Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

PLS - Pilbara Minerals

Purely from the point of view of contrary finger hygiene, perhaps some thought should be given to donating some kopeks to the chancellory of chance as PLS has not been this low since July/August 2021.

A weekly 5 yr chart with RSI, the latter being rather useless in this situation. One needs a dart or coin.


I’ve just had a deja vu, I seem to have been here before. I must look back at June 2022.

PLS Pilbara Minerals No 4 pick for the yearly Comp.
A roughie that started to show promise but at the moment is running only on 3 wheels as the fourth has fallen off.
Happy to have PLS in as No 4 though, When the turnaround does come it may zoom upward and return a decent profit.