Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Political party desperation

Re: Labour party desparation

YOk I should have said political parties... Whatever. The labor party happeneddd to be the ones that called me. In all seroiusnees it could have been "Give me an empty can" party that called.



no argument from any of us there -
why not ask the mods to change the thread ;)

PS I thought you 'd meant to say 'd-separation" of the Labour party ;)
Re: Labour party desparation

Well whiskers, would you like to have a polite conversation in proper English? because I daresay my pronounciation and knowledge of English vocabulary far out weighs yours!!!

Hi Flying Fish.

Your pronounciation and knowledge of English vocabulary may very well far out weigh mine. English has never been one of my strong points. :p:

But one of my strong points is not 'umming', 'arring' 'you knowing', and swearing when trying to make a case, in fact anytime at all.

It's just one of my pet hates. I just find it really really irrating when people talk with so many grunts and groans and strange words mixed in sentences and in your case swearing. Oh, the worst of all is if they are puffing a filthy cigarette in my face as well. :mad:

I'm not a prude or trying to pick a fight, Just pointing out that your presentation is counter productive to the message you are trying to get across. :)
It's not just political parties that make annoying phone calls. Actually, they are not the worst since at least they're concentrated at election time.

One day at work I was doing a very "team" type task where if one person messes up, everyone must stop until it's put right. This was spread over about a 1.5km distance and we were using mobile phones to keep in contact. Suffice to say that the call from someone trying to sign me up for some sort of loyalty card was NOT appreciated. I very nearly tossed the phone into the water 30 metres below.

But at least that one had a real live human on the other end. Last year I had a call from an AFL club looking for members. A constant blast of outright rubbish spewed forth as soon as I answered the call. That was about 20 seconds before a live radio broadcast so again not too happy.

Politicians are the least of my worries. If someone starts believing them, then I'll worry...