Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Predictions for Copenhagen

Predictions for Copenhagen - Dec 2009 ?

  • a) serious and meaningful targets to reduce CO2e for 2050 - by say 80% of 1990

    Votes: 2 10.0%
  • b) serious attempt to start the reduction process - say 50% of 1990

    Votes: 2 10.0%
  • c) targets seriously tempered by the financial crisis - but (at least) stall CO2e at 1990 levels

    Votes: 3 15.0%
  • d) the selfish gene of some developed countries seriously limits the effectiveness of the convention

    Votes: 6 30.0%
  • e) the selfish gene of the developing countries seriously limits the effectiveness of the convention

    Votes: 3 15.0%
  • f) other

    Votes: 4 20.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
You are wrong again. Julia was suggesting you check before you send. Not after.:D
and Calliope , you're right again.

Still the moving pen writes, and having writ moves on, and , once the timer has gone past 20 minutes or whatever, you have no option but to sort it out later in another post.

whatever. Enjoy your pedantries-within-pedantries.
I'm sticking with my earlier forecast for Copenhagen, made months ago......

I'm going out on a limb here for my "Predictions for Copenhagen" in December..

Cold and wet.

With rain and top temps of 6 and 4 degrees predicted for Wednesday and Thursday, it is very apt for a global warming talkfest. Sorry that should be climate change, apparently they lost the warming bit.

An extract from "Business Spectator" re Copenhagen:

Weather-wise, Copenhagen is not an accommodating place for a “warmist”, as climate sceptics like to call most of the delegates. For a start it’s cold – it was a maximum of 6 degrees Celsius today and one wonders whether having a conference in a bleak, overheated, drought riven city – Adelaide, for instance – might have got the point across a little more clearly. And the statistics don’t help. Since a late November peak of 12 degrees, Copenhagen’s daily maximum’s have obstinately fallen, despite the country emitting an extra 2 million tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere over that time. Proof, coolists could argue, that Copenhagen might be like one of those parties where the guest of honour – in this case global warming – failed to show. Or, maybe it’s winter. But if you cut a graph short enough, it’s possible to tell any story.