 8:25am | HAMELIN | New High-Grade Gold Discovery in the West Tanami |
HMX | 8:23am | HAMMER | Drilling at Pearl Intersects Board Copper Sulphide System |
HRN | 9:31am | HORIZONGLD | Diamond drilling returns 15m @ 28.5g/t Au from Kingfisher |
ICS | 1:47pm | ICSGLOBAL | Bidder's Statement |
IMR | 10:02am | IMRICOR | US$5 Million Convertible Note and Business Update |
IND | 8:23am | INDUSTRIAL | Exploration Activities Update |
IVR | 9:08am | INVESTIGAT | Trading Halt |
IXR | 9:17am | IONICRARE | Belfast Facility Update |
JAY | 9:42am | JAYRIDE | New $1 Million Credit Line Facility |
JHX | 10:35am | J HARDIE | Notification of buy-back - JHX |
K2F | 8:23am | K2FLYTD | Anglo American Engages K2F for Resource Governance Solution |
KCC | 11:39am | KINCORACOP | Kincora raises $2.4 million to advance drilling |
KPG | 9:07am | KELLYPRTNR | Dec 22 Monthly Dividend for the 2023 Financial Year |
LLI | 8:28am | LOYALLITH | Lithium Operational Update - James Bay Quebec, Canada |
LSX | 9:55am | LION SELCT | Lion to acquire 5.1% of PhosCo to move to 19.9% |
LV1 | 8:41am | LIVEVLIM | LV1 Trading Update |
LYN | 8:54am | LYCAON | Geophysical Review Upgrades West Arunta Niobium-REE Targets |
MAT | 9:28am | MATSA RES | Settlement Update on Devon Gold Project JV - Linden Gold |
MCT | 9:55am | METALICITY | Outcome of Challenge to Nex Metals AGM and EGM |
MDX | 6:18pm | MINDAX | Mt Forrest JV Management Restructured |
MEI | 10:01am | METEORIC | Suspension from Quotation |
MFD | 5:53pm | MAYFIELD | Receipt of Competing Proposal |
MFD | 9:50am | MAYFIELD | Trading Halt |
MKR | 10:27am | MANUKARES | Presentation to inveestors |
MKR | 10:26am | MANUKARES | Successful Completion of $4.1million placement |
MM8 | 9:35am | MED METALS | NIS: Strong DHEM Targets Defined At Javelin |
MOV | 7:31am | MOVE LOGIS | Move Appoints Craig Evans as New CEO |
MRQ | 9:08am | MRG METALS | MRG HMS - Very High Mineralogy Magonde Target |
MTB | 12:15pm | MT BURGESS | Nxuu Deposit V2O5 Germanium Gallium expand mineralisation |
MZZ | 8:22am | MATADOR | Matador Announces Assays from Malachite Prospecting Program |
NIS | 9:35am | NICKELSRCH | Strong DHEM Targets Defined At Javelin |
NME | 9:55am | NEX METALS | MCT: Outcome of Challenge to Nex Metals AGM and EGM |
NMR | 9:25am | NATIVE MIN | Results at Maneater Hill confirm large breccia system |
NTO | 8:54am | NITRO SOFT | Nitro's First Supplementary Target's Statement |
NTO | 8:54am | NITRO SOFT | Revised Alludo Transaction |
NUH | 9:35am | NUHEARA | Nuheara Expands US Retail Footprint |
NWC | 10:03am | NEWWORLDR | $8 Million Placement to further expand the Antler Project |
PAA | 9:12am | PHARMAUST | PharmAust Receives R&D Tax Incentive Refund |
PAR | 10:07am | PARA BIO | PAR Receives Allowance for Key US Patent |
PHO | 9:55am | PHOSCO | LSX: Lion to acquire 5.1% of PhosCo to move to 19.9% |
PLL | 10:41am | PIEDMONT | SYA: Final Permit Awarded for NAL Restart |
PLY | 9:49am | PLAYSIDE | Netflix joins forces with Dumb Ways to Die |
POS | 9:16am | POSEIDON | Drilling underway at Black Swan |
PR1 | 8:23am | PURERESOUR | Pure Appoints Highly Regarded Quebec Lithium Specialist |
PUR | 9:58am | PURSUITMIN | Trading Halt |
PV1 | 9:59am | PROVARIS | World first Design Approval for compressed hydrogen carrier |
PVT | 10:00am | PVTMETALS | Horden Lake financing completed with $4.3M raised |
QUE | 8:15pm | QUESTE | Monthly Cash Flow Report - November 2022 |
QXR | 9:27am | QXRESOURCE | Drilling commences on new lithium project at Turner River |
RIO | 8:20am | RIO TINTO | Acquisition of TRQ receives shareholder support |
RML | 8:44am | RESOLMIN | Encouraging Gold Assays from Tourmaline Ridge |
ROO | 9:53am | ROOTS | Entitlement Issue - Extension to Closing Date |
RRR | 9:08am | REVOLVER | Revolver Reveals Maiden Copper Mineral Resource at Dianne |
SBM | 9:47am | ST.BARBARA | Creating a leading Australian gold house |
SBM | 9:47am | ST.BARBARA | Merger of St Barbara and Genesis to form Hoover House |
SBM | 9:37am | ST.BARBARA | Trading Halt |
SKF | 8:31am | SKYFII | Skyfii secures over US$2 million in Airport Contracts |
SMX | 10:13am | S-MATTERS | Suspension |
SMX | 10:01am | S-MATTERS | Pause in trading |
SP8 | 10:09am | STREAMPLAY | Streamplay completes acquisition of Pacific VAS business |
SPA | 9:31am | SPACETALK | Extension of Rights Issue Closing Date |
SUM | 8:29am | SUMMIT | Summit commences drilling at the Stallion REE Project |
SUN | 6:22pm | SUNCORP | Suncorp Bank - ANZ ACCC Merger Authorisation Application |
SYA | 10:41am | SAYONA | Final Permit Awarded for NAL Restart |
TIE | 8:34am | TIETTO | APG Heap Leach Scoping Study Delivers 10yr 850koz Operation |
TKL | 8:24am | TRAKA RES | Additional REE targets identified at Mt Cattlin |
TMB | 12:35pm | TAMBOURAH | Ni-Cu-PGE Exploration at Julimar Nth |
TMB | 9:48am | TAMBOURAH | Pause in Trading |
TOR | 8:25am | TORQUE MET | Significant Rare Earth Potential Discovered at Bullfinch |
TRE | 8:28am | TOUBANI | Toubani Resources Commences Drill Program |
TYR | 8:21am | TYRO PAY | Tyro concludes current change of control discussions |
UCM | 10:37am | USCOM | Uscom China Recognised as Innovative SMEs by Beijing DRC |
URF | 9:54am | US RESPROP | Fund Update |
VSR | 10:02am | VOLTAIC | Pegmatite Occurrences Confirmed at Ti Tree |
VVA | 9:52am | VIVALEISUR | Market Update Presentation - November 2022 Trading |
VVA | 9:50am | VIVALEISUR | Market Update Announcement - November 2022 Trading |
WA1 | 9:31am | WA1 RES | West Arunta Project - Commencement of Geophysical Surveys |
WC1 | 8:01pm | WESTCOBAR | Drilling Commenced to Expand Salazar REE Resource - Amended |
WEC | 5:29pm | WHITE ENER | White Energy acquires Fiddlers Creek Mining Company |
ZIP | 7:25pm | ZIPCOLTD | Zip Announces Proposed Liability Management Exercise |