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Popping Festering Cankers

Ah no, not the incarnated Elemental Minerals ELM.

What do you reckon DF ... Can Brad Sampson get this off the ground? Couple of big Potash deposits in their wheel barrow for a minnow Spec to hold I've put it under my pillow for a few months to let it fester properly.
BRN up another 20% on a day where everything else is a bloodbath.
Yeah, I juggled struggled wrangled with BRN or BLG for the Sep Stock Tipping comp and more fool me for not dipping the toes in a couple of months ago too. Seems like a no brainer now but BRN didn't get the nod unlike the market giving it several, lol.
Cankers? I'll give you cankers!

Pump ...... Dump Or Jump?

Sometimes these Volume spikes are just a flash in the Spec pan and never seen again.

Other times, many weeks down the track, we look back and wonder why we didnt pay more attention to the unusual gyrations.

They do have a drilling programme booked for mid next month

Maybe someone is getting set early

Hmm. Big expectations for the drill I suspect.

It'd have to be someone on the inside surely?
Hmm. Big expectations for the drill I suspect.

It'd have to be someone on the inside surely?

The prospect was a working mine back in 2012 i think. Open pit at fairly tidy grades. Might have some meat in it if they hit something deeper down.
Showing some potential.
CAD, Caeneus Minerals.

"Caeneus CEO Rob Mosig commented “the placement completed by the Company last week has provided an
excellent treasury to conduct meaningful exploration on our Mallina Province Projects.
It is with great excitement
that we can now fast-track activities at our Roberts Hill project
which immediately abuts the De Grey Mining Limited tenements containing their exciting Hemi and Shaggy deposits.

We look forward with much confidence to interpret
the latest low level magnetic data as a prelude to the aircore drilling we expect to start later this year.”

A 10 year chart...
now Mr Musk has come out with a "must try harder" report card, spare a thought for the RFX and its battery technology; a true Beta compared to the Li-ion VHS battery.

whichever way it is viewed, Redflow and its performance has not done well. Capital has been chewed up, targets missed, sales evaporated, yet RFX continues to exist
Yeah I wouldn't go near that with a bargepole.

Tesla popped significantly after-hours, and then dropped again.
Yeah the only time I ever do that is when it's a different country, e.g amazon vs alibaba.

I didn't touch nkla (thank god) but bought nio for example.
Dead cat bounce I suspect.
I'd be selling today if I held.
someone with a bit of money thinks otherwise. It will be interesting if they return tomorrow, late action suggests that may the case.. otherwise the morning price action would have pieced that chancre.

(and, coincidence that Musk and battery hype has essentially formed its own festering excrescence?)
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