Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Please Help Me - I have a disorder called Bias

GumpyLearner, do you have bias towards dope due to something you have read or an event that you have experienced. Just curious.


No I have a bias against dope.

This is based on seeing others doing nothing with their lives. Like dropping out of University, not wanting to go to work, cleaning up the aftermath of rave parties (I consider ecstatic substances dope too!!) etc...

Also interesting to consider the origin of the word

1807, Amer.Eng., "sauce, gravy," from Du. doop "thick dipping sauce." Extension to "drug" is 1889, from practice of smoking semi-liquid opium preparation. Meaning "foolish, stupid person" is older (1851) and may have a sense of "thick-headed." Sense of "inside information" (1901) may come from knowing before the race which horse had been drugged to influence performance. Related: Doped; doping. Dope-fiend is attested from 1896.

So if you smoke weed, that's what you are or will become. A Dope!
Bias is important. It is how you decide what to do in any given situation. More important, however, is basing your bias upon concrete evidence, verifiable fact and sound and logical reasoning as opposed to the aforementioned unsound principles principally: emotion, impulse or misinformation.
Long live bias and so forth.
Yep, I agree with Riddick, though wonder if I'm somehow missing your point, Satan?

"Bias" seems like a term with negative connotations, but objectively, without bias of some sort aren't you going to be some sort of willo the wisp with no opinion or defined view?

I'd have said that bias means an uninformed view that's not based on objective reasoning. Surely that's not what you're feeling you suffer from?

It's an interesting topic. Could you be a bit more specific about where you see the problem to be and how it affects you?

And to those contributing to this thread who are clearly talented therapists, maybe remember to adjust your fee to allow for commission paid to Joe for advertising on his website.:):)
DMA CFD's Weird. Good brokerage. Most stocks available for shorting except penny stocks.

When you are doing 10 trades a day, brokerage is very important.

As for smoking, I neither for or against but do believe that a lot of people have unsubstantiated bias towards. There is that word again.

The real issue in society is prescription drugs, alcohol and gutless officials willing to take the necessary actions to provide a happy and rewarding world to live in free of bias.

DMA CFD's Weird. Good brokerage. Most stocks available for shorting except penny stocks.

When you are doing 10 trades a day, brokerage is very important.

As for smoking, I neither for or against but do believe that a lot of people have unsubstantiated bias towards. There is that word again.

The real issue in society is prescription drugs, alcohol and gutless officials willing to take the necessary actions to provide a happy and rewarding world to live in free of bias.


Read mr. satanoperca. Just read! Drop the substances and read!! That's the only objective advice I can give you. :)
.......... ummmmmm nearly had it......

Nope. Sorry i still cant respond in a mature and serious manner to the matter at hand.

I did try.

have a good day :kiffer:
Thanks to those that responded in a mature and responsible matter concerning this pressing issue.

We will just have to see how WOW, WES, CBA and MQG fair tomorrow.


Your'e welcome Satan, and of course alcohol should be consumed in a sensible and responsible manner and the amphetimines and other substance should be avoided.

Weird I should clarify, I'm short on all those stocks. How long I will hold those positions is dependant upon the current market conditions day by day. This is no trending market, one must make decisions quickly, wisely and without bias. Just the facts.

Currently biased towards the XAO being in the red tomorrow as DJ Futs -49, but this can change.


Given that the djia has fallen 247 points and the Nasdaq is down 60 (as at 7:30am with half an hour to go) your bias seems to be in the correct direction. I will be surprised if your shorts are not further in the money by the end of todays trade.
Satan, what bias are you referring to buddy?

I see two main types of bias, one good and one bad. Exact terminology of the two I have no idea, but here's two examples.

The Patriotic American
I like yanks, don't get me wrong. But as I have witnessed on a number of other forums, the patriotic bias can be extremely detrimental.

Billy is the hardcore Texan. He loves his country and would bend over backwards for it. He also trades FX. His patriotism has placed a set of blinkers on his noggin and he can't do anything but long the dollar. Even when it's in a raging bear trend. He just loves his country sooo damn much that he thinks it will bounce back at any moment, for they, the United States of America are the most powerful country in the world. So he longs and longs and longs. Soon enough, his capital is gone and has to go back to his slave job.

The Prudent Investor
Wally researches a stock until his fingers are clicked to the bone and his head hurts from the weeks of constant reading. He's performed some serious extensive technical and fundamental analysis on the stock and all conclusions are pointing to a potential downward move. Johnny has determined his potential R:R and knows exactly where to exit if he was wrong. He then realises that the herd and the experts on Bloomberg are quite bullish. This has him questioning his hard work and resultant "bias".

The question is Satan, what sort of bias do you have? First or second? If it's the first, then you do need to do something about it (exactly what I have no idea, sorry). If it's the second, forget about it. As long as you know where to get out if you're wrong, you're laughen mate.