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Political Stunts

8 May 2009
I’m sure we all can regal tales of political stunts and the jokes they are. It was a conversation I had with some friends over the weekend. I happened to make comment about a political stunt I saw on the news during the week when I was interstate and watching some bad commercial TV news in the hotel.

While there might have been ‘other’ reasons for the trip, it was reported that John Brumby (Premier of Vic) had cancelled part of his tour to India due to a DFAT warning about some trouble. I thought to myself ‘sounds sensible’, however the story went on to say he would continue the rest of his trip to India to reassure the India government and people that Victoria was not a racist place, and that he was there to apologise for the ‘attacks’ on a few Indians in recent times.

Now, is it just me, or is this the most ridiculous thing you have every heard of? I don’t know the full figures on attacks on Indians in Vic, or Australia yet I didn’t think it was at epidemic levels where tax payer money was now needed to fund pollies jollies around the world to make ‘apologises’ for things that take place in ‘our’ community.

Does this now set the precedent that for every single person from another nationality who is ‘attacked’ will see any of our Premiers flying off for heart felt apologies and to reassure those countries Australia is a safe and great place? I'm sure the spin doctors think this sounds like a great idea, yet what a waste of tax payer money, and a waste of time.

So … what other little stunts do you have to share?
My understanding of this visit is that it is to try to assure prospective Indian students that they are safe in Victoria.There is obviously quite a bit of income to be gained from students wanting to study in Victoria (and in Australia)
My understanding of this visit is that it is to try to assure prospective Indian students that they are safe in Victoria.There is obviously quite a bit of income to be gained from students wanting to study in Victoria (and in Australia)

I don’t doubt for a min that the almighty $ is at the heart of the issue. Yet this is a waste of our money! It's a stunt. There are some 180+ countries in the world, many of which we (Australia) get a lot more money from – esp. students, and I don’t see any ‘reassuring’ trips to these/those countries.

I don’t see any of this sort of silliness being applied when others are attacked. Not only is this a waste of money, yet it’s the obvious farce and deception for the ‘trip’ that I object to.

Its all a stunt, we can see it, they must know we know it’s a stunt, yet we are all treated with a level of contempt that boarders on idiocy.
All I'll say is, the attacks are being made by those associated with a religion not perhaps considered mainstream Australia, with an historic beef against Hindus / Indians going way back further than our country. But it is so politically incorrect to point out who this is, no one is pointing it out, and I'm not going to either. Rest assured the media won't either.

And therefore the assumption is it is a bunch of white rednecks doing these attacks, which it most certainly isn't.
Given how lucrative overseas education is to Australia, I'm not too surprised Mr Brumby was overcome by the need to 'apologise' to the Indian government for these clearly racist attacks.

When he returns home, he might perhaps devote some of his attention to sorting out some of the corruption in this whole area of providing education to overseas students, including the obvious racism.

Wow ... I have no idea what conspiracy theory this relates to and I have no idea what you are talking about! However, thanks, I think

I completely agree with you Julia, and while I wouldn’t for a moment condone any of these or other attacks, whether racist or just 'general' attacks I just don’t think the 10's of thousands of $'s is a worthwhile expenditure of tax payers money.

On a more general note: I started this thread to expose some of the more silly and blatant self serving stunts pollies do, not so much to expand and discuss the stunts - in so far as it doesn’t detract from the thread. I guess any stunt in itself could have its own thread
Turnbabble is a stunt gone seriously wrong - Costello would be much better but he reckons the Libs don't rate till two more election cycles so he's off. Bring back the big bad bomber brown bronnie bishop lah.

The Vic Labor Premier trip was ill conceived, every man and his dog has already traveled to India to reassure them but no action on the ground.
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