I was just wondering if someone could help me out with this situation:
Basically I've noticed that when the DOW goes up our stocks go up. So with this in mind I've placed a (pretend) limit order now (because I can't place an 'at market' order now as the market is closed, correct?). I've purchased 65 shares of BHP at limit order at $31 as that is when it closed and is the price at the moment.
http://asx.com.au/asx/markets/PriceResults.jsp?method=get&template=F1001&ASXCodes=bhp )
Now let's assume my prediction is correct and bhp goes up for the day (therefore will open higher when the market opens) will my $31 limit order be processed, given that is what the price is now, if the market is going to open higher the next day? Or will my limit order be skipped?