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Post Close Thursday 14th October
Code | Time | Name | Heading | abc | Code | Time |
AVJ | 3:42pm | AVJ | AGM 2021 - Chairman & Managing Director Addresses | *** | 1AD | 8:24am |
PWN | 3:42pm | PARKWAY | NNTT Determination Expedited Procedure Applies to KLPP ELs | *** | A3D | 11:19am |
JDR | 3:02pm | JADAR RES | Jadar to Acquire Copper Project in World Class Precinct | *** | A3D | 11:18am |
DGL | 2:47pm | DGL GROUP | Expansion into Automotive Industry - Acquisition of AUSblue | *** | A4N | 9:46am |
PGD | 2:18pm | PEREGOLD | High Grade Gold and Silver Identified at Birdsnest - Revised | *** | AAR | 1:29pm |
NZO | 2:12pm | NZ OIL&GAS | Kupe Compression Project Successfully Complete | *** | ABY | 8:49am |
QHL | 1:44pm | QUICKSTEP | Proposed Consolidation | *** | ADT | 8:19am |
RHP | 1:31pm | RHIPE LTD | Scheme of Arrangement is Legally Effective | *** | AFR | 8:20am |
AAR | 1:29pm | ANGLO | RRS Boom in a Room Investor Presentation | *** | AGE | 9:53am |
BMN | 1:12pm | BANNERMAN | Quarterly Activities Report | *** | ANG | 9:17am |
BMN | 1:12pm | BANNERMAN | Appendix 5B Cash Flow Report | *** | AOU | 8:20am |
EGY | 12:59pm | ENERGYTECH | EGY Rights Issue Results | *** | AS2 | 8:22am |
ZNO | 12:49pm | ZOONOGROUP | Quarterly Activities/Appendix 4C Cash Flow Report | *** | ATX | 10:31am |
SWP | 12:42pm | SWOOPHLTD | Investor Presentation | *** | AV1 | 8:21am |
SWP | 12:42pm | SWOOPHLTD | Swoop to Raise $41 million via Fully Underwritten Placement | *** | AVJ | 3:42pm |
TEG | 12:36pm | TRIANGLE | Binding Offtake Agreement Signed with BP Singapore | *** | AVL | 9:39am |
PGY | 12:36pm | PILOT | Binding Offtake Agreement Signed with BP Singapore | *** | AXE | 10:14am |
GFL | 12:17pm | GBL MASTER | Shareholders' Quarterly Report - September 2021 | *** | BAS | 9:59am |
LPE | 12:15pm | LPEHOLDING | Investor Update September 2021 Quarter Trading | *** | BCN | 9:48am |
RNE | 11:48am | RENUENERGY | First Tranche Investment in Enosi Completes | *** | BEZ | 9:47am |
UCM | 11:22am | USCOM | Uscom 2021 AGM Presentation | *** | BGD | 8:27am |
A3D | 11:19am | AURORALABS | Quarterly Activities Report | *** | BGD | 8:23am |
A3D | 11:18am | AURORALABS | Appendix 4C Cashflow Report | *** | BGL | 8:24am |
CHR | 11:16am | CHARGER | Reinstatement to Official Quotation | *** | BGT | 9:55am |
CHR | 11:16am | CHARGER | SkyTEM Survey confirms prospective nickel-copper-PGE targets | *** | BMN | 1:12pm |
CHZ | 10:54am | CHESSER | Quarterly Report - Period Ending 30 September 2021 | *** | BMN | 1:12pm |
MTB | 10:53am | MT BURGESS | Drilling Programme Nxuu Polymetallic Deposit Botswana | *** | BNZ | 9:52am |
INF | 10:49am | INF LITHI | Underground Mine and Processing Scoping Study Presentation | *** | BUY | 9:28am |
PRM | 10:47am | PROMINENCE | BOWSPRIT-1 RIG ONSITE AND RIGGED UP | *** | CG1 | 9:38am |
CXM | 10:37am | CENTREX | Ardmore Phosphate Project - Extension Fee Update | *** | CG1 | 9:36am |
ATX | 10:31am | AMPLIA | Amplia Receives $1.1m R&D Tax Incentive | *** | CHR | 11:16am |
ORI | 10:22am | ORICA | Net Zero Ambition by 2050 | *** | CHR | 11:16am |
CHR | 10:21am | CHARGER | Suspension from Official Quotation | *** | CHR | 10:21am |
AXE | 10:14am | ARCHER MAT | Early-stage validation of qubit robustness | *** | CHZ | 10:54am |
MIO | 10:14am | MACARTHURM | Seed Placement Completed | *** | CKF | 8:19am |
VTI | 10:08am | VISIONTECH | Appendix 4C and Business Activity Report - Sep-21 Qtr | *** | COG | 10:02am |
NTI | 10:05am | NEUROTECH | Response to ASX Query Letter | *** | COG | 9:12am |
NTI | 10:05am | NEUROTECH | Provisional Patent Lodgements | *** | CUE | 7:31am |
SGQ | 10:03am | ST GEORGE | Diamond Drilling Underway at Mt Alexander | *** | CXM | 10:37am |
COG | 10:02am | CONOPERGRP | Acquisitions and Capital Raising Presentation | *** | DGL | 2:47pm |
RLC | 10:01am | REEDYLC | RLC extends lithium brine targets in Nevada | *** | DNK | 9:28am |
KLL | 10:00am | KALIUMLAKE | Successful Completion Of A$50M Capital Raising | *** | DOU | 8:19am |
BAS | 9:59am | BASS OIL | Onshore Indonesian Oil Operations Update - September 2021 | *** | DRE | 8:19am |
BGT | 9:55am | BIOGENETEC | Successful Allowance of New United States Patent | *** | DRR | 8:23am |
AGE | 9:53am | Completion of Placement and Loyalty Option Update | *** | DTM | 8:53am | |
BNZ | 9:52am | BENZMINING | Lithium Pegmatite at Ruby Hill West | *** | DXN | 9:45am |
S32 | 9:51am | SOUTH32 | SOUTH32 TO ACQUIRE A 45% INTEREST IN THE SIERRA GORDA COPPER | *** | E79 | 9:02am |
BCN | 9:48am | BEACON MIN | Jaurdi Gold Project September Production Update | *** | EGY | 12:59pm |
BEZ | 9:47am | BESRAGOLD | Drilling to Extend Pejiru Gold Resource to Commence | *** | ENR | 8:21am |
SMN | 9:47am | STRUCT MON | Notice of Requisition for EGM | *** | ERM | 9:14am |
G88 | 9:47am | MILE | Ground EM underway at Yarrambee Copper-Zinc-Nickel Project | *** | EXR | 8:24am |
A4N | 9:46am | ALPHA HPA | HPA First Project Update | *** | G88 | 9:47am |
KWR | 9:46am | KINGWEST | Kingwest raises $4m to Accelerate Goongarrie Exploration | *** | GFL | 12:17pm |
DXN | 9:45am | DXNLIMITED | DXN Signs Third Contract with SUB.CO for $2.5 million | *** | GIB | 9:37am |
PGO | 9:44am | PACGOLD | Presentation - Unlocking an Entire Gold Corridor | *** | GMD | 8:36am |
LER | 9:43am | LEAF RESO | Stump Trial Update | *** | GRV | 9:35am |
OAR | 9:41am | OAR RES | Investor Webinar Presentation | *** | GTR | 9:33am |
AVL | 9:39am | AUSTVANAD | Electromagnetic Conductors at Coates Project | *** | HCW | 8:23am |
CG1 | 9:38am | CARBONXT | September 2021 Quarterly Activities Report | *** | HMD | 9:26am |
SNG | 9:37am | SIRENGOLD | New 3km Long Target Discovered at Lyell | *** | HMX | 8:17am |
GIB | 9:37am | GIBBRIVER | STK: High Grade Zinc-Led Discovery in Earaheedy Basin | *** | HMY | 8:01am |
STK | 9:37am | STRICKLAND | High Grade Zinc-Led Discovery in Earaheedy Basin | *** | HTG | 8:22am |
CG1 | 9:36am | CARBONXT | Appendix 4C | *** | HUB | 8:23am |
GRV | 9:35am | GREENVALE | Investor Conference Presentation | *** | ICG | 8:18am |
SUD | 9:33am | SUDA | GM presentation | *** | ICL | 9:20am |
GTR | 9:33am | GTI RES | Uranium Exploration Fieldwork Scheduled For Utah Project | *** | INF | 10:49am |
SNS | 9:33am | SENSEN | SenSen Wins Federal Agency Contract to Deliver AI Solutions | *** | INF | 8:24am |
WSR | 9:32am | WESTAR RES | Commencement of Airborne AEM Survey at Opaline Well | *** | JDR | 3:02pm |
KNB | 9:30am | KOONENBERR | Koonenberry Gold extends gold anomalies | *** | KCN | 8:23am |
SWP | 9:30am | SWOOPHLTD | Trading Halt | *** | KGD | 8:22am |
BUY | 9:28am | BOUNTY OIL | Suspension from Official Quotation | *** | KIN | 8:18am |
DNK | 9:28am | DANAKALI | Colluli SOP Price Update | *** | KLL | 10:00am |
RD1 | 9:27am | REG DIRECT | Quarterly Activities Report and Appendix 4C | *** | KNB | 9:30am |
HMD | 9:26am | HERAMED | Trading Halt | *** | KWR | 9:46am |
PGD | 9:26am | PEREGOLD | High Grade Gold and Silver Identified at Birdsnest Prospect | *** | LER | 9:43am |
OEL | 9:25am | OTTOENERGY | Otto to participate in two onshore Gulf Coast wells | *** | LOM | 8:21am |
RIE | 9:25am | RIEDEL RES | Riedel drilling on schedule at Kingman Gold Project | *** | LOT | 8:21am |
PRO | 9:23am | PROPHECY | Prophecy Releases Updated Investor Presentation | *** | LPE | 12:15pm |
NOX | 9:23am | NOXOPHARM | September 2021 Quarterly Activities Report and Appendix 4C | *** | MIO | 10:14am |
TOR | 9:23am | TORQUE MET | Trading Halt | *** | MTB | 10:53am |
RDT | 9:21am | RED DIRT | XRD Analysis Confirms Spodumene Dominant Pegmatite | *** | MTR | 8:16am |
VMS | 9:21am | VENTUREMIN | Mt Lindsay Sn-W Underground Mine Feasibility Study started | *** | NKL | 9:14am |
ICL | 9:20am | ICENIGOLD | 4km Long Gold Target at East Well | *** | NMR | 9:03am |
VUL | 9:20am | VULCAN E | Trading Halt | *** | NOX | 9:23am |
POD | 9:19am | PODIUM | Trading Halt | *** | NTI | 10:05am |
ODY | 9:18am | ODYSSEYGL | Excellent Drill Results Extend Mineralisation 400m at Cable | *** | NTI | 10:05am |
ANG | 9:17am | AUSTIN ENG | Austin partnership boosts Americas offering | *** | NWL | 8:35am |
ERM | 9:14am | EMMERSON | Drilling of high-grade gold & copper targets underway at TC | *** | NZO | 2:12pm |
NKL | 9:14am | NICKELXLTD | Sulphides at Fire Dragon and Silver Dragon Nickel Targets | *** | NZO | 7:31am |
COG | 9:12am | CONOPERGRP | Trading Halt | *** | OAR | 9:41am |
PCG | 9:09am | PENGANA | Monthly Funds Under Management - 30 September 2021 | *** | ODY | 9:18am |
NMR | 9:03am | NATIVE MIN | New tenements granted in WA Exploration on Ni and Cu targets | *** | OEL | 9:25am |
E79 | 9:02am | E79GOLD | New High-Priority Exploration Targets | *** | OGA | 8:20am |
ORR | 8:59am | ORECORP | September 2021 Quarterly Reports | *** | ORI | 10:22am |
WMG | 8:56am | WESTERNLTD | Maiden Drilling Intersects High-Grade Gold at Rock of Ages | *** | ORR | 8:59am |
SVY | 8:56am | STAVELYMIN | Major New Regional Exploration Initiative | *** | PCG | 9:09am |
DTM | 8:53am | DARTMIN | Trading Halt | *** | PGD | 2:18pm |
ABY | 8:49am | ADOREBEAUT | Business Update | *** | PGD | 9:26am |
WGB | 8:48am | WAMGLOBAL | TGG: Calculation of Scrip Consideration & Cash Consideration | *** | PGO | 9:44am |
TGG | 8:48am | TEMPLETON | Calculation of Scrip Consideration and Cash Consideration | *** | PGY | 12:36pm |
GMD | 8:36am | GEN MINS | Outstanding Results Confirm Strong Potential at Ulysses | *** | POD | 9:19am |
NWL | 8:35am | NETWEALTH | September 2021 Quarterly Business Update | *** | PRM | 10:47am |
RBL | 8:33am | REDBUBBLE | Trading Update | *** | PRO | 9:23am |
BGD | 8:27am | BARTONGOLD | Quarterly Cashflow Report | *** | PRU | 8:18am |
WHC | 8:27am | WHITEHAVEN | September 2021 Quarterly Report | *** | PWN | 3:42pm |
EXR | 8:24am | ELIXIR NRG | Hydrogen Project Progresses | *** | QHL | 1:44pm |
INF | 8:24am | INF LITHI | Integrated Underground Scoping Study - San Jose Project | *** | RBL | 8:33am |
1AD | 8:24am | ADALTA | Quarterly Appendix 4C and Activities Report | *** | RD1 | 9:27am |
BGL | 8:24am | BELLEVUE | Strong grade control drilling at Bellevue Project | *** | RDT | 9:21am |
HCW | 8:23am | HLTHCOREIT | HealthCo Trading and Strategy Update | *** | RHP | 1:31pm |
HUB | 8:23am | HUB24LTD | HUB24 Q1 FY22 Market Update | *** | RHT | 8:22am |
KCN | 8:23am | KINGSGATE | Binding Agreement signed for the sale of Nueva Esperanza | *** | RIE | 9:25am |
BGD | 8:23am | BARTONGOLD | Quarterly Activities Report | *** | RLC | 10:01am |
DRR | 8:23am | DETERRA RE | Corporate Presentation | *** | RNE | 11:48am |
RRR | 8:22am | REVOLVER | Dianne Project Field Work and Resource Definition Underway | *** | RRR | 8:22am |
HTG | 8:22am | HARVESTTG | HTG signs reseller agreement with Speedcast | *** | S32 | 9:51am |
KGD | 8:22am | KULA | Investor Presentation 6 Month Schedule of Drilling | *** | SFR | 8:19am |
RHT | 8:22am | RESONANCE | Sales & Marketing Update | *** | SGQ | 10:03am |
AS2 | 8:22am | ASKARI MET | Outstanding Gold Mineralisation Intersected at Burracoppin | *** | SHH | 8:17am |
ENR | 8:21am | ENCOUNTER | BHP and Encounter Expand Copper Partnership in the NT | *** | SMN | 9:47am |
AV1 | 8:21am | ADVERITAS | TrafficGuard Integrates with Google Cloud Marketplace | *** | SNG | 9:37am |
LOT | 8:21am | LOTUSRES | Lotus acquire 6 million lb uranium project in Malawi | *** | SNS | 9:33am |
LOM | 8:21am | LUCAPA | Upgrade to Lucapa Full Year CY2021 Guidance | *** | STK | 9:37am |
OGA | 8:20am | OCEANGROWN | Ocean Grown Abalone to Rebrand as Rare Foods Australia | *** | SVY | 8:56am |
AFR | 8:20am | AFRICAN EN | 300MW Power Station Tender | *** | SWP | 12:42pm |
DOU | 8:19am | DOUUGH | Douugh partners with Zero Hash to launch Crypto offering | *** | SWP | 12:42pm |
CKF | 8:19am | COLLINS FD | Collins Foods To Expand With Acquisition in the Netherlands | *** | SWP | 9:30am |
DRE | 8:19am | DREDNOUGHT | Mangaroon Project Exploration Update & Further Consolidation | *** | TEG | 12:36pm |
SFR | 8:19am | SANDFIRE | Sandfire announces sale of its investment in Adriatic Metals | *** | TGG | 8:48am |
ADT | 8:19am | ADRIATIC | SFR: Sandfire announces sale of its inv.in Adriatic Metals | *** | TOR | 9:23am |
KIN | 8:18am | KIN MINING | Kin Presentation at RRS Conference in Perth | *** | UCM | 11:22am |
ICG | 8:18am | INCA MINLS | Inca Minerals Corporate Presentation | *** | VMS | 9:21am |
PRU | 8:18am | PERSEUS | Positive exploration results at Perseus's Yaoure Mine | *** | VTI | 10:08am |
HMX | 8:17am | HAMMER | High Grade Copper Intersected at Lakeview | *** | VUL | 9:20am |
SHH | 8:17am | SHREE MIN | NBR DSO Project Permitting Advances | *** | WGB | 8:48am |
MTR | 8:16am | METALTIGER | Kalahari Metals Drilling Update | *** | WHC | 8:27am |
HMY | 8:01am | HARMONEY | HMY delivers record September quarter | *** | WMG | 8:56am |
NZO | 7:31am | NZ OIL&GAS | Progress Report | *** | WSR | 9:32am |
CUE | 7:31am | CUE | NZO: Progress Report | *** | ZNO | 12:49pm |